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Digital Marketing Manager Career Guide

What is a digital marketing manager?

A digital marketing manager takes care of a company’s online marketing. Their job is all about using the internet to help a business grab attention, make sales, and grow. They handle everything from social media to emails and websites, mixing tech skills and creativity to make sure the company stands out online. They use tools like data analytics and SEO to reach more people, keep them interested, and help the business make more money.

Duties and responsibilities

These managers do a lot! They plan and run digital campaigns to meet goals like getting more customers or making sales. They work on SEO (getting the company to show up on Google), managing website content, and keeping up with social media. They also check how well these efforts are working by using analytics, which helps them tweak their strategies to do even better. Plus, they work with other teams like sales and product development to make sure everyone is on the same page.

Work environment

Digital marketing managers usually work in an office, but they can often work from home too. They’re typically part of a marketing team, but they also need to work with folks from sales, development, and other areas. It’s a fast-paced job because digital stuff changes all the time. They need to be ready to try out new tools and shift strategies quickly.

Typical work hours

They generally work a standard 40-hour week, but sometimes, they might need to put in extra time for big projects or important sales periods. They might also need to sync up with people in different time zones or handle some weekend work if there’s a big launch or urgent issue. But, many digital marketing jobs are pretty flexible, especially with more people working from home now.

How to become a digital marketing manager

Want to become a digital marketing manager? Here’s a step-by-step guide to help you get started:

Step 1: Earn a bachelor’s degree

Start by getting a college degree. You usually need one in marketing, business, or something similar. Your classes should teach you about marketing basics, how advertising works, and how people behave as customers. You’ll also learn about how to use different online platforms.

Step 2: Gain experience

Once you graduate, it’s time to start working. Jobs or internships in marketing, especially digital marketing, are important. You could work as a social media coordinator, an SEO specialist, or a content marketer. These jobs will teach you the tools and tricks of digital marketing and prepare you for managing bigger projects.

Step 3: Go for a master’s degree (it’s optional)

This isn’t required, but it can help. A master’s degree in marketing digs deeper into making strategic decisions and understanding more complex marketing theories. It can make you stand out when you’re applying for management jobs.

Step 4: Get certified

Earning certifications can really boost your resume. There are lots of courses like Google’s Digital Marketing Course or HubSpot’s Inbound Marketing Certification. These show you know your stuff and keep you sharp in a field that’s always changing.

Step 5: Apply for jobs

Now, you’re ready to apply for digital marketing manager jobs. Tailor your resume and cover letter to show off your digital marketing skills and experiences. Networking is also key—connect with people both online and in person. When you apply, highlight how well you understand marketing strategies, how good you are at managing projects and teams, and your hands-on experience with digital marketing tools.

How much do digital marketing managers make?

Compensation for digital marketing managers varies by experience, industry, education, location, and organization size. Their level of professional expertise, the scale of digital marketing operations, and the organization’s annual revenue can also impact income.

Highest paying industries

  • Investment Activities: $117,500
  • Software Publishers: $115,700
  • Computer Systems Design: $113,350
  • Cable and Other Subscription Programming: $111,490
  • Internet Publishing and Broadcasting and Web Search Portals: $110,780

Highest paying states

  • New Jersey: $120,160
  • Virginia: $118,330
  • Washington: $117,590
  • Delaware: $116,770
  • New York: $115,930

Browse digital marketing manager salary data by market

Types of digital marketing managers

Digital marketing managers can specialize in different areas, each focusing on specific aspects of digital marketing to help businesses succeed online. Here are some of the main types:

Content marketing manager

This manager handles all the content stuff—like blogs, videos, and graphics. They work with writers and designers to make stuff that grabs attention. They need to be good at planning content and knowing how to get it in front of as many people as possible using SEO.

SEO and SEM specialist

SEO (search engine optimization) and SEM (search engine marketing) specialists make sure that when someone searches for something related to what the company does, the company shows up in the search results. They work with keywords, check out how the website is doing, and tweak things to get the website to rank higher.

Email marketing specialist

This person is all about emails. They design them, send them out, and see how well they did. They need to know what makes an email effective and how to read the data to make the next emails even better.

Social media manager

This role is key for any business today. Social media managers handle the company’s profiles on platforms like TikTok, Facebook, Instagram, and Twitter. They post cool stuff, talk to followers, and tweak their strategies based on what’s working.

Digital advertising specialist

These specialists focus on online ads. They set up campaigns that you pay for every time someone clicks (PPC, or pay-per-click). They have to understand how different ad platforms work and how to get the most out of the budget.

Top skills for digital marketing managers

To be successful as a digital marketing manager, there are several key skills and traits you need. Here’s a breakdown of the most important ones:

Strategic thinking

A digital marketing manager needs to be a good planner. They set up the overall plan for marketing, decide what campaigns to run, and figure out if those campaigns are working. It’s all about making sure everything they do helps the company hit its goals.

Analytical ability

Being able to make sense of data is super important. These managers look at trends, figure out what customers want, and see how well their campaigns are doing. They use this info to shape their strategies and suggest new ideas.

Technical proficiency

They need to know their way around digital tools like Google Analytics and Google AdWords. Knowing how to use these tools helps them analyze data and put their plans into action.

Clear communication

These managers have to talk and write clearly because they often explain their plans and results to other people in the company. They need to be able to break down complex ideas into easy-to-understand language.


Creativity is key. They come up with new and exciting marketing campaigns, create engaging content, and find creative ways to solve problems.

Strong leadership

Leading a team is a big part of the job. A good digital marketing manager knows how to manage people, guide them, and motivate them to do their best. They need to be good at keeping their team focused and on track.

Digital marketing manager career path

A career as a digital marketing manager can open many doors as you gain experience and build your skills. Here’s a look at some potential next steps in your career journey:

Senior manager/director

After gaining experience and possibly some additional training, you might become a senior digital marketing manager or digital marketing director. This job is bigger because you’re in charge of all the online marketing. You handle the budget, guide the marketing plans, and make big decisions that affect the company. You’ll also work closely with the top bosses, using what you learn from digital marketing to help shape the company’s overall strategy.

Chief marketing officer

With a lot of experience and proven skills, you could become a chief marketing officer. This is a big deal because you get to lead the entire marketing strategy of the company, not just online but all types of marketing. You’re the top person responsible for the success or failure of all marketing efforts.

Entrepreneurial path

If you like the idea of being your own boss, using your skills to start your own digital marketing agency might be the way to go. This way, you can use what you know to help other businesses with their marketing strategies. It’s a chance to do your own thing and maybe build something big from the ground up.

Right now, personalizing how you talk to customers is big. Digital marketing managers work hard to make sure they respect customer privacy while still making experiences feel personal. Also, marketing on mobile devices is super important because everyone uses their smartphones all the time. Social media is another major tool for reaching people and keeping them interested.

SEO, or making sure your website shows up in Google searches, is still a key skill. It really helps businesses get noticed online. Paid ads on Google and social media are also becoming more popular and important.

Employment projections

Jobs for digital marketing managers are expected to grow a lot. The U.S. Bureau of Labor Statistics says jobs for marketing managers, including digital ones, should grow by 10% through 2031. That’s faster than most other jobs. As more people and businesses use digital platforms every day, the demand for pros who can manage an online presence is only going to increase.

Digital marketing manager career tips

Understand the digital landscape

It’s super important to stay updated with the latest trends in digital marketing and technology. Knowing what’s going on helps you plan, launch, and manage great marketing campaigns. Make sure you know about the latest changes in search engines, social media, and online ad rules.

Get industry-recognized certifications

Having official certifications can really make you stand out. They show that you’re serious about learning and improving your skills. Some good ones to get are Google Ads Certification, Facebook BluePrint Certification, and HubSpot Content Marketing Certification. Don’t forget to show these off in your resume and LinkedIn profile.

Continue learning

Digital marketing changes all the time. To keep up, you should always be learning new things. You can:

  • Subscribe to newsletters like Marketing Land or Social Media Today
  • Follow marketing blogs like HubSpot or Neil Patel
  • Go to webinars, conferences, or events about digital marketing

Build a professional network

Meeting other digital marketing folks can help you grow and find new opportunities. You can learn from others, get the latest industry news, and maybe even start new projects together. Think about joining groups like:

  • Digital Analytics Association
  • Internet Marketing Association
  • Social Media Association
  • International Social Media Association

Showcase your successes

In digital marketing, numbers matter a lot. Always keep track of what you achieve, like more website visitors, better sales, or more engaged customers. Showing these results helps you understand what you’re doing right and proves your skills to others, like potential employers or clients.

Where the digital marketing manager jobs are

Top employers

  • Google
  • Facebook
  • Amazon
  • Microsoft
  • Apple

Top states

  • California
  • New York
  • Washington
  • Texas
  • Illinois

Top job sites

  • zengig
  • LinkedIn
  • Indeed
  • Monster
  • Simply Hired


What skills are essential for a digital marketing manager?

Key skills include creativity, analytical thinking, project management, and social networking proficiency. They also need knowledge of web analytics tools and social media platforms, familiarity with SEO/SEM, communication skills, and a little HTML/CSS knowledge for basic web design tasks.

What does a digital marketing manager do on a daily basis?

Daily tasks typically include managing marketing campaigns, tracking data, monitoring the latest trends and technologies in digital marketing, and liaising with designers, content creators, and other departments. They can also manage social media strategies, handle SEO/SEM campaigns, and present reports on their results.

What education is needed to become a digital marketing manager?

Most employers prefer a bachelor’s degree in marketing, advertising, business administration, or a similar field. However, a combination of relevant work experience and certification in digital marketing could also be acceptable.

What does a digital marketing manager typically work on?

Their work focuses on planning, implementing, and monitoring a company’s digital marketing campaigns across all digital networks, including email campaigns, social media, online advertising, SEO/SEM, and website design for maximum online presence and brand awareness.

How important are data analytics skills for a digital marketing manager?

Very important. A major part of a digital marketing manager’s job is to analyze marketing data to improve their strategies. They must understand what promotional activities are successful, where the highest quality leads come from, and how to increase customer conversions and engagement.

Can someone become a digital marketing manager without a degree?

Yes, but it’s challenging. This profession values experience and certain skills over formal education. Skills like SEO/SEM, content creation, data analysis, and knowledge of different digital marketing channels can be learned on the job or through online courses. However, having a degree in a relevant field can give you a competitive edge.

What are some ways a digital marketing manager can stay up-to-date with marketing trends and technology?

Continuous learning is key. It can involve subscribing to industry newsletters, attending webinars and conferences, participating in online forums and communities, completing online courses, and networking with other professionals in the field. Additionally, tech publications and platforms like LinkedIn can be good sources of information about the latest trends and technologies.

What certifications could help someone become a digital marketing manager?

There are many digital marketing certifications that can boost your career. These include Google Ads Certificate, Google Analytics Certificate, HubSpot Inbound Marketing Certification, Facebook Blueprint Certification, and Content Marketing Institute Online Certification. Additionally, certificates from prominent digital marketing courses can also be beneficial.

What are some challenges a digital marketing manager might face?

Keeping up with the constant changes in digital platforms and consumer behavior can be challenging. They may also struggle with justifying the ROI of their campaigns, dealing with competition, navigating through the vast amount of data, understanding new technology, and managing time and resources.

What types of companies do digital marketing managers work for?

A digital marketing manager can work for a wide range of companies, including digital marketing agencies, technology companies, retail businesses, financial institutions, entertainment companies, educational institutions, and non-profit organizations. Some digital also work as freelancers or consultants.

What soft skills are crucial for a digital marketing manager?

Besides technical skills, soft skills like creativity, adaptability, problem-solving, communication, and team management are critical. They should be able to communicate effectively with their team and stakeholders, adapt quickly to changes, think creatively to solve problems, and manage the team to achieve the desired results.