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From Rejection to Success: Job Hunting Strategies

Episode overview

Are you ready to step up your job search game? Well, our latest discussion with Sam Brenner from CRB Workforce promises to kick your career knowledge up a notch. You’ll get a front-row seat to the insider’s world of staffing and recruitment – a terrain where ethics are not only valued but vital. Sam opens up about the bumps he encountered on his professional journey, the lessons that made failure worthwhile, and how Jocko Willink’s “Extreme Ownership” changed his career completely.

As we take a deep dive into CRB – a recruitment agency with a niche focus on entertainment, travel, hospitality, and ed tech, you’ll see the devotion to delivering exceptional experiences for both clients and candidates. A thought-provoking reflection on the post-pandemic job market not only gives a rounded picture of the current employment landscape but also emphasizes the enduring importance of treating people right in the service industry.

Now, if you’re a job seeker, pay close attention to the strategies we discuss. We share practical advice on crafting a compelling email template, identifying your ‘dream’ employers, and leveraging the power of networking. Taking a proactive approach to your job search may seem daunting at first, but with our tips, you’ll be well on your way to landing that dream job. We address common slip-ups during the application process and provide solutions to help you stand out in a saturated job market.

So, tune in, get inspired, and take your career into your own hands.

44 minutes

Job Hunting Strategies

  • Tailor your resumes and cover letters: Customize your resume and cover letter for each application to highlight relevant skills and experiences.
  • Network: Leverage professional networks, attend industry events, and use platforms like LinkedIn to connect with potential employers and industry peers.
  • Partner with recruitment agencies and headhunters: Connect with agencies that specialize in your field; they can often provide access to unadvertised vacancies.
  • Follow-up communication: Send polite follow-up emails to reiterate your interest after submitting applications or completing interviews.
  • Research companies: Thoroughly research companies before applying or interviewing to tailor your approach and show genuine interest.
  • Prepare for interviews: Practice common interview questions, prepare examples of your work, and be ready to discuss how you can contribute to the company.
  • Stay organized and persistent: Keep track of applications, follow-ups, and network contacts. Persistence is key in a competitive job market.

Additional resources

About Pete Newsome

Pete Newsome headshot

Pete Newsome is the President and founder of zengig, which he created after spending two decades in staffing and recruiting. He’s also the founder of 4 Corner Resources, the nationally acclaimed and award-winning staffing and recruiting firm he started out of a home office in 2005. Pete’s primary mission back then was the same as it is today: to do business in a personal way; with a commitment to zengig becoming the most comprehensive source of expert advice, tools, and resources for career growth and happiness. When he’s not in the office or spending time with his family of six, you can find Pete sharing his career knowledge and expertise through public speaking, writing, and as the host of the Finding Career Zen & Hire Calling podcasts.