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Marketing Analyst Career Guide

What is a marketing analyst?

A marketing analyst looks at data to help a business understand what customers want and how well its marketing works. They guide marketing strategies by analyzing customer behavior and making smart suggestions for future campaigns. Their goal is to help companies sell more, keep customers happy, and get a better return on their marketing investments.

Duties and responsibilities

Marketing analysts start by gathering and studying market data. They look at things like who the customers are, what they buy, and what the competition is doing. Using techniques like statistical analysis, they figure out what’s working in marketing and what’s not, then share these insights with their team or bosses.

They’re not just about numbers; they also design surveys and other ways to collect new data. Keeping an eye on marketing trends and predicting future ones are part of the job. They must understand the market well to give good advice on marketing strategies.

Work environment

Marketing analysts typically work in an office, often as part of a marketing team. They need to be good at juggling different projects and managing their time. Working well with others, like the sales or development teams, is a must.

Typical work hours

Most marketing analysts work a standard 40-hour week, Monday to Friday. Sometimes, like when launching a new product or prepping for a big marketing push, they might need to work extra. Some places might offer flexible hours or the option to work from home.

How to become a marketing analyst

To become a marketing analyst, follow this guide. Remember, each step is a building block toward your goal.

Step 1: Get a bachelor’s degree

Start by earning a degree in marketing, business, statistics, or economics. These subjects teach you about business basics and how to work with data.

Step 2: Gain experience

After graduation, get a job related to marketing or business. This experience is crucial for understanding real-world business and marketing.

Step 3: Develop key skills

Sharpen skills like data analysis, critical thinking, and clear communication. Know your way around important tools like Excel, Google Analytics, and CRM software.

Step 4: Consider a master’s degree (optional)

Some go for a master’s in business or marketing. It’s not a must, but it can help you stand out.

Step 5: Get certified

Certifications like the Professional Researcher Certification or Certified Market Research Analyst can make your resume shine.

Step 6: Stay in the know

Keep up with the latest in marketing. Read industry publications, join webinars, and stay active in professional groups.

Step 7: Apply for jobs

With your education, skills, and certifications in hand, start applying for marketing analyst positions. Tailor your resume and cover letter to each job, and prep for interviews by thinking of examples from your past work that show off your skills.

How much do marketing analysts make?

Marketing analyst salaries will vary by experience, industry, education, location, and organization size. Those with advanced digital analytics, consumer behavior insight, and search engine marketing skills may command higher pay.

Highest paying industries

  • Securities and Commodity Contracts: $85,000
  • Computer and Peripheral Equipment Manufacturing: $82,000
  • Software Publishers: $80,000
  • Management of Companies and Enterprises: $78,000
  • Pharmaceutical and Medicine Manufacturing: $75,000

Highest paying states

  • California: $90,000
  • New York: $87,000
  • Massachusetts: $85,000
  • New Jersey: $83,000
  • Washington: $81,000

Browse marketing analyst salary data by market

Types of marketing analysts

If you’re interested in a marketing analyst career, here are some paths you might consider. Each type focuses on a different aspect of marketing and requires unique skills.

  • Digital marketing analyst: Digital marketing analysts track and understand how people behave online, using tools like Google Analytics to see what’s happening on websites and social media. Their goal? Boost online sales and engagement.
  • Customer insights analyst: If you’re curious about why customers buy what they do, this could be your path. These analysts dive deep into customer data to uncover trends and preferences. 
  • Market research analyst: These analysts are the detectives of consumer demand. They figure out what people want to buy by studying market data. 
  • Pricing analyst: Here, it’s all about the price tag. Pricing analysts look at what similar products cost and help set competitive prices. 
  • Social media analyst: With social media’s big role in marketing, these analysts monitor online trends and campaign results. They help brands understand and improve their social media game.
  • Sales forecast analyst: This job involves predicting future sales. Using past sales data, sales forecast analysts help companies plan for things like inventory and budgeting.
  • Campaign analyst: These analysts focus on the nitty-gritty of marketing campaigns. They track campaign performance and use their findings to make recommendations for future marketing efforts.

Top skills for marketing analysts

If you’re aiming to be a marketing analyst, here are the skills you’ll need:

  • Analytical skills: You’ll be dealing with lots of data, so you need to be good at spotting patterns and making sense of complex information. These skills help you make smart decisions based on your data findings.
  • Communication skills: It’s not just about numbers; you need to explain your insights in a way that’s easy for everyone to understand. This means being clear and effective in both speaking and writing.
  • Technical expertise: Know your way around data software and business intelligence tools. A tech-savvy approach lets you collect and analyze data well, leading to better insights.
  • Problem-solving skills: You’ll often need to figure out tricky situations or find hidden opportunities in data. A knack for solving problems is critical.
  • Attention to detail: The devil’s in the details, especially in data. Being able to spot small but significant bits of information can make a big difference in your analyses.

Marketing analyst career path options

As a marketing analyst, you have a wealth of career progression opportunities. Your journey will typically evolve as follows:

  • Start as an analyst: Initially, you’ll gain deep experience analyzing data and understanding markets. This foundational role is vital to moving up.
  • Move to a senior analyst role: With experience, you’ll step into a senior role. Here, you’ll have more say in marketing campaign strategies and take on more responsibilities.
  • Progress to marketing manager: As you sharpen your analytical and leadership skills, a marketing manager position may be your next step. Now, you’ll not only work with data but also lead a team and shape your company’s marketing efforts.
  • Aim for marketing director: With years of managerial expertise, you might take on a marketing director role. This senior position involves overseeing various campaigns, managing a larger team, and playing a pivotal role in your company’s vision and direction.

Alternate career paths

Your skills as a marketing analyst can also pivot you into other roles:

  • Business development/strategy roles: Your knack for data interpretation and strategic decision-making can make you an asset in identifying business opportunities and guiding a company’s growth.
  • Consulting: Leveraging your market knowledge and analytical skills, you could advise other businesses on their marketing strategies as a consultant.

Here’s a snapshot of the current trends and what the future holds for marketing analysts:

  • Digital data focus: Today, analysts spend a lot of time looking at online data. They track and analyze trends from various digital sources, studying things like consumer behavior and the success of marketing strategies.
  • Big Data’s role: They now handle complex data sets and use advanced analytical tools. Their insights are crucial for making smart business decisions.
  • Growing importance in many industries: Organizations of all sizes and across various sectors are realizing how valuable these analysts are. 

Employment projections

According to the U.S. Bureau of Labor Statistics, the demand for market research analysts is expected to increase by 19% through 2031. This growth rate is much faster than the average for all other occupations. The surge in market research usage is likely to continue fueling this growth.

Marketing analyst career tips

Understand the business model

Start by deeply understanding your company’s business. Know what they sell, who they sell to, and how they make money. This knowledge ensures your analyses and recommendations align with the company’s goals.

Improve data literacy

Being able to interpret and work with data is crucial. Get comfortable with tools like Tableau, SPSS, and Excel. These tools help turn data into insights that can drive decisions. Stay on top of new technologies and platforms in the industry.

Build a professional network

Connect with others in your field. Networks can lead to new opportunities and insights. Join and participate in groups like:

  • American Marketing Association
  • The Market Research Society (MRS)
  • Data Marketing Association (DMA)
  • Insights Association

Engage in continuous learning

The field is always changing, so keep learning. Look for courses, workshops, and certifications to enhance your skills. Consider getting certifications like:

  • Certificate in Data Analysis
  • Professional Certified Marketer (PCM)
  • Google Analytics and Google Ads certifications

Stay updated on industry trends

The marketing world evolves fast. Stay informed about consumer behaviors and emerging strategies by reading industry news, attending webinars and seminars, and following influencers and hashtags in the field.

Where the marketing analyst jobs are

Top employers

  • Nielsen
  • IBM
  • Facebook
  • Adobe
  • Google

Top states

  • California
  • New York
  • Texas
  • Illinois
  • Georgia

Top job sites

  • zengig
  • Indeed
  • LinkedIn
  • Marketing Jobs
  • ZipRecruiter


What skills are essential for a marketing analyst?

In this role, being analytical and detail-oriented is key. Other important skills include strong communication abilities, problem-solving capabilities, proficiency with data analytics tools, and an understanding of marketing principles.

Are there professional certifications for marketing analysts?

Yes, professional certifications in areas like data analytics, SEO, SEM, and content marketing can give you an edge in the marketing analytics field.

What software tools should marketing analysts be familiar with?

It’s helpful to be familiar with a variety of software and digital tools. These can include Google Analytics, social media analytical tools, CRM software, and data visualization tools.

What kind of decisions will I make as a marketing analyst?

You will make decisions about market trends, customer behavior, and potential marketing strategies. This includes interpreting data and delivering informed advice to your team or clients.

What kind of project management responsibilities would I have as a marketing analyst?

You may oversee marketing campaigns from start to finish, from setting project goals and organizing timelines to managing resources and meeting deadlines. Project management skills are essential for coordinating different aspects of a campaign.

How is success measured for marketing analysts?

Success is often measured by the effectiveness of marketing strategies implemented based on your analyses. This could be reflected in increased sales, improved customer engagement, or the achievement of other marketing goals.

Is there a typical work environment for a marketing analyst?

They typically work in office settings, but remote work opportunities are becoming more common. Many work as part of a larger marketing team, but some may also work directly with clients in a consulting role.

What opportunities are there for ongoing learning and professional development as a marketing analyst?

They often have access to industry events, workshops, and webinars. The digital marketing field also offers abundant opportunities for self-guided learning and skill development.

What challenges do marketing analysts face day-to-day?

They face challenges like rapidly changing market trends, unpredictable consumer behavior, and managing large volumes of data. Also, communicating complex analytical findings in a digestible way can be quite challenging.

Is there room for advancement as a marketing analyst?

Yes, there are plenty of career progression opportunities. With enough experience, they can move into higher leadership roles such as marketing manager or director. They may also consider branching into specialized areas like SEO or PPC management.