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Electrician Career Guide

What is an electrician?

An electrician is someone who works with electrical systems in places like homes, schools, and businesses. They install, fix, and maintain things that give us light and heat, making sure everything works smoothly and safely. Electricians are essential because they make sure our buildings are powered correctly, which is super important as we use electricity for almost everything today.

Duties and responsibilities

Electricians have a few main jobs:

  • Planning: They look at plans and figure out how to set up electrical systems in new buildings.
  • Installation: They put in things like breakers, transformers, and outlets.
  • Testing and fixing: After installing, they check to make sure everything works right and fix any problems.

Work environment

Electricians work in different places, from houses to big factories. They might have to squeeze into small spaces, climb up high, or sometimes work outside in bad weather. It can be risky because of things like electric shocks, but wearing safety gear and following safety rules helps keep them safe.

Typical work hours

Electricians usually work full-time, which means about 40 hours a week. They might start early or work late to finish a job, and sometimes, they work on weekends too. Some electricians are on call to deal with emergencies anytime, and they might work extra hours during busy times.

How to become an electrician

Becoming an electrician involves several key steps, from getting the right education to gaining hands-on experience. Here’s how you can start your journey:

Step 1: Finish high school

First, make sure you earn a high school diploma or get a GED. Focus on math and physics, and take any courses related to electrical work if your school offers them.

Step 2: Consider vocational school (optional)

You might want to go to a vocational school. It’s not required, but it helps because you gain both classroom lessons and practical training.

Step 3: Complete an electrical apprenticeship

Next, start an apprenticeship. This is where you learn by doing—you’ll work under a licensed electrician and get classroom training too. This usually takes about 4-5 years.

Step 4: Get licensed

Most places require electricians to have a license. You’ll need to pass a test that covers things like electrical codes and safety rules.

Step 5: Keep learning

Even after you’re licensed, keep learning. Take courses to stay updated on the latest electrical codes and safety practices. You can also get extra certifications to improve your skills and job prospects.

Step 6: Gain experience

After your apprenticeship, you’ll start working on your own as a journey worker. If you keep at it, you could become a master electrician, which might involve supervising others and require more exams.

Step 7: Start your own business

If you’re interested in running your own show, think about starting your own electrical business. This step comes with challenges like managing a team and handling paperwork, and you might need more licenses and insurance.

How much do electricians make?

Compensation for electricians varies by experience, industry, education, location, and organization size. Factors unique to this job that impact compensation include certifications such as journeyman or master electrician, the presence of union membership, and the scope and scale of assigned electrical projects.

Highest paying industries

  • Natural Gas Distribution: $96,920
  • Land Subdivision: $89,720
  • Specialized Design Services: $88,400
  • Office Administrative Services: $87,480
  • Scientific Research and Development Services: $85,600

Highest paying states

  • New York: $77,810
  • Hawaii: $77,530
  • Alaska: $76,330
  • Washington: $75,770
  • New Jersey: $74,530

Browse electrician salary data by market

Types of electricians

Electricians can specialize in different areas depending on where they like to work and what they’re interested in. Here are some common types:

Residential electrician

These electricians work in homes and small apartments. They install, fix, and upgrade things like lighting and wiring. They know a lot about home safety codes to make sure everything works safely.

Commercial electrician

Commercial electricians work in places like offices, restaurants, and stores. They deal with bigger and more complex electrical systems than those in homes.

Industrial electrician

These electricians work in big places like factories. They handle the electrical needs of large machines and systems used in manufacturing.

Maintenance electrician

Maintenance electricians keep systems running smoothly. They check equipment regularly, fix problems before they get big, and make sure everything meets safety codes.

Construction electrician

These electricians set up the electrical systems in new buildings. They plan where everything goes, like where to put lights, switches, and circuits.

Auto electrician

Auto electricians specialize in vehicles. They work on the electrical parts of cars and trucks, fixing things like the battery, lights, and other electric components.

Aircraft electrician

Aircraft electricians work on airplanes. They take care of the electrical parts that help the plane navigate, communicate, and stay lit.

Marine electrician

Marine electricians work with ships and sometimes at ports. They make sure all the electrical systems on boats are running right, which can be a big job because ships have complex setups.

Top skills for electricians

Electricians need a mix of technical skills and personal traits to do their job well. Here are some of the most important skills:

Understanding of electrical systems

Electricians need to know how electrical systems work. They should understand how different parts like wires, circuits, and breakers work together. This helps them fix problems and set up new systems safely.

Troubleshooting skills

When something goes wrong, they need to figure out why. This means thinking logically and using a step-by-step method to find and solve issues.

Physical fitness

Electricians often carry heavy gear, climb ladders, and work in tight spaces. Being fit helps them handle these physical parts of the job without getting hurt.

Safety consciousness

Safety is super important for them. They work with electricity, which can be dangerous, so they need to follow safety rules carefully to keep everyone safe.

Communication skills

They need to explain technical stuff in simple ways. Whether they’re talking to clients or working with other electricians, good communication makes the job go smoother.

Manual dexterity

Working with small parts and tools is a big part of their job. They need to be good with their hands, using tools confidently and carefully.

Electrician career path options

As an electrician, there are many ways to grow and advance in your career. Here’s a look at some paths you can take:


Once you have some experience, you might become a supervisor. Supervisors manage teams of electricians, schedule work, and make sure everything meets high-quality standards and safety rules. They also work with project managers and clients to plan and budget for jobs.

Electrical inspector

With a lot of experience, you can become an electrical inspector. Inspectors check electrical work to make sure it follows all local and national codes. This job needs a deep understanding of electrical codes and building standards.

Master electrician

Many aim to become master electricians. This title means you’ve worked for several years and passed an exam on electrical theory and building codes. Master electricians can handle the electrical systems for any kind of project, even very big and complex ones.

Electrical contractor

If you like the idea of being your own boss, you could start your own business as an electrical contractor. You would provide electrical services on your own terms, which could be anything from fixing lights in homes to big projects for companies. Starting your own business needs good business sense and some money to get started, but it also lets you choose your own projects and could lead to a higher income.

The job market for electricians is evolving and growing due to several modern trends:

  • Automation and smart technology: As homes and buildings get smarter with automation technologies, they need to keep up with the latest in smart home setups.
  • Renewable energy: The shift toward renewable energy sources like solar panels and wind turbines has created new job opportunities for electricians.
  • Energy efficiency: There’s a big push to make older buildings more energy-efficient. This effort has opened up more work for those skilled in upgrading systems to be more environmentally friendly.
  • Telecommunications: The demand for faster data transfer and better telecommunications systems has made electricians skilled in data, voice, and video wiring more important than ever.

Employment projections

The future looks bright for electricians. The U.S. Bureau of Labor Statistics projects that electrician jobs will grow by 7% through 2031. This growth is driven by the need for installation and maintenance of new electronic devices and systems, as well as the ongoing demand for renewable energy and efficiency improvements.

Electrician career tips

Understand the industry

You need to really understand the industry. Keep learning beyond your initial training. Read trade magazines, join webinars, and follow industry leaders on social media to stay on top of new trends, technologies, and techniques. This will not only improve your skills but also open up more opportunities for advancement.

Gain diverse experience

The more different types of projects you work on, the better. Experience with new construction, remodeling, and working in residential, commercial, and industrial settings will make you more adaptable and skilled. The broader your experience, the more prepared you’ll be for various challenges and roles in your career.

Prioritize safety

Always keep up-to-date with safety regulations and best practices. Take safety training seriously and consider getting certifications like OSHA 10 or OSHA 30 to show your commitment to safe working conditions. Remember, maintaining high safety standards protects not just you but also your coworkers and clients.

Build a professional network

Join professional groups like the National Electrical Contractors Association (NECA), Independent Electrical Contractors (IEC), International Brotherhood of Electrical Workers (IBEW), or American Lighting Association (ALA). These groups can offer valuable learning resources, mentorship, and job opportunities.

Focus on continuous learning

The electrical field is always changing, so continuous learning is key to keeping up. Apart from on-the-job training, look into short courses on advanced electrical theory, specialized wiring techniques, renewable energy systems, or building automation. Safety and tech training courses are also beneficial for staying current with industry standards and emerging technologies.

Where the electrician jobs are

Top employers

  • Mr. Electric
  • IBEW
  • Michael & Son
  • Electricians of America

Top states

  • Texas
  • California
  • New York
  • Florida

Top job sites

  • zengig
  • Indeed
  • Monster
  • LinkedIn


What skills are required to become an electrician?

An electrician should have sharp critical thinking skills, be detail-oriented, have good manual dexterity, and have excellent color vision since wiring is often color-coded. Additionally, being physically ready due to the labor-intensive nature of the job is very important. Communication skills also play a vital role since they often have to explain complex processes in understandable terms to homeowners and other clients.

What education is necessary to become an electrician?

Typically, becoming an electrician requires a high school diploma or a GED at a minimum. Many gain training through apprenticeship programs combining practical experience with class-based learning. These programs usually last four years and are often sponsored by joint training centers representing both electrician unions and contractor organizations.

Is there a licensing requirement for electricians?

Yes, licensing requirements are imperative. In most states and municipalities, electricians are required to hold a license gained after completing an apprenticeship or training program and passing an examination. The specifics of licensing requirements may vary by state, so it’s always recommended to check with the local state licensing board for precise information.

Are electricians usually unionized or non-unionized?

In general, electricians can be union or non-unionized – it’s up to the individual to choose. Joining a union can offer benefits, including access to paid apprenticeships, consistent wage scales, and job protection. However, non-unionized professionals often have more flexibility with job selections and can negotiate pay independently.

What is the work environment of an electrician like?

Electricians work in a variety of environments, both indoors and outdoors. They may work in residential homes, commercial businesses, industrial sites, or construction sites. Their work can sometimes involve standing, bending, or kneeling for long periods, and they must adhere to strict safety procedures to avoid injuries from electrical shock, falls, or cuts. Some may have to work in extreme weather conditions or confined spaces.

What tasks does an electrician typically perform in a day?

Electricians may spend their day performing a range of tasks that include installing, maintaining, and repairing electrical systems and equipment, inspecting and testing electrical equipment, reading blueprints, diagnosing problems with electrical systems, and ensuring safety standards and building regulations are met. Tasks may vary depending on the specific role and the nature of the job – for example, residential vs commercial.

Why do electricians need good color vision?

Color vision is essential for electricians because electrical wires are usually color-coded. They should decipher these colors accurately and consistently to make the correct connections and maintain safety. Incorrect wiring due to the inability to distinguish between wire colors could result in malfunctioning equipment or a dangerous fire hazard.

Are there any significant health risks associated with being an electrician?

Like any other profession, electricians face workplace-related hazards. If safety protocols are ignored or mistreated, electricity can be dangerous, leading to electric shocks, severe burns, or death. Additionally, they may risk injuries from falls, cuts or scrapes, and exposure to harmful materials like asbestos or lead. However, adherence to safety practices can minimize these risks significantly.

Can electricians specialize in certain types of work?

Yes, electricians often specialize in different areas of work. For instance, some focus on residential work, offering services directly to homeowners. That might include everything from installing light fixtures to rewiring an entire house. Others may specialize in commercial work, dealing with electrical systems in businesses, factories, or government buildings. There’s also the role of outside linemen who manage the power lines that connect facilities to the electricity grid.