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Detective Career Guide

What is a detective?

A detective is someone who figures out what happened in criminal cases. They mostly work on big, tough cases like felonies. Detectives get cases based on their expertise or area, and these can take months to solve as they gather info, talk to people, and look over evidence. Their job is to put all the clues together to solve the crime.

Duties and responsibilities

A detective’s daily job changes a lot depending on the case. They might: 

  • Collect and look over evidence
  • Take photos at crime scenes
  • Go through autopsy reports
  • Interview people
  • Write reports

Detectives also do surveillance work, which means they might have to watch someone quietly for a long time. They need strong law enforcement experience, know the law well, and sometimes testify in court.

Work environment

Detectives have a mix of desk jobs and fieldwork. At the desk, they write reports, search for leads online, and review other experts’ findings. They also spend time in court, talking about their cases and answering questions. Fieldwork could be anywhere—they might watch someone from their car or go to crime scenes to gather evidence and talk to people.

Typical work hours

Detectives don’t have a regular 9 to 5 schedule. They often get calls to come in at odd hours and might work in shifts. Their schedules change often, depending on the needs of their cases. They must always be ready to shift plans and handle whatever their job throws at them.

How to become a detective

Becoming a detective involves getting the right education, training, and work experience. Here’s what you need to do:

Step 1: Meet the education requirements

First, you need to finish high school. Most detectives also need a college degree in something like criminology or criminal justice because these subjects teach you about the law and solving crimes.

Step 2: Complete training at the Police Academy

You’ll need to train at a Police Academy, where you’ll learn about the laws, how to handle a gun safely, and how to respond to emergencies. This training usually lasts about 4.5 months.

Step 3: Gain field experience as a patrol officer

Most detectives start as police officers and work for a few years. This experience is crucial as it helps you understand how the police force works and teaches you critical skills needed for detective work.

Step 4: Take additional online courses

While working as a cop, you can take extra online courses to sharpen your detective skills. Here are a few courses that can help:

Step 5: Pass the national investigator test

To officially become a detective, you must pass the National Detective/Investigator Test (NDIT). Study well for this, as it will determine whether you’re ready to be a detective.

Step 6: Apply for jobs

Let your boss know you’re ready to be a detective. You might need to move or switch areas to find a detective job. Keep an eye on job boards and online listings to find opportunities.

How much do detectives make?

There are many variables that go into determining how much a detective makes, from company size to experience to education, just to name a few. Most public detectives work for a government agency.

  • Federal: $93,970
  • State: $72,280
  • Local: $64,610

Highest paying states

  • Alaska: $126,810
  • Maryland: $115,660
  • District of Columbia: $111,476
  • Hawaii: $111,130
  • Washington: $108,550

Browse detective salary data by market

Types of detectives

Detectives come in many forms, depending on what they specialize in. Some work on big crimes for organizations like the FBI, while others handle smaller issues in local towns.

Law enforcement detectives

These detectives focus on major crimes:

  • Homicide detectives: They figure out if someone was killed on purpose. They work to find out how and when the person died, and who might be responsible.
  • Drug and robbery detectives: They deal with crimes involving illegal drugs, thefts, and frauds.
  • Gang detectives: They keep track of street gangs and the crimes they might be involved in. Sometimes, they work with the FBI on bigger cases.

Cybercrime detectives

These detectives handle crimes on the internet, like hacking or online scams. They often work for big companies, making sure their computers and data are safe.

Private investigators

Besides the police, there are private investigators who are hired to look into things like background checks, missing persons, or insurance fraud. They also work in the corporate world, making sure everything is above board and helping to find lost or stolen items.

Top skills for detectives

To be a good detective, you need a mix of important skills that help you solve crimes effectively.

  • Investigative skills: Their main job is to figure out what happened in a crime. They need to know a lot about forensic science, legal rules, and how to use modern tools for investigating.
  • Critical thinking: Detectives must think clearly and logically. They need to look at problems from different angles, break them down into smaller parts, and then put everything back together to find answers. 
  • Attention to detail: Paying close attention to even the smallest details is crucial, as a tiny clue or a small mistake in a witness’s story can help solve a case. They also need to be very careful when they write down their findings and keep records, as these are often used in court.
  • Communication skills: Being good at talking and writing is essential. They must interview people, ask suspects tough questions, work with other police officers, and write detailed reports that clearly explain their findings.
  • Emotional intelligence: Understanding how people feel and react is very important in detective work. Being able to read people’s body language and emotions can lead to gaining their trust and getting important information that might not be shared otherwise.

Detective career path

Becoming a detective is a tough but rewarding job choice. Most start as police officers, where they patrol areas, enforce laws, and get real-world policing experience. 

Starting as a detective

When you become a detective, you switch from general police work to focusing on specific types of crimes like murders, drug cases, financial crimes, or cybercrimes. What you choose to specialize in will really shape your career. Getting additional training and certifications in your chosen area can make you even better at your job.

Moving up

If you do well, you could be promoted to senior detective or detective sergeant, where you’ll manage other detectives or lead whole investigation teams. These higher-up positions often involve handling the big, important cases and making sure complex investigations go smoothly.

Advanced roles

Later on, you might move into management, becoming a lieutenant or captain who oversees not just cases but also bigger strategies like how to reduce crime and work with other police departments. Some even go on to work for federal agencies like the FBI, where they can use their skills on a national level.

Top leadership

Eventually, you could become a chief of detectives or a police chief. In these roles, you’re in charge of everything in the department, from the budget to how the community sees the police. You’ll also have a big say in how police work is done in your area.

  • New roles: Detectives are seeing changes in how they work, especially with more focus on community policing. This approach helps police build better relationships with the people they serve, allowing detectives to work more closely with community members.
  • Tech’s impact: Technology is also changing detective work. Digital forensics is becoming crucial, especially for crimes that involve computers. 

Employment projections

The number of detective jobs is expected to grow by about 6% through 2031, which is about average. Police departments’ ability to hire more detectives often depends on their budget, which can be higher in cities with a growing population.

Detective career tips

Soft skills and traits

There are obvious steps to apply for job openings for all aspiring detectives. You can also do a few things outside the outlined requirements to boost your job performance and resume for potential employers. Develop strong note-taking skills. You’ll be doing a lot of writing, and it’s important to capture as much information as possible to refer back to and use to help solve cases. Practice thinking outside the box and being perceptive. You want to look at things from different angles without missing details while investigating.

Learn a second language common in the community you’re going to work in. It can be extremely beneficial when you’re interviewing possible witnesses and community members. Spanish is popular, but you could check the Census information to see your best options.

Commonly required skills and qualifications

Improve your physical fitness and strength. You’ll have to pass a physical test before becoming a police officer, but even when working, you’ll want to move around for long periods and remain in good shape. Keep a clean record. Not only will you need to pass a background check, but you will also need a clean driving record to become a detective. Stay on top of the most current technologies and strategies for forensics. Follow industry communications to learn about the changes and advancements.

Develop a professional network

Consider military service. By serving in the military, you will gain some crucial skills that can assist in your law enforcement career and help move you to the top of the list for new hires.

Learn first aid and other skills that will help with general police work. It’s best to be prepared while on the job. The bigger your network, the better chance you’ll have. Here are a few networks to try:

  • National Association of Police Organizations (NAPO)
  • National Criminal Justice Association (NCJA)
  • International Association of Chiefs of Police (IACP)
  • National White Collar Crime Center (NW3C)
  • LinkedIn Groups
  • Community Organizations

Where the detective jobs are

Top companies

  • Local Police Depts
  • Foglight Investigations
  • BCI
  • Gold Shield Security
  • CPI

Top states

  • District of Columbia
  • New Mexico
  • Arizona
  • Texas
  • New York

Top job sites

  • zengig
  • LinkedIn
  • ZipRecruiter
  • Careerbuilder
  • Monster


What skills are required to become a detective?

They need strong problem-solving and critical-thinking skills to help them solve crimes. It’s important to have excellent verbal and written communication as well. Attention to detail and good observation skills can help interview witnesses and assess a crime scene. 

Is a bachelor’s degree required to become a detective?

Not all positions require a bachelor’s degree, but gaining some additional education beyond high school is always recommended. Taking online courses or completing an associate’s degree can increase your chances of reaching that role.

What is a typical day for a detective? 

Each day will vary depending on the caseload. Typically, they interview people, write reports, analyze information, appear in court, and follow up on leads. There might be fieldwork, like surveillance, or deskwork, like writing up reports on specific cases. 

Can I become a detective with no experience?

The only way to become a detective is by first gaining experience in the police force. Most work for at least two years as officers and complete their training before being promoted. Military service can count as experience in some locations.

What are the downsides of being a detective?

They have a crazy schedule because they are often on call, even when they are off duty. Overnights and weekends are sometimes required to get the necessary information. The job can also be highly stressful when there are large cases to be solved or a lot of media and public involvement in a specific case.

How many days off does a detective receive?

They have a set number of days off agreed upon when accepting their position. It ranges by years of service and which department they work for. It’s usually around 20-25 days each year, plus public holidays.

Do detectives work alone or with a partner?

Many police departments, especially large cities, have multiple detectives working as a team. Cases may be assigned to one specific detective, but they will enlist the help of others on their team to gather information. 

How old do you have to be to become a detective?

Due to the training and education requirements, it’s pretty standard for detectives to be at least 21 years of age. You must have several years of experience on the police force and be at least 18 years old to start the police academy.

What type of degree should you get if you want to become a detective?

The best college programs for aspiring detectives are related to criminal justice. Criminology is a popular choice because you’ll learn the basics of the criminal justice system, including investigative methods. Psychology is another beneficial area of study because it gives insight into how people behave and think.

What is the difference between a public and a private detective?

Public detectives are employed by government agencies and work in law enforcement groups to solve crimes. Private detectives can work for anyone and help to investigate situations that might not be related to an active crime investigation. They can also assist public detectives and use methods that aren’t typical in police units. 

Can introverts make good detectives?

Personality type doesn’t necessarily matter when it comes to being a good detective, but introverts often make great observers. To become a detective, you need to be able to communicate well with others and tap into your critical thinking skills to solve problems and come up with solutions others may not consider.