Smiling woman with glasses working on a laptop in an office, with colleagues interacting in the background.

With a wave of brick-and-mortar businesses going virtual in the last two years and an increasing number of purchases being made online, jobs in digital media marketing are booming. Businesses have had to adapt quickly to changing consumer preferences and establish a presence on an ever-growing number of eCommerce channels. This means the search is on for talented professionals who can help them do it successfully. 

Consider this: More than two billion people from around the world purchased goods online last year. It’s a number that’s been on a steady incline for the last five years and isn’t expected to slow down any time soon. In turn, this has led to an increase in the number of jobs requiring digital marketing skills.

To help you keep up with this rapidly expanding and evolving industry, we’ve compiled a list of the top digital media marketing jobs in today’s market.

Best jobs in digital media marketing

1. Digital marketing manager

Average salary for a digital marketing manager: $94,960

Growth projection: 10% increase over the next decade

Education: Bachelor’s degree

Digital marketing managers are required to design, implement, and oversee digital campaigns. A digital marketing manager’s job is to lay out the campaign’s details, including the timeline to be followed, specific milestones, and the overall budget. A digital marketing manager is also responsible for creating brand awareness within the digital arena and driving sufficient traffic to the company’s website and social media pages.

Additionally, the role typically requires the digital marketing manager to identify and assess emerging digital technologies using web analytics tools to both measure and drive traffic. As such, they must constantly optimize marketing and email campaigns to help the business build a strong online presence. Therefore, an ideal candidate for this position must display strong organization, collaboration, and leadership skills.

2. Copywriter

Average salary for a copywriter: $77,920

Growth projection: 4% increase over the next decade

Education: Bachelor’s degree

As one of the top digital media marketing careers, copywriters create tailored content for a company’s website and pages to help them reach their target audience and sell their product or service. They are familiar with digital marketing techniques and have the persuasive skills to convince readers to take action.

Talented copywriters are aware of various SEO strategies and can easily implement them. In addition to possessing excellent writing skills, they must also have a strong understanding of keywords, backlink creation, and experience with analytical tools, such as SEMrush, AhrefsGoogle Search Console, and Google Analytics.

3. Virtual reality developer

Average salary for a virtual reality developer: $136,000

Growth projection: 23% increase over the next decade

Education: Bachelor’s degree

Virtual reality products are mostly still in the development stages but are poised to become the next big thing in the world of digital marketing. Knowing where the trend is heading, many organizations have started to integrate Virtual Reality into their marketing campaigns. This requires research, evaluation, and implementation of new VR technologies and products. This is a high-tech job suited for creative individuals who have experience in technology, creative, and digital arts. An ideal candidate for this position must also be proficient with industry software tools, such as C#, Java, and UE4 Blueprints. 

4. SEO manager

Average salary of an SEO manager: $76,400

Growth projection: 10% increase over the next decade

Education: Bachelor’s degree

SEO (Search Engine Optimization) managers must be brought on board for businesses to rank high on the search engine results page. These individuals know how to create quality content to help the company’s website rank higher while reaching the intended audience.

SEO is a fundamental concept for an effective digital marketing campaign. An individual combining technical knowledge and expertise with marketing strategies can do considerably well in this role. However, it is important to note that this is easier said than done since search engine algorithms and supporting technologies are constantly and rapidly evolving.

SEO managers are therefore tasked with the responsibility of keeping up to date with all such changes. They are extremely sought after by e-commerce sites and businesses that depend exclusively on internet traffic.

5. Social media manager

Average salary of a social media manager: $64,750

Growth projection: 10% increase over the next decade

Education: Bachelor’s degree

The impact of social media cannot be understated, with 3.2 billion users worldwide. Unsurprisingly, companies are increasingly employing experts to handle their social media activity; this includes updating the feeds, interacting with users and customers, and designing content strategies. More specifically, social media marketers allow businesses to communicate more effectively with their customers via different channels.

Social media managers also help design and implement content campaigns to attract new leads and engage existing clients. In short, social media marketers help create the right outreach for an organization and help build the business’s image.

6. AI engineer

Average salary for an AI engineer: $129,322

Growth projection: 21% increase over the next decade

Education: Master’s or Doctoral degrees

Artificial intelligence is a must-have tool for forward-thinking marketing teams, with the AI market expected to hit a valuation of $360 billion by 2028. Customers have become well-versed in interacting with bots and other intelligent customer service tools, and many have even come to prefer these options to interact with a human. AI engineers and bot developers create and operate programs using AI and machine learning to present the best user experience while building robust customer relationships.

7. Web analytics manager

Average salary of a web analytics manager:

Growth projections: 14% increase over the next decade

Education: Master’s degree in business administration

The digital marketing landscape has also seen the rise of Internet of Things (IoT) sector, with an emerging focus on customer data and web analytics.  With so many different marketing techniques and strategies to choose from, it is difficult to pick and effectively utilize the best one. A web analytics manager, therefore, helps evaluate the results to derive the best strategy for the business.

The job requires conducting a thorough analysis of the existing marketing campaigns to ensure better customer retention rates, reduction in bounce rates, and targeted customer services. The insight derived by a web analytics manager allows marketers and salespeople to drive more leads and attract traffic to the website.

8. UX designer

Average salary for a UX designer: $105,670

Growth projection: 11% increase

Education: Bachelor’s degree over the next decade

Contrary to popular belief, UX (user experience) is about more than design; it includes deciding how best to produce specific customer behavior, such as encouraging a product purchase or entering an email address for future communication.  While SEO and web analytics are crucial for running a successful campaign, understanding the science behind consumer behavior with respect to a company’s website, products, and apps can create an even more robust marketing strategy.

In fact, research states that every dollar that is invested in UX returns $10 to $100. This is really not surprising since questions related to how customers behave when they visit a site are addressed by UX Designers. For instance, these questions include: Why do customers leave web pages? Why do they abandon their shopping carts without making a purchase?  Why do they click on one link or button versus another?

UX experts answer and find solutions for these problems, leading to an increased customer retention rate, better lead generation, and a boost in sales.

9. Email marketing specialist

Average salary for an email marketing specialist: $59,980

Growth projections: 10% increase over the next decade

Education: Bachelor’s degree

Email marketing is a specialized form of content development and marketing. Email marketing specialists possess excellent copywriting and editing skills. Email is still one of the most robust means of presenting content, especially since it has an ROI of 3,800%. To this end, persuasive writing skills are also a must.

Email marketing strategies are designed to generate leads and spread awareness, meaning these professionals must collaborate with marketing and content managers to design effective campaigns.

10. Video producer

Average salary for a video producer: $78,650

Growth projection: 8% increase over the next decade

Education: Bachelor’s degree

Video is hands-down the preferred mode of content on social media platforms, and companies that want to dominate these marketing channels need a rock-solid video content strategy. As a result, video producers, especially those with niche skills like drone photography, are in high demand. Many video producers are self-employed or freelance, making it an appealing option for people looking for flexibility. 

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Pete Newsome is the founder of zengig, which he created after more than two decades in staffing and recruiting. He’s also President of 4 Corner Resources, the Forbes America's Best Staffing and Recruiting Firm he founded in 2005, and is a member of the American Staffing Association and TechServe Alliance. In addition to his passion for staffing, Pete is now committed to zengig becoming the most comprehensive source of expert advice, tools, and resources for career growth and happiness. When he’s not in the office or spending time with his family of six, you can find Pete sharing his career knowledge and expertise through public speaking, writing, and as the host of the Finding Career Zen & Hire Calling podcasts. Connect with Pete on LinkedIn