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Interior Designer Career Guide

What is an interior designer?

An interior designer is someone who makes indoor spaces look good and work well. They talk to the people they’re designing for to understand what they need and like. Then they come up with ideas that fit the budget and look great, picking the right colors, furniture, and decorations. They work on different types of places like homes, stores, and public areas, making them more enjoyable and useful.

Duties and responsibilities

The main job of an interior designer is to make indoor spaces both beautiful and practical. They start by chatting with clients to get the details like what the client wants and how much they can spend. Then they create designs, which might be drawings or computer models, to show the clients what they’re thinking.

These designers also pick materials and products that look right and fit the budget. They work with builders and other professionals to make sure everything is done right, following all the rules and looking just as planned. They also manage the project, which means they keep track of costs, set up schedules, and make sure everything is installed properly.

Work environment

Interior designers can work in design or architecture firms, or on their own as freelancers. Some work in stores or for big companies that have their own design departments. Their days might be spent in an office or out visiting places they’re designing.

Typical work hours

Most interior designers work full time, but some work part-time or freelance depending on the project. They might need to meet with clients or suppliers in the evenings or on weekends. They also go to trade shows and events to keep up with new trends and ideas.

How to become an interior designer

Want to become an interior designer? Here’s how to get started on this creative and rewarding path.

Step 1: Earn a college degree

You’ll usually need a bachelor’s degree in interior design or something similar. These programs teach you about design principles, color theory, how to plan a space, and how to use design software. Some people also go for a master’s degree to deepen their knowledge.

Step 2: Build your skills

Being a good designer means you need to be creative, good at solving problems, able to manage projects, and communicate well. You can sharpen these skills through internships or jobs related to design.

Step 3: Gain real experience

Starting as an intern or in an entry-level job can help you see how design works in real life. This experience is valuable for learning, making connections, and building a portfolio that shows off your best work.

Step 4: Consider getting certified

Getting a certification like the National Council for Interior Design Qualification (NCIDQ) can help your career, even though it’s not always required. This certification shows you’ve got the education and experience, and you’ve passed a tough test.

Step 5: Look for jobs or start your own business

With your education and experience, you can start applying for jobs at design firms or maybe even start your own design business. Make sure your resume talks about your design projects, education, and any real work you’ve done.

Step 6: Network

Meeting other people in your field can open up opportunities. Go to industry events, join design groups, and keep in touch with classmates and teachers. These connections can be really helpful.

Step 7: Keep learning

Design trends and technology change all the time, so keep learning. This could be through additional courses, workshops, or reading industry news. This keeps your skills fresh and your ideas new.

Here are some online courses to consider:

How much do interior designers make?

Interior designer salaries can vary depending on several factors, including geographic location, industry, company size, education, experience, and specialty.

Highest paying industries

  • Architectural: $74,400
  • Custom Design Services: $68,800
  • Government: $68,150
  • Hospitality: $65,300
  • Home Furnishing Stores: $63,300

Highest paying states

  • New York: $74,390
  • California: $73,450
  • Massachusetts: $71,270
  • Connecticut: $69,330
  • New Jersey: $68,360

Browse interior designer salary data by market

Types of interior designers

Interior designers can specialize in different areas, each focusing on specific kinds of spaces and design needs. Here are the main types:

Residential interior designer

These designers focus on homes, making living spaces that are comfortable, stylish, and suit the homeowner’s taste and budget. They might specialize in certain rooms like kitchens or outdoor areas.

Commercial interior designer

These pros design places where business happens, like offices, stores, or hotels. They make sure these spaces are not only good-looking but also work well for the type of business and reflect the company’s brand.

Corporate interior designer

These designers create office spaces that are efficient and pleasant to work in. They consider things like how the space affects employee health and productivity, and how it fits the company’s culture.

Sustainable interior designer

Sustainable designers focus on making spaces that are good for the environment. They use materials and methods that are eco-friendly and energy-efficient to create healthy, low-impact spaces.

Healthcare interior designer

These designers work on spaces in hospitals and clinics, making sure they are safe and functional. They focus on needs unique to healthcare, like easy cleaning and accessibility.

Institutional interior designer

These designers handle spaces for schools, government, and other public or nonprofit organizations. They make sure the design meets the needs of the organization and its users.

Universal design interior designer

These designers create spaces that everyone can use, regardless of age or ability. Their designs include features like easy-to-navigate layouts and accessible entrances.

Interior decorator

Decorators focus on the look of a space, choosing colors, furniture, and decorations to create a certain style without altering the structure of the space.

Interior design consultant

Consultants give advice on specific aspects of interior design, like choosing colors or arranging furniture. They can work independently or as part of a design firm.

Top skills for interior designers

Interior designers need a mix of creative, technical, and organizational skills to be successful. Here are the key skills they should have:


Designers need to be very creative to come up with unique and beautiful designs that also work well for the space. They often have to think outside the box to meet clients’ needs and make spaces that really stand out.

Attention to detail

Every part of a design must be carefully thought out and executed. They need to pay close attention to details to spot and fix any issues, make sure everything is done right, and that all designs meet safety and building rules.


Good communication is crucial. These designers must be able to talk and write clearly to share their ideas with clients, work with contractors, and coordinate with other professionals involved in a project.

Project management

Designers often work on several projects at once. They need to be good at managing time, organizing resources, and keeping everything on track to finish designs on time and within the set budget.

Technical skills

Knowing how to use design software and tools is important. Designers use programs like AutoCAD, SketchUp, and Photoshop to create detailed drawings and realistic models of their designs.

Knowledge of building codes

Designs need to be safe and meet all local, state, and federal requirements. They must know about different building codes related to things like accessibility and fire safety to ensure their designs are compliant.

Interior designer career path

Starting as an interior designer opens up a lot of doors for your future career. Here’s how you can grow and move up:

Gaining experience

After graduation, designers usually start gaining real-world experience through internships or entry-level jobs at design firms or architectural firms. This is a crucial time for learning on the job and starting to build a portfolio of work.

Advancing in the field

As interior designers gain more experience, they can take on more complex projects. They might move up within their company to positions like senior designer or design director. In these roles, they would oversee other designers and manage bigger projects.


Some designers choose to specialize in a certain area of design, such as residential, commercial, or hospitality design. Others might focus on sustainable design or historic preservation, depending on their interests and the needs of the market.

Starting a business

Experienced designers may decide to open their own design firms or consultancies. This allows them to choose the projects they are most interested in and work with a variety of clients.

Other opportunities

There are also opportunities outside of direct design work, such as teaching design, writing about design, or getting into product design. These paths can offer new challenges and ways to apply design skills.

The field of interior design is evolving, influenced by several key trends:

  • Sustainability and eco-friendliness: There’s a strong movement toward sustainable design as more clients look for eco-friendly options. Designers who can use sustainable materials, energy-efficient appliances, and green practices are likely to be more successful.
  • Technology in design: Tech advancements are transforming how they work, helping clients visualize and experience spaces in realistic ways even before construction starts. Designers who embrace these technologies can offer a more interactive and immersive service, giving them a competitive advantage.
  • Customization and personalization: Today’s clients want spaces that are uniquely theirs, reflecting their personal style and needs. Designers who excel at creating customized, personalized environments are finding greater demand for their services.

Employment projections

The job outlook for interior designers is optimistic. According to the U.S. Bureau of Labor Statistics, employment in this field is expected to grow by 4% through 2032. This growth is driven by ongoing construction and renovation projects, as well as the increasing focus on sustainable practices and advanced technology in design.

Interior designer career tips

Develop strong design skills

Enhance your ability to conceptualize, sketch, and create visual representations of your ideas. Work on developing skills like mood board creation and 3D visualization to communicate your vision effectively.

Master design software

Proficiency in tools like AutoCAD, SketchUp, and Adobe Creative Suite is essential. Familiarize yourself with these software programs to streamline your design process and improve your efficiency.

Improve your communication and interpersonal skills

Being able to communicate effectively with clients, contractors, and colleagues is crucial. Work on your listening and speaking skills, and practice asking questions that help you gather the information you need to deliver excellent designs.

The design world is always changing. Keep up with the latest trends and technology by attending industry conferences, reading publications, and networking with other professionals.

Build a professional portfolio

Your portfolio is key to showcasing your skills and securing work. Continuously update it with your best and most recent projects to demonstrate your design style and capabilities.

Hone time management skills

Managing multiple projects at once requires excellent time management. Work on prioritizing tasks and managing your workload to meet deadlines without compromising the quality of your work.

Build your network

Join professional organizations like the American Society of Interior Designers (ASID) or the International Interior Design Association (IIDA). These groups can help you make important connections and stay informed about the industry.

Never stop learning

Stay competitive by continuously learning about new materials, methods, and technologies. Consider pursuing certifications like the NCIDQ to highlight your expertise. Also, attend seminars and take online courses to keep your knowledge and skills fresh.

Where the interior designer jobs are

Top companies

  • Gensler
  • Perkins and Will
  • HOK
  • Stantec
  • Jacobs Engineering Group

Top states

  • California
  • New York
  • Texas
  • Florida
  • Illinois

Top job sites

  • zengig
  • Indeed
  • Glassdoor
  • ASID Job Bank
  • IIDA Career Center


What education and qualifications are required to become an interior designer?

A bachelor’s degree in interior design or related field is typically required. Some states require designers to be licensed or registered, which may include the NCIDQ examination. Internships or entry-level positions help to gain relevant work experience. Certifications like the Council for Interior Design Accreditation (CIDA) or Leadership in Energy and Environmental Design (LEED) can further enhance qualifications.

What are the primary responsibilities of an interior designer?

Primary responsibilities include meeting with clients to determine requirements, developing design concepts and layouts, selecting materials and furnishings, creating detailed drawings and 3D models, and coordinating with contractors and vendors to ensure successful project execution.

What skills are essential for a successful interior designer?

Essential skills include creativity, spatial awareness, attention to detail, communication, problem-solving, and time management. They should also be proficient in various design tools and software, such as AutoCAD, SketchUp, and Adobe Creative Suite.

How can an interior designer stay informed about industry trends and best practices?

Staying informed involves reading industry publications, attending design conferences and trade shows, participating in webinars, and networking with other professionals. Professional associations like the ASID or the IIDA can provide valuable insights, resources, and learning opportunities.

How does an interior designer collaborate with clients and other professionals?

Collaboration with clients includes discussing needs, preferences, and budgets; presenting design concepts and proposals; and incorporating feedback into the design process. Working with various professionals, such as architects, contractors, and suppliers, also ensures a cohesive design approach and successful project execution.

What is the role of an interior designer in sustainable design?

Sustainable design focuses on creating spaces that minimize negative environmental impacts, promote health and well-being, and conserve resources. This may involve selecting eco-friendly materials and finishes, incorporating energy-efficient technologies, and designing for flexibility and adaptability to accommodate future changes.

How can an interior designer effectively manage a project budget?

Effectively managing a project budget involves developing a detailed cost estimate, carefully selecting materials and furnishings within budget constraints, negotiating with suppliers and contractors, and closely monitoring expenses throughout the project. Regular communication with clients and stakeholders can help meet budget expectations.

What are the different specialties or niches within the interior design field?

Specialties or niches include residential design, commercial design, healthcare design, hospitality design, retail design, and sustainable design. They may also specialize in specific design aspects, such as lighting, acoustics, or ergonomics.

How can an interior designer build a strong portfolio?

Building a strong portfolio involves showcasing a diverse range of completed projects, including high-quality photographs, detailed drawings, and descriptions of design concepts and processes. Including examples of different design styles and project types can help demonstrate versatility and creativity. Additionally, regularly updating your portfolio with new work and seeking feedback from peers and mentors can help ensure continuous improvement.

What are the career growth opportunities for an interior designer?

Career growth opportunities may include moving into senior or management roles, such as design director or principal designer, or specializing in a specific niche or industry. Some start their own firms or transition to related fields, such as architecture or product development.