Episode overview
Should I use a staffing agency when looking for a job? The short answer: absolutely. But if you aren’t convinced quite yet, check out today’s episode of the Finding Career Zen podcast where Pete answers this question at length. He’s here to explain how recruiters work for the job candidates and encourage everyone to take advantage of the free help.
Whether you are just beginning or already deep into your job search, tune in to this episode and learn more about staffing agencies and why it’s in your best interest to utilize one.
28 minutes
Things to consider when before using a staffing agency
- Check out the American Staffing Association site. There is a certain baseline you know you’re getting if you work with a staffing company who is part of AASA. There are high standards that they expect their members to adhere to.
- Clearly Rated is another great resource. This site allows companies who work with staffing agencies to rank them as well as the candidates placed by them. This is a great option if you want to find contact information for recruiting firms.
- It’s in your best interest as a candidate to have multiple relationships. If you’re looking in your local market and very active in a job search, somewhere between 3 and 5 staffing companies is probably the right number of relationships to have to cover all the bases.
- To connect with staffing agencies, get on the phone and call them. Recruiters are huge LinkedIn users, so you can also connect with them there. Engaging directly with these recruiters will allow you to build relationships and let them get to know you. The more of an exchange you have, the better your results will be.
Reasons to partner with a staffing agency
- It’s free. No money transactions should ever take place between you and the recruiter. Companies pay recruiters once they find the right candidate for their job opening.
- Extra eyes and ears into your job search. Staffing agencies have a lot of insight into the job market, who’s hiring, and new openings. They may have access to job openings you can’t find online on your own, and recruiters will always be on the lookout for your next opportunity.
- They are your ally. A recruiter’s goal is to assist you in landing a job you will love. They will not only utilize their tools and network to your benefit, but search for a position they are confident you’re qualified for and work to get your resume to the top of the pile.
Additional resources
- How to search for jobs on LinkedIn
- How to optimize your LinkedIn profile
- Benefits of working with a legal recruiter
- Finding a job that is right for you
About Pete Newsome

Pete Newsome is the President and founder of zengig, which he created after spending two decades in staffing and recruiting. He’s also the founder of 4 Corner Resources, the nationally acclaimed and award-winning staffing and recruiting firm he started out of a home office in 2005. Pete’s primary mission back then was the same as it is today: to do business in a personal way; with a commitment to zengig becoming the most comprehensive source of expert advice, tools, and resources for career growth and happiness. When he’s not in the office or spending time with his family of six, you can find Pete sharing his career knowledge and expertise through public speaking, writing, and as the host of the Finding Career Zen & Hire Calling podcasts.
Pete Newsome 00:10
You’re listening to the finding career zen podcast. I’m Pete Newsome. And I’m doing something a little bit differently. Today I’m going live on TikTok while recording the finding career zen show as well as doing a solo episode, which is something I don’t d0 a whole lot of. But I wanted to do it today.
Pete Newsome 00:26
Because we’ve been asked the same question in quite a few different ways lately, and it’s something that I thought it made sense to stop and address and so many people are on the job market right now.
Pete Newsome 00:36
And the question is simple, should I use a staffing agency when looking for a job? That’s something that I know a lot about because I’ve owned a staffing company for the past 18 years and spent a lot of time thinking about the pros and cons of using staffing agencies.
Pete Newsome 00:53
I know all the criticisms of companies, by those who haven’t had good experiences, and I’m talking about friends, families, neighbors, and lots of people that I know really well who are hesitant to use staffing agencies at different times in their life.
Pete Newsome 01:06
And so I want to talk about that a little bit. Also try to answer any questions live, that I get that’s a little bit different than something I’ve done before during a podcast, but what the heck, why not?
Pete Newsome 01:17
We’ll try it out and see how it goes. So if you’re on Tik Tok apologies that I’m not looking at the camera very much because I’m recording this for YouTube as well.
Pete Newsome 01:27
But the first question that we get is a lot of houses staffing agency work and staffing companies are known by a few names, agencies used recruiting firms used sometimes headhunters use temp agencies, they generally mean the same thing.
Pete Newsome 01:44
But with a couple of differences. So I’ll talk about those just to start one is a temp agency, which usually means short-term staffing, where if, say, the receptionist is out for the day, or someone gets sick, and there’s a need to cover. At work. That’s where temp agencies really come into play.
Pete Newsome 02:06
So they typically work with people who are available for day-to-day work versus a longer-term contract. Opportunity. So that’s a temp of contract staffing generally means a little bit longer. That could be a matter of weeks, months, or even years contracts, staffing can last a long time.
Pete Newsome 02:26
And the way that works is the employee who’s working is technically an employee of the contract staffing company, there were on their payroll, that’s who’s responsible for benefits and any perks that they want to offer.
Pete Newsome 02:42
While the individual is working at the staffing company’s client, the staffing company makes their money based on a markup of the hourly rate, but I’ll talk about that in a few more minutes.
Pete Newsome 02:54
The other common way for a staffing or recruiting firm to work is what I call direct hire or direct placement work. And that’s where the end-user employer gives a job requirement to the firm they work with.
Pete Newsome 03:09
And the firm essentially acts on that company’s behalf out in the market. They source the screen, they qualify the candidates to check their references, and they do all the things that an HR department would do.
Pete Newsome 03:22
And then once they have the candidate or candidates who they want to present to their client, they send over resumes, and they usually have some in-depth conversations about the individual’s qualifications.
Pete Newsome 03:34
But then the end-user company does the interviewing and makes the hiring decisions for the most part. So that’s what I refer to as direct hire recruiting.
Pete Newsome 03:44
And then the third the fourth, which is also a form of direct hire recruiting is what I consider to be more headhunting or executive search.
Pete Newsome 03:52
And the difference in the first three is that I described temp, contract, or even direct.
Pete Newsome 03:58
Most of, in those cases, the recruiting firm is working on contingency, which means they aren’t paid upfront by the end-user client, they’re only paid after a candidate is successfully hired.
Pete Newsome 04:11
So that’s an important distinction when we’re talking about executive search or a headhunter type of scenario where most of the time those are retained agreements, which means the company the end user company, who’s looking for the individual pays the recruiting firm a portion of what will ultimately be their full fee upfront to initiate the search.
Pete Newsome 04:36
So the most common areas where you see that kind of arrangement is very senior positions, executive level roles, specialty positions, physicians, that sort of thing, or maybe engineering roles where there’s only a handful of people in a state or even the country who can do a very specific role.
Pete Newsome 04:55
So the more niche the role is the the more likely it is that that would be done under a retained search agreement. Now, one thing that’s important, and this is for anyone who’s not familiar with staffing, you should never ever, ever, as a candidate come out of pocket when paying the staffing company.
Pete Newsome 05:13
So that is, I know a pretty common considered concern that people have who have never used a third party for their hiring before or to help them in the recruiting process.
Pete Newsome 05:25
If you just never consider it, I don’t even know I mean, I don’t remember the last time I heard of a company that tries to get a candidate to pay them upfront.
Pete Newsome 05:33
So if you are hearing this, and you’ve encountered that, I’d love to know about it, because I just don’t really think it exists.
Pete Newsome 05:41
But it’s a misconception, a lot of people are concerned that they’ll be asked, to hand over a check to a recruiting firm. And I just never do that, right?
Pete Newsome 05:53
So I’m sure there are companies that do it. Don’t ever even consider that for a second. Our fees if you’re a recruiting firm, and just like mine I’ve mentioned right at the beginning, I’ve owned a staffing company for 18 years now. We’re paid by our clients, and there’s no exception to that.
Pete Newsome 06:12
So candidates should never come out of pocket for anything. So that’s how it works. So basically, the staffing company makes their money after they find the employee, and their relationships are twofold.
Pete Newsome 06:27
And they’re equally important, they the staffing company, or recruiting firm has to have a really good relationship with the clients, who they’re recruiting for them, as I mentioned earlier, they’re operating on those organizations behalf when they go out in the market.
Pete Newsome 06:40
So the better the relationship, the more intimate knowledge they have of who the right person is for that company, what a good fit is going to be in terms of a candidate, and the better their recruiting efforts are going to be. I mean, that just makes sense.
Pete Newsome 06:54
So it goes beyond just understanding a job description that it’s about the corporate culture, the environment, the expectations of the role, and who’s going to be a good fit because another misconception is often that recruiters third-party recruiters are just looking to get a placement, get a candidate in front of their client and then move on.
Pete Newsome 07:16
And I can assure you, that’s not the case, because most of the time, the recruiting firm is not going to make any money unless the candidate not only gets hired but stays.
Pete Newsome 07:27
So it’s a direct placement role where the candidate is hired directly on the payroll of the end user client. There’s usually a guarantee associated with that period where the candidate needs to stay in the last in order for the fee to be paid.
Pete Newsome 07:46
But if there wasn’t, let’s say, there’s not a guarantee, well, that recruiting firms’ reputation will not be good with their end-user client.
Pete Newsome 07:54
If they’re providing candidates who don’t stay, no one wants that. They won’t keep those clients very long. So the recruiting firm, if they’re even decent, I’m not even gonna say good, just even decent at all.
Pete Newsome 08:07
They’re trying to make sure there’s a good fit on both sides. It’s not just about getting the candidate hired far from it. So that’s one incentive. And then on the contract staffing side, which is probably the bigger part of the market as a whole.
Pete Newsome 08:23
The third-party recruiting firm is only getting paid as ours are warped. So if someone stays in a contract role, very short term, they’re not going to make any money.
Pete Newsome 08:33
And if you think about the effort of recruiting, when you’re a third-party staffing company, your work is all pretty much done upfront. I mean, yes, you stay engaged with the individuals you place.
Pete Newsome 08:45
Yes, in terms of contract staffing, you continue to do payroll and handle that each week. But that pales in comparison to the effort of screening and sourcing and interviewing qualifying candidates on the front end.
Pete Newsome 08:59
So it is in everyone’s interest. And I assure you, for anyone who’s skeptical of using a third party to have those relationships last and not be short-term. So that’s another factor that goes into it. In terms of the pros and cons.
Pete Newsome 09:16
How should I reach out to a staffing company? So that’s another question that’s been asked. We see that a lot. People don’t know what to do, they don’t know where to turn.
Pete Newsome 09:25
I would say, do what you would do when you’re looking for advice on anything. Ask people you know, ask people you trust, and ask your peers at work. If you are in the market for a new job.
Pete Newsome 09:36
Look to those who you admire your that are successful. And just like you’d get advice on anything else, get advice from them on what staffing companies have used in the past if they don’t have that information.
Pete Newsome 09:48
One of the sites that I recommend is I’ll recommend a few ones is the American Staffing Association site. There is a certain level of criteria, you know, a certain baseline that you You know, you’re getting if you work with a staffing company who’s part of AASA, there’s, there’s high standards that they expect their members to adhere to.
Pete Newsome 10:08
So that’s a great place to start. You can search their website there’s another if you’re in the tech space tech serve alliance is a very, very reputable company and tech serve.
Pete Newsome 10:21
And then you can go to clearlyrated.com That is a site that allows companies who work with staffing agencies to rank them as well as the candidates who are placed by staffing companies.
Pete Newsome 10:34
So you can actually see both. And so for any local market by specialty or industry, you can see who the top-rated staffing companies are. So clearlyrated.com is a great source for finding contact information for recruiting firms.
Pete Newsome 10:49
So that’s it, I mean, you know, you can Google it as well, and look at Google reviews and that sort of thing. But I really like clearlyrated. Yeah, that’s, that’s you probably don’t need to go anywhere else.
Pete Newsome 11:01
A lot of times, people also want to know, how many companies should they work with and believe that exclusivity should be part of the deal. And that’s just not the case, either.
Pete Newsome 11:12
You don’t have any reason to work with only one staffing company.
Pete Newsome 11:17
And if you just think about the way the industry works, or just logically, even the biggest staffing companies in a local market or in or in a particular industry only have access to a very small piece of the overall pie of what’s going on. Market share A giant company in a local market may have a 10% market share.
Pete Newsome 11:42
And even That’s enormous. I don’t know if anyone, too many companies have that, that bigger market share. So there are lots of staffing companies in any individual market.
Pete Newsome 11:51
And so it’s in your interest as a candidate to have multiple relationships. And there’s really no cap on that other than there gets to be a point where companies do start running into each other.
Pete Newsome 12:02
And you may spread yourself too thin in terms of just being able to keep up with the different conversations that you have.
Pete Newsome 12:09
So generally speaking, I would say if you are looking in your local market, and you are very active in a job search, somewhere between three and five staffing companies is probably the right number of relationships to have to cover the bases.
Pete Newsome 12:25
And I would generally ask in qualifying them, of course, to check on clearly rated looks, look at the rating there, but also get a feel for who their clients are.
Pete Newsome 12:35
So I’m in Central Florida, I’m in Orlando, and everyone who lives here knows who the top employers are. And if someone was on the market and wanted to work for a large employer, they should ask those firms who they’re interviewing with and considering working with who their client base is.
Pete Newsome 12:53
And if you ask that question of everyone you speak with, you’ll get a pretty good sense for whether you have the market covered so so I would, I would, I would highly recommend that when you’re qualifying.
Pete Newsome 13:05
So again, three to five firms, you can always do more. If you’re looking at a national search, by all means, if you can keep it organized and straight.
Pete Newsome 13:14
There’s no cap on how many you should use. So go nuts, right? That’s fine, too. How should you connect with a staffing agency?
Pete Newsome 13:22
That’s a question that was asked. Get on the phone, call them, and connect with them on LinkedIn. Recruiters are huge LinkedIn users, and that shouldn’t be a surprise to anyone.
Pete Newsome 13:33
Recruiters, both third-party recruiters like staffing companies as well as corporate recruiters spend a lot of time on LinkedIn that’s a given.
Pete Newsome 13:41
Connect with them there. Follow the company pages of the firm that you’re working with. And also pick up the phone and call them. engage directly with the recruiters to build relationships.
Pete Newsome 13:52
Let them get to know you. Let them understand what kind of role you’re looking for and what your criteria are, the more of an exchange that you have, the better your results are going to be.
Pete Newsome 14:04
So recruiters really enjoy and appreciate candidates who are very clear and what they’re looking for. It makes a recruiter’s job easy.
Pete Newsome 14:13
So we’re always being in that industry for a long, long time. When we have a need that comes across our desk when a client calls us that I need someone with a specific skill set.
Pete Newsome 14:24
The best thing that we have is a pipeline of candidates who we already understand the criteria of what they’re looking for. We understand their job requirements.
Pete Newsome 14:36
We understand what kind of commute they’re they’ll tolerate and what their compensation needs are, I mean, the more intimate exchange you can have with a recruiter, the better because as I said a few minutes ago, recruiters are absolutely looking to connect candidates who not only are qualified for a job but want the job will accept the job and stay in the job.
Pete Newsome 14:59
It’s not about Getting a short-term wet. And that’s not a winner at all, in the world of a third-party recruiter, it’s just, it’s just not. So take the time to invest in those relationships.
Pete Newsome 15:08
And look, I mean, you don’t, you’re not going to click with everyone, just like anything in life, it makes complete sense that you’re going to, you’re going to have some, you know, some are going to be better than others, right? I mean, not all recruiting firms.
Pete Newsome 15:22
And not all individual recruiters are alike, no surprise there.
Pete Newsome 15:25
But when you click with someone, and you feel comfortable with them, and you’ve asked about who their clients are, and you’ve checked them on clearly rated and you have lots of confidence that they’re an organization who will represent you and your interests.
Pete Newsome 15:37
Well, go ahead and invest time with them get together with them in person, if you’re able to, a lot of recruiters will do that get together for coffee, get to gather for breakfast, and go by their office if they have one.
Pete Newsome 15:47
Again, recruiters really like working with candidates who they know intimately and, and have a really good personal feel for because when a recruiter is presenting a candidate for consideration, their record, their reputation is tied to that.
Pete Newsome 16:02
So if the candidate is not a good fit, the client who they’re working with is going to be skeptical of being able to trust that recruiter and believe me, when I say there’s no shortage of third-party recruiting firms, I mean, that is something that is in high-grade supply.
Pete Newsome 16:18
So if a recruiter isn’t doing a good job for their client, and consistently presents candidates who aren’t qualified, that company will replace him with someone, who delivers a whole lot better results.
Pete Newsome 16:32
I promise you that I mean, that’s, there’s a line out the door of recruiters looking to work with, with end-user employers, so invest time with them, they’ll appreciate it and your results will be better.
Pete Newsome 16:45
And the real goal with that is that once you establish rapport and a relationship with a recruiter, when they call you, and they know what you’re looking for in a role, then you kind of fast forward through the process again, get your resume to the front of the line.
Pete Newsome 16:59
So that’s one of the big pros, I want to make sure I mentioned that too, of why I’m answering the question, Why should I work with a staffing agency?
Pete Newsome 17:07
And maybe, maybe why not? If anyone wants to know that, too, I don’t really have a whole reason I don’t really have reasons as to why not generally, I do have reasons why you should disqualify one firm or another or one recruiter or another if they’re not treating you well.
Pete Newsome 17:23
But one of the things that a third-party recruiter can do that an individual candidate cannot do is get that resume to the top of the pile.
Pete Newsome 17:31
So if you just think about it, if you see a job opening, and you’re applying for it yourself, either through a company website or posted somewhere like LinkedIn, or indeed, you can, you can only be so aggressive, you make it bold, and most people don’t do this, although you should.
Pete Newsome 17:46
That’s a little side bit of advice, don’t just submit a resume and then sit back and wait. See if you can find out who the hiring manager is or the recruiter in charge of the role.
Pete Newsome 17:56
There’s an email address available, email that person separately. So the goal of submitting your resume is always to give yourself the best chance for success and to stand out where you can.
Pete Newsome 18:08
So if you’re submitting your information individually, do that and take those steps most people don’t, I can guarantee you will increase your chances significantly.
Pete Newsome 18:19
But if you use a recruiter, now you’re having your resume delivered in an entirely different way, it’s not going to be one of potentially a few 100 who are blind that are blindly submitted through an online application process, it’s going to be hand-delivered to the hiring manager or the HR person in terms of who’s responsible for hiring whoever that is.
Pete Newsome 18:39
So that is an advantage to working with a recruiter that individual candidates on their own can’t have it just makes sense when you think about it practically.
Pete Newsome 18:48
I am a big fan. If I were on the job market right now. And I hopefully never find myself there again, because that would mean something went really bad with my personal situation in the gig and my staffing company, but it can happen.
Pete Newsome 19:02
And if it happened tomorrow, if everything changed for me, the first thing I would do is figure out which recruiters I should be working with.
Pete Newsome 19:10
So even though I have a big network, and I know not lots of people in that Job space, I still want help because it’s free.
Pete Newsome 19:17
And it’s extra leverage. It’s extra eyes and ears and people working for me and so that’s how everyone who’s on the job market should think of a recruiter as well. It’s free labor. It’s free help. I mean, there’s no downside to that. So I’ve got a couple of questions here.
Pete Newsome 19:34
We’re going to go off-script a little bit. How can a recruiter ensure that job opportunities presented to me are a good fit? Okay, so I talked about that a few minutes ago. I’ll go back to it.
Pete Newsome 19:45
What you give in terms of information to the recruiter equates to what you’ll get in return.
Pete Newsome 19:51
So you’ll know you’re working with a quality recruiting firm or individual recruiter if they’re going to invest time understanding what your needs and desires and criteria are beyond what’s on your resume.
Pete Newsome 20:05
So resumes are just cover books, right? It’s how I look at it, it’s got to be a good cover for it to be interesting. Yeah, I’m not dismissive of resumes at all, they’re a very important tool in the hiring process.
Pete Newsome 20:16
But the real action happens beyond the resume. And so if you are working with a recruiter who just wants your resume and says, Hey, thanks for sending it, I’ll let you know if something comes up, that’s a good fit.
Pete Newsome 20:31
Don’t expect to hear from them. That’s not really how it should be done not when it’s done, right?
Pete Newsome 20:37
On the other hand, if you engage with a recruiter who’s willing to take time to understand what you’re looking for, as a candidate, what kind of company Big or small, what kind of environment you’re looking for, you’re looking to, you know, are you super ambitious.
Pete Newsome 20:53
And you’re looking for companies that only offer upward mobility that you can really see or are you kind of a passive employee where you just want to get through the day, and you don’t really care about moving up in the world? It is not for a recruiter to have an opinion on what’s better in any of these scenarios.
Pete Newsome 21:11
And I mean, everything you can think of commute, remote versus, you know, in office, I mean, you name it, there’s so much that goes into what an individual may prioritize in terms of what’s important to them in a job.
Pete Newsome 21:26
And it’s not for the recruiter to have an opinion on but it is on the recruiter to understand that individual candidate, what are their motivations, and drivers.
Pete Newsome 21:35
And then you match those with the need. And that’s, that’s recruiting when it’s done. Right? So the question was about how you ensure that you’re going to be a good fit for the job.
Pete Newsome 21:46
We can’t guarantee this stuff, right? I mean, it’s still a world where there are a lot of moving parts, and there’s a lot of subjectivity to it to the recruiting process, even when it’s done, right?
Pete Newsome 21:59
It’s not a perfect system, that when people are involved, right, go, go figure. But if you take the time to invest in the relationship with the recruiter, and the recruiter is willing to take the time to invest in you as a candidate, it gives you a much, much better chance of success.
Pete Newsome 22:15
So highly recommend that. And I equally recommend being relatively dismissive of recruiters don’t expect anything from them, if they’re not willing to invest time with you as a candidate on the front end, even when they don’t have an immediate opening.
Pete Newsome 22:28
Should you still reach out to a recruiter? If they don’t have a position on the website? Yes, absolutely. The world of third-party recruiting has turned very quickly, positions come in from minute to minute, hour to hour, day to day, and then they go away very quickly.
Pete Newsome 22:44
So that’s a big difference between corporate recruiting and third-party recruiting where corporate HR departments tend to have positions open longer.
Pete Newsome 22:53
They, if you just think about how they operate, it’s not they’re not a sales organization, they’re not paid. In the same way, they’re part of a bigger company, their department within a bigger company whereas a recruiting agency or firm only gets paid when those positions are filled.
Pete Newsome 23:12
And so it behooves them to turn positions much, much faster, which again, is in the candidate’s interest. Because there they don’t want the grass to grow, they don’t want the delay to happen.
Pete Newsome 23:23
They want to find the right candidate for the job as soon as possible. Not only is that how to get paid, but they’re probably competing, it’s other recruiting firms looking for to fill the position as well. And they’re looking to close that rollout as soon as possible.
Pete Newsome 23:36
Because if you’re in the recruiting space, you know, that the longer a job stays open, the longer a candidate stays in play, the greater the likelihood that it’s going to go away, and you’re not going to be successful in that recruiting effort.
Pete Newsome 23:49
So it’s another advantage to working with a third-party recruiter, they are your ally, 100% and advocate when it comes to speed and getting you as the candidate across the goal not only your resume in the hands of the person who’s going to be doing the interviewing but also fast forwarding the interview process along the way to it, they’re absolutely on the same side of the table as you so so know that as well.
Pete Newsome 24:18
And so should you work with a small agency or a well-known company?
Pete Newsome 24:24
I’m biased there because, you know, my staffing company is is is small compared to a lot of the public companies out there there are billion-dollar staffing companies.
Pete Newsome 24:36
I would say one isn’t better or worse because it’s really all about the individual recruiters and the local market and clients are working with so you could have a very large company that has a remote office in your market.
Pete Newsome 24:50
Who if they’re not if that’s not an office with a lot of strength in terms of who their recruiters are in there or their client base?
Pete Newsome 25:00
There may not be a very good experience versus a local company in that same market that’s established, has a great reputation as a great client base, strong recruiters, you’re going to have a much better experience with that smaller company based on the individuals who were in that, who were there.
Pete Newsome 25:17
But the opposite can be true, right? There are lots of, small companies who aren’t, aren’t the best.
Pete Newsome 25:24
And of course, the big companies are big for a reason they’re doing something right. And they have over a long period of time.
Pete Newsome 25:31
So I really think you have to make those decisions at a very individual level based on your own interactions, while I already recommended going to clearly rated or to see who, who client, local clients and candidates have, have voted as the best organizations.
Pete Newsome 25:50
Forbes puts out a list of the most admired recruiting firms, you can search for the American staffing Association has high standards that they expect all their members to adhere to.
Pete Newsome 25:59
So you can go to those sites and get a good list. But ultimately, it doesn’t matter what someone else’s experience was, it matters, how those individuals treat and interact with you and base those decisions on your own experience, and then hopefully build relationships that last over time.
Pete Newsome 26:17
So if a recruiter moves from one firm to another, or one city to another, you can keep those relationships I mean it, they shouldn’t be short term if they’re if they’re right.
Pete Newsome 26:28
And if you really have the best recruiters working with you, they’ll call you even when you’re not on the job market. I mean, that’s really when it’s done, right?
Pete Newsome 26:35
Where someone knows, your objective so well. And you’ve established a kind of relationship with them, where when they get a perfect fit for you, they’ll pick up the phone, even when you’re not looking.
Pete Newsome 26:46
So that’s utopian in the world of recruiting both on the candidate and the recruiter side. So I think that I think that’s it unless there are any more questions.
Pete Newsome 26:58
If you’ve been with me this long, I appreciate it. Thanks for Thanks for joining. Thanks for participating today and hit me up if you have things you want me to address in the world of hiring, staffing, recruiting, or anything along those lines.
Pete Newsome 27:09
That’s why Zen gig exists. As I mentioned, after owning a staffing company for 18 years, I feel that my team and I are ready to help candidates ready to help people in the workforce.
Pete Newsome 27:20
We want to share the information that will benefit as many people as possible.
Pete Newsome 27:24
And so everything’s on the table for us to answer. So if you have things you’re wondering about it or have never asked anyone before, hit us up, put us on the spot and we’ll either get back on live or respond with content on zengig.com.