Episode overview
In this episode of Finding Career Zen, special guests, Holly and Kit Corral, join Pete Newsome to share their experience as owners of PRESS PR + Marketing – the firm Holly founded more than 15 years ago. This couple met in high school and ended up back in their hometown after college, Holly graduating from NC State and Kit from FSU, and the rest is history.
After marrying they were both recruited for jobs in Tallahassee, working at competing advertising agencies. In 2007, Holly took the risk of going out on her own to begin pursuing the dream of having their own agency. Once the business was viable, with a growing list of loyal clients and a reputation for consistently delivering high-quality results, Kit left his job and the two moved back to Tampa to focus solely on their company.
Today, Kit and Holly have built an amazing team at PRESS PR + Marketing, along with an impressive list of name-brand clients. Starting a business is never easy, let alone in the world of advertising. Tune in to gain insight and hear lessons learned, as Holly and Kit describe their entrepreneurial journey with an unmistakable passion for success.
Connect with Kit & Holly and check out PRESS Marketing!
61 minutes
Advice for those starting their own business
- It’s not what you know, it’s who you know. It’s all about that personal connection. Be genuine when reaching out. Work on your personal brand because your network is everything. Go to networking events and get really good with names. Everyone likes to be remembered and recognized.
- Focus on where you want to end up. Find your passion. Success doesn’t come without struggle, a level of commitment is necessary. You can’t just show up, you have to earn it. If you decide to go out on your own, you need to take ownership.
- The most basic things aren’t basic. Do what you say you’re going to do. Gain respect. Learn from your mentors and their experiences. Look for opportunities. Build great relationships and have a great work ethic. Build your rapport and likeability.
- For employees: just ask. Talk to your employer. If you have a concern, address it directly. Their intention is likely vastly different than what you thought it was. The longer you wait to communicate and continue internalizing things, the more your resentment will grow and the worse your professional relationship will be.
Additional resources
- How to set career goals
- Advice on how to make your entrepreneurial dream a reality
- Finding a job that is right for you
- Advice on how to find your best career path
About Pete Newsome

Pete Newsome is the President and founder of zengig, which he created after spending two decades in staffing and recruiting. He’s also the founder of 4 Corner Resources, the nationally acclaimed and award-winning staffing and recruiting firm he started out of a home office in 2005. Pete’s primary mission back then was the same as it is today: to do business in a personal way; with a commitment to zengig becoming the most comprehensive source of expert advice, tools, and resources for career growth and happiness. When he’s not in the office or spending time with his family of six, you can find Pete sharing his career knowledge and expertise through public speaking, writing, and as the host of the Finding Career Zen & Hire Calling podcasts.
Pete Newsome 00:17
You’re listening to the Finding Career Zen Podcast. I’m your host Pete Newsome. And I’m joined today by Holly Corral and Kit Corral of Press PR and Marketing. Holly and Kit welcome. How are you guys?
Kit Corral 00:27
Hey, Pete, how are you?
Holly Corral 00:29
Pete Newsome 00:30
Thanks. Thank you for joining. I’m excited to have you guys because I’ve known you for a very, very long time. Kit, I was thinking about it earlier, we met in I believe, 1994, which is kind of hard to say out loud.
Kit Corral 00:43
I think it was even before that. I think it was earlier on like when I got to Florida state it was in the 91. Well, that’s true. Geez.
Pete Newsome 00:52
Okay, that’s even worse. I graduated in 93 nuts. You’re right and would have been 91. If not 90.
Kit Corral 00:59
Pete Newsome 01:00
That’s a long time. And then Holly, we met not too long after that. Because you guys were actually dating then. Right? When did you guys first we’re here to talk about business, of course. But your personal life has to come into play because of what you do together. But when did you guys first start dating?
Holly Corral 01:19
We first started dating we were 18. In our senior year, in high school, we didn’t go to the same high school but we had a mutual friend that introduced us. And then we dated for a little while long distance and then took kind of an extended break and then both ended up back in the same town our hometown. So started dating again and the rest is history.
Pete Newsome 01:41
And that now that we’re all 40 Right then. And you went to North Carolina State. I did. Good. Went to SMU then FSU was where you ended up. We met. Right? Correct. And then you ended up back together in Tampa.
Holly Corral 02:01
We both ended up with jobs, which I don’t know about yet. But I never imagined myself coming back to Tampa. And that was just where the job opportunity was. So yes, we reconnected when we both ended up a job full-time.
Kit Corral 02:13
Same. I ended up getting an internship at an advertising agency here and just had to get my foot in the door someplace. So just started here in Tampa in the market.
Pete Newsome 02:24
So you came back to Tampa, and then came back?
Holly Corral 02:29
Which is really weird. Our agencies I work for an advertising agency to even though I didn’t end up doing advertising our agencies competed against one another.
Pete Newsome 02:37
Oh, no kidding. I didn’t know that. So introduce for me if you could, you know, Press PR and marketing your company that you started I believe in 2007.
Holly Corral 02:47
Yes. Going on 16 years.
Pete Newsome 02:52
Congratulations on that. That is anytime you can say a duration like that. It’s impressive because it’s much easier said than done. But tell me a little bit about the organization and what roles you guys play.
Holly Corral 03:06
Let me start. Sure, go for it. Okay, so I guess 16 years ago, we were living in Tallahassee. And I was ready to move on. So I said to Kit, I’m gonna go ahead and get this thing going. He was continuing to work at the agency that we both ended up being recruited to move to Tallahassee to work for. So I was, I just was I’ll call it freelancing is the best way to describe it.
Holly Corral 03:34
We had a couple of clients, one of which was a volleyball, national volleyball tournament client, which is kind of weird, because that’s actually how we met through the sport of volleyball. But we’re just doing mainly like, anything they asked us to do kind of like we were recruiting volunteers for them.
Holly Corral 03:51
We were helping them with some sponsorship opportunities, doing some PR, but basically whatever marketing they needed us to do, but started out of our house that we lived in Tallahassee.
Holly Corral 04:01
And we stayed there for about two and a half years and then ended up moving closer to home to Tampa after we had our son, and then it started becoming real. And I’ve started really solidifying and we ended up having an office. So if it became a reality once we left Tallahassee.
Kit Corral 04:23
That was always sort of the plan was to sort of Hollywood, get it up on and viable to a point and then I could step out and kind of stepped in to press.
Pete Newsome 04:34
what was the catalyst if there was one that led you to take that step, to begin with, and hang your shingle so to speak?
Holly Corral 04:44
I, you know, my parents are both entrepreneurs. And it’s always been something I wanted to do. And it’s funny because I even told my dad who’s been my mentor over the years I said, I don’t even know if I like this PR marketing thing.
Holly Corral 04:57
And he’s like, I promise when it’s your Rhone, you will like it much better. And it’s that’s exactly what happened. It just, it’s always been in my blood to do my own thing. And, you know, I had answered to my share of people. And I was just ready to, like, call my own shots didn’t realize quite what that meant.
Pete Newsome 05:19
It’s a scary cliff to jump off of, is it not?
Kit Corral 05:23
It is, it is. And that’s kind of why we were fortunate enough to kind of have that like soft take off where, as I said, Holly could, you know, get a stable of clients to get it viable. While I was still out in the, you know, in the working world, in the advertising world. And then I, once we got it to a certain point, we knew it went time.
Pete Newsome 05:43
So I want to, I want to just stay on this for a minute. If you guys don’t mind what your if you look back to those moments, because so many people, as I’m sure you’ve encountered over the years, knowing you know, you have your own business probably share that they want to do the same thing, right? I paid $1 For every time someone says I want to go start my own business.
Pete Newsome 06:04
And that’s not advice I would give to everyone. It’s not for everyone. What advice would you give to someone today? Who was I want to ask about getting into the PR space? But more specifically, if you could answer first, who is thinking of going off and doing their own thing? What would you do differently? Or what would you recommend someone do first before taking that step? for it?
Kit Corral 06:31
Well, I know one thing I would recommend is to make a lot of contacts, follow up on your contacts, because man, it’s not what you know, it’s who you know, and I hate to use the term it’s so hacked, but fake it till you make it you know when you know somebody and there’s a face?
Kit Corral 06:48
You can I mean, that relationship pays way more dividends than any, you know, you’ll you can find out how to do certain things within your industry. But it’s all about that personal connection. Because, wow. I mean, it’s such a challenge to just get an answer on an email, whatever unless you know somebody.
Kit Corral 07:07
So it gets to be a bit of a challenge. That one thing I would say is to figure out a plan. But more than that, while you’re doing that, man, start calling people saying, Hey, just wanted to touch base, whatever, hey, I’m thinking about doing my own thing. You know, just making the rounds and letting people know is not necessarily what you’re doing. But just staying in front of them, like going to networking events. Get really good with names.
Kit Corral 07:33
That’s one thing I will say I wish I were better at and Holly is like, wow, she’s like a human memory bank for people. Like she’d see somebody she hadn’t seen in 10 years. And oh, that’s Mr. Smith. And I’m like, I have no idea who you’re talking about. I just met him.
Pete Newsome 07:49
That’s a great trait. And one that I mean, Kit, I’m more like you I’m terrible with names. And it’s an awful thing to be bad at. Because it’s everyone likes to be remembered. If you have a young son who’s you probably have these kinds of conversations. But I tell mine all the time, go out of your way to say hello to people.
Pete Newsome 08:10
And a lot of kids are self-conscious about that, right? Like unless they say hi to me first, I’m not going to be the one to do that. And I have always told mine, there’s no downside to that at all. Everyone wants to be recognized. Everyone wants to be remembered. And knowing someone’s name is a huge component of that. So shame on us. Kudos to your colleague for being there.
Holly Corral 08:31
But I think that gets right. I mean, keeping that solid network when I say a solid network, like a personal connection. So we’ll send if we see an interesting article about the client’s industry or an old clients industry that we haven’t talked to in 10 years, I’ve been known to like send them the link and say interesting, this article about your, you know, your industry, you should check this out.
Pete Newsome 08:53
I bet I bet it has. It’s interesting timing that this has come up earlier today we had a team call with 4 Corner Resources, a staffing company, and there are a lot of young professionals on there, and I was encouraging them to leverage their LinkedIn network to be public too.
Pete Newsome 09:25
We hear you we didn’t have this, you know, 20 years ago, no one talked about your personal brand. But we hear about that constantly today. But that’s effectively what we’re talking about you know, whether you work for, for, for my company or work for yourself. That’s important. Your network is everything. And I’m sure like me, I made this comment today is it if I had to start over right now? I wouldn’t be afraid because I know that I have a strong network and that is everything in business.
Holly Corral 09:56
Yeah. I would also say You know, we’ve had over the years a lot Have people say, Well, I want to go out on my own, or you know what, I would love to own my own business. And, you know, because I want, basically, I don’t want to work as much I have the freedom, I want to have the autonomy. Well, that’s a joke. I mean, there’s not a vacation, we go on where we’re not checking our email, or answering a crisis call.
Holly Corral 10:17
And a lot of our clients lend themselves to a lot of crisis, because their restaurant folk, their consumer focus, so their restaurant, their entertainment, and attractions, so, and it always comes on a holiday weekend. So there’s never a time when we’re not working. So that’s just such a misnomer that I want to have autonomy, I want to have flexibility.
Holly Corral 10:36
You know, I want to I want to do my own. That’s, that’s a joke. I mean, it’s the client is gonna call you when you’re on vacation on the beach, and you have to step away, and, you know, answer the call.
Kit Corral 10:50
People have a misunderstanding, I think, when they want to start their own business, they want a better work-life balance, they want to be able to call their own shots.
Kit Corral 10:59
But when it’s your business, there is no work-life balance, it is your life. I mean, let’s face it, you’re on the clock, like Holly said, you’re on the clock 24/7. Because if you are the owner, if you are on your own, starting your fledgling business, and you have a deadline, like for an ad campaign, due Friday, you are working every hour up until that time, it doesn’t matter, you’re not you know, it’s not like a nine to five job, it’s not something that you can put down it is.
Kit Corral 11:28
It’s all day, every day 24/7. Now, conversely, every hour, every ounce of energy that you put in, goes into you and your business in your pocket. So there are pros and cons, but you definitely have to weigh them out, man, because, boy, people that have that, like I said that misunderstanding about work-life balance is not it’s not it doesn’t work with starting your own business.
Pete Newsome 11:54
It’s a huge misperception. Is it not where you people associate entrepreneurship with freedom? And what you guys are so is I agree 100%, I think it’s the opposite. I never felt freer than when I was working for an organization that had someone else to take care of other things where once you go out on your own, the buck truly stops with you. And there’s no help coming. mean, either. It doesn’t get to that hill yourself.
Holly Corral 12:25
Yeah. No, I also think people don’t realize all that comes with business growth. And we’re again, we’re a small, small company, but you know, the payroll, and the taxes and the insurance.
Holly Corral 12:39
And I mean, there’s a lot of pressure. And yeah, pressure and also just stuff to do. I mean, you know, it’s we’re meeting with our tax accountant. I mean, it’s like, it’s just always something that the non-fun stuff is the things that they don’t think about.
Kit Corral 12:55
It’s so glamorous, like, everybody grows up dreaming of meeting with your tax accountant, and stuff like that. And, you know, doing payroll and finding insurance and working with trying to get all your employee benefits.
Holly Corral 13:11
I mean, I know what your dream comes up with.
Pete Newsome 13:14
I just told the story the other day, I’ve told him many times over the years that I realized I was naive. When I had employee number one had been with me for about three months. And he walked into my office one day, and they said, Hey, what’s our vacation policy?
Pete Newsome 13:31
And I was like, We need a vacation policy. I guess that is not what I envisioned when thinking Can I be successful on my own? Can I acquire clients? Can I serve those clients? Can I stand out? It wasn’t how do I deal with like you said, taxes and payroll and all of those things, vacation policies that come with it. But those are critical and necessary, right? You can’t avoid them. You have to take ownership. Yeah.
Kit Corral 13:57
Especially as you grow from very small, like just one or two employees to you hit like double digits, and then it really starts becoming like, heavy, because you’re talking about benefits.
Kit Corral 14:10
You’re talking about payroll, you’re talking about insurance, everything for multiple, like lots and lots of people. It’s not just like, oh, you and somebody else, hey, it’s vacation time, take what you need. You know, it’s a lot you have to define it. And that becomes an issue. I will say when you have to start defining things. You can’t really play it lose.
Holly Corral 14:32
And we did for a while we were able to the more people you get the more needs they have. And the more I won’t say demands but the more things that they feel like they need or want. And so things start to change and you have to put more systems in place.
Pete Newsome 14:50
You know, you realize the value of those along the way I’m sure like I did where I for years would proudly I would bow that we’re not going to be bound by structure and successes that I had, you know, weighing like an anchor working for big employers. But as you start to add people, and you start to spread out, you realize the necessity of it.
Pete Newsome 15:14
And I suspect in many cases, that’s the difference between success or failure as a company starts to grow. You know, at times, we’ve done it well, at times, we haven’t. And I can look at those times where we haven’t done it well and say, that’s limited our success. Yeah, we changed our vacation policy, which we thought was to the employee’s benefit. About a year and a half ago. And not everyone saw it that way. And it was a real upheaval.
Kit Corral 15:41
And it was one socially when you try and be cognizant of their needs, you know, especially when, when you, when you say as you said earlier, I’m not going to be that guy, I’m not going to be the taskmaster.
Kit Corral 15:52
And you try not to be, but it just somehow goes off the rails, it gets taken the wrong way. But you need it. Otherwise, it’s chaos. And you have to be able, like I said, if you don’t define it, it will define itself.
Holly Corral 16:07
And that usually ends up what we found out is that the Lucy or goosey, or we were the last people, like, I don’t know, they weren’t happy like so we put a flex space program in place said, you know, you can take, you know, basically, as many within reason times to work at home from home and month as you want. Well, nobody did it, they didn’t take advantage of it.
Holly Corral 16:31
And then kind of resentful, the fact that they didn’t have that time to be able to work from home. So finally, it was like, Let’s just tell them, you have to take two days a month and work from home. And now we’re finding people are actually doing it. So the more structure almost the more they react positively. It’s very strange.
Kit Corral 16:52
For us, it was counterintuitive, like how they were saying it’s like we, for a long time were like, if you need a vacation, you know, vacation days, just take them we’re not counting them, we’re not giving you 10 days, well, then, people were afraid to take time out, it was just bizarre, I can get it upside down.
Pete Newsome 17:11
I completely get it. And it’s something that I think about a lot gave this new venture zengig where we’re existing exclusively to provide career advice and guidance. And one of the things that I a lion I’m trying to walk is telling people what they need to hear, which may not be what they want to hear.
Pete Newsome 17:30
And one of those things is, in almost every case, the employer means well, their intentions are good, even if the delivery isn’t what they wanted it to be even if even though your perception of it like like what you guys are talking about with your time out of the office, you know, to work from home, what we did with our vacation policy, it was a net win for the employees on paper. But the perception wasn’t exactly what we intended.
Pete Newsome 17:55
And it really did cause Yeah, a lot of drama. And so what I always want employees to know, who you know, really is our target audience versus the employer. Just ask, and talk to your employer. Yeah, if you have a concern, address it directly, because it may be their intention may be vastly different than what you thought it was.
Kit Corral 18:17
1,000% agree communication is absolutely the key. Because it’s literally like the old joke. It’s like what’s wrong with you? Nothing. It’s like, well, I can’t help you fix it if you won’t tell me what it actually is. So that’s one thing we definitely try and foster around here. It’s like, if you have a problem, a personal issue if you have a problem with anything, come talk to us.
Kit Corral 18:39
You’re not complaining, you know, I mean, we want to help you fix it. Because the happier you’ll be, the faster we can help you fix it, the happier you’re going to be. And like you said, it leaves nothing to chance, no guesswork, no misinterpretation. So we really do try and tell people no matter what, just come talk to us, you know, I mean, as long as you’re not, you know, just whining and complaining. I have no problem. I mean, please, I want to help you solve it.
Holly Corral 19:13
We don’t know it. If we don’t if you don’t tell us about it.
Pete Newsome 19:15
Why do you think it’s what you’re saying resonates with me so strongly I’ve often thought I’m the last to know if there is someone’s unhappy with something I want to be the first to know, I want to know, I know as soon as possible, so we can fix it if we can, sometimes we won’t be able to.
Pete Newsome 19:35
But why do you think that’s so hard for employees? To do? I mean, have you know because there almost seems like it is there’s inherent mistrust that you can really be open and there won’t be a penalty for it even though what you guys are saying and I would 100% Agree. There’s no penalty, right? I mean, the more you share that the better off we’re all going to be.
Kit Corral 19:58
I think it really trusts the issue, I think it’s the perception that no one wants to be labeled kind of as weak. No one wants to be labeled a whiner, no one wants to be thought of as not being capable of solving their own problems, whatever that may be.
Kit Corral 20:15
And it’s a trust and a pride issue, I think, not that the prize is a bad thing that’s like professional pride, you know, I can take care of my business. And that’s a big, big deal to people, you know, they want to feel like they can manage things and don’t need any help.
Kit Corral 20:31
But conversely, if you don’t have if you have that trust, then you can let your guard employees can let their guard down and communicate, honestly, which I mean will solve the problem like that. Because the longer you don’t, you wait to communicate on things like this, the more a problem, and you internalize it, the more problems sort of like festers, grows into resentment, and then you’re ending up in a bad professional relationship, you’re in a bad position within your company, it becomes very antagonistic. And, man, it just gets it goes south in a hurry.
Pete Newsome 21:08
That’s true. It’s a dangerous cycle. It’s a bad cycle. Yeah, what have you guys done to address that? If you come up with anything that we have, we actually have.
Kit Corral 21:17
So like I said, as we started, the growing pains, were pretty tough for a while, but we instituted us, you know, we tried to put ourselves in our employee’s shoes, like, what would they want.
Kit Corral 21:28
So you know, obviously, they want a lot of flexibility, we’ve added some programs like this flex space, a couple of days a month, you use them or lose them, you can work from home because everybody has those days where you just need to be head down, work, grind it out, you don’t need people talking coming into your office or whatever distractions totally fine with that.
Kit Corral 21:50
Plus, sometimes you just want to don’t want to have to commute don’t want to have to, that’s fine. But the other thing we’ve done is have quarterly check-ins, even probably more often than that, where we will call, you know, the employees in and just say, hey, you know, like, what’s going on? Give us a temperature check. You know, is there anything wrong with you?
Kit Corral 22:10
Yeah. And it’s not like, please report to the principal’s office. You know, we’re just like, hey, you know, Sarah, come on in, you know, how’s everything going? How is this client? What’s going on? You know, are you okay? Are you? Are you? Are we helping you help you right now?
Kit Corral 22:27
Like, what is things that you want to accomplish? What are things that you’re looking to do? Are you getting to do those things like that, you know, we’re really just not just professional but personal also.
Pete Newsome 22:39
That’s, that’s, I love that. And it’s such an important thing. Do you feel that the employees are responding to it? Do you feel that that’s helped them to be more open and trusting? Right, not that there’s any reason not to be trusting, but I think it like I said earlier, it’s I think it’s inherent due to the nature of the employee-employer relationship.
Pete Newsome 22:58
And it’s great to hear what you guys are saying because it’s so consistent with what I believe that it takes to strip those walls away, and you’re gonna be in a much better place. Yeah, both are on both sides of the table. But is it working? Sounds like it is.
Holly Corral 23:15
Yeah, our culture is really great. Right now. We’ve got a great group, they seem to we kind of, you know, leave our doors open very seldomly, do we close our doors, which we never did in the first place, but like, and we say, like, hop in, tell us how you’re doing? You know, let us know what you’re up to. If what do you have? What do you want? What do you need, like, you know, so we’re, I think it’s gotten a lot better.
Kit Corral 23:39
It’s definitely, there’s definitely a learning curve because they’re like, it’s like dipping your toe in the water, you know, a couple of them, like, responded just right off the bat, no problem. But some of them were very hesitant. I’m like, Why, like, it’s just us, we’re not gonna, you know, this isn’t going on your permanent record.
Holly Corral 23:58
And I think all of them are a little less willing to, like one of our clients, or our employees were just always in here. Like, she would tell me everything. Like, I mean, more than I wanted to know. A lot more than I wanted to know. But she felt very comfortable, you know, with us purse on a personal level. So and, you know, it just depends on the personality, some people are not as willing to divulge what’s going on in their lives. Sure.
Holly Corral 24:24
So all that we feel like, it’s so important for us to know the backstory. And like, you know, we can’t know we don’t want to know it all. And that’s really none of our business.
Holly Corral 24:33
But like, we do need to kind of know where you’re coming from. So that if you have a bad day, I mean, you’re human, we get it. But it’s a little bit of a back story and back history is helpful to know kind of what they’re going through on a personal level.
Pete Newsome 24:48
Yeah, it’s really good to hear you say that because if you look on LinkedIn today, there’s one of the reasons why zengig gives us that I felt compelled to be a provider of better advice than what most people get from their neighbors and friends and family and their parents. I mean, being in staffing a long time, the advice that we know people get in their personal life is often awful. It’s the polar opposite.
Pete Newsome 25:13
And I see a lot of that on LinkedIn lately, which is really encouraging opposition between employees and employers. And I think the opposite should be the case if you guys have heard of quiet quitting, this thing that’s being talked about a lot lately, and I just did a show on that a couple of days ago. And the whole point was, if you’re in that situation, leave, like, don’t be in a bad situation.
Pete Newsome 25:39
And so go into any relationship with trust and expectation that it’s going to go well because the result is going to be much, much better and help in that healthy environment.
Holly Corral 25:49
Yeah, absolutely. And you’re right, there is a lot of that negativity against employers on LinkedIn, especially as it relates to, you know, work-life balance, and, you know, working from home and, you know, and, you know, obviously, I have different opinions about that, but like, it’s very negative towards like, everything works well.
Holly Corral 26:11
I mean, we pay you and you do need to put in the time that we’re paying you for, but we understand you need to have a life. So there is a balance. But yeah, I know exactly what you’re talking about as it relates to the negativity and it drives me crazy.
Kit Corral 26:25
Well, and I think there are a lot of bad employers out there that have given everybody else bad words. So it’s become like a stigma. If you are an employer, you are inherently bad. And that’s a hurdle that employers have to overcome with this trust factor.
Kit Corral 26:41
That’s why, you know, we try really hard to see things from our employee’s point of view, which is, you know, it’s huge for us because it lets us understand, you know, like what we need to do growing wise, as a smaller agency, you know, because we did go we did face some challenges early. Yeah.
Pete Newsome 26:59
In you’re dealing with them, you’re not running from them. And I think that’s the important thing. And I’m really glad this came up. It’s not at all the direction I thought we’d go in today. But it’s such an important one because it’s, I really want your employees listening to know how to achieve success. We call it careers and it’s very personal, whatever it is to them.
Pete Newsome 27:20
What gives them happiness and satisfaction and the desire to work hard? And you guys know as well as I do that. If it’s easy and unrewarding, it’s, there’s no, there’s no satisfaction, like them to work hard to achieve something gives a good, a huge sense of accomplishment. And it’s important, and you have to have goals and aspirations.
Pete Newsome 27:44
And so if someone’s in a situation where all they’re trying to do is get through the day, with as little effort as possible. Yeah, that’s that speaking of all awful cycle cycles. That’s one, like, get away from that as soon as possible. Don’t stay there trying to get away with something, you know, your employer’s done, go go find something better? I mean, that’s a message I want to give.
Holly Corral 28:07
Yeah, absolutely. That’s so true. And, you know, our team, we do a lot of early morning PR, where they have to be on-site at four o’clock in the morning, 430 in the morning, and, and they’re wrapped up, I call it Tim, but they’ve already put it in their eight hour day, you know, so we will just be like, go home, take a nap. And if you feel like getting back at it again, great.
Pete Newsome 28:36
So let me ask you about that a little bit. Because I think we’ve answered the question of who should consider going, what are the considerations for starting your own business? Right? There’s, there’s there are many and there certainly beyond just the surface level tasks, can I do X, whatever x is, there’s a whole lot of things that come behind that.
Pete Newsome 28:58
But what about the world of PR itself? You know, I was thinking about that prior to getting on with you guys today is in this world of you know, a nine to five, here’s your work-life balance? How do you handle that? Where you are on call 24/7? I mean, you have to be available when the need arises I mean, from what I understand of PR, and maybe that’s crisis management, who knows exactly what it is?
Pete Newsome 29:26
Yeah. But that’s part of the deal, right? You can’t I mean, how do you go into that profession? If you want to be a clock watcher? Can you?
Holly Corral 29:34
Well, I’d like to tie in the advertising and creative and branding Parsh portion of our business too, because it’s very similar as well. It’s just deadline driven, constantly. And I mean with what kids side of the business which is again, the creative branding, copywriting.
Holly Corral 29:51
That side of our business is deadline deadline deadline. And then PR is deadlines as it relates to what media needs and they need it right now. Yesterday. And otherwise, you’re not going to get the exposure that ultimately, you’re paying our agency to get. So we’re both deadline driven. And it is it can be very stressful.
Kit Corral 30:12
I think the legal term that you’re looking for paid is the assumption of risk. When you’re going in, you know, you don’t go, you know, live next to the airport, and then expect there to be no noise. You know you don’t live on a golf course and do not expect golf balls to fly through your living room window. It’s just one of those things that are part of the job.
Kit Corral 30:33
So really, I mean, for the most part, unless you’re in a more mundane, the PR portion of a more mundane field, like generally, technology, medical, they’re a little more sedate. But for the most part, I mean, it is crazy hours, but it comes that it comes with the great reward also, because when you do get media segments on the air that you pitched on a certain angle, I’ll give you an example.
Kit Corral 31:00
Monin flavoring, they’re an international company, they just, they do a lot of work with honeybee conservation, which nobody would know. And it’s a big deal to them. So we got we pitched them a segment with this beekeeper, who’s very famous, and it just took off like wildfire.
Kit Corral 31:17
So everybody gets to see what you know, the people that worked on that account, got to see what they were doing. You know, when you’re an ad creative, and you come up with your ad campaign idea, and it gets approved. When you see that billboard in Times Square, it is like endorphins popping in, and you feel really good about yourself.
Kit Corral 31:34
So there’s some give, and there’s some take, I mean, obviously long hours in this business, yeah, every now and then, you know, when you’re on a deadline for, you know, a big presentation, or if there’s a media segment, you know, normally I don’t know why they want to come out at the crack of dawn all the time.
Kit Corral 31:53
But it happens crisis management as you said, you know, something happens at the Florida State Fair, on a Saturday night, we’ve got to be out there because we’re, we’re there to help their spokesperson, we’re, we’re there to help them with the strategy of what they should say and what they should do and things like that. So it’s a give-and-take scenario, though. But ever there for every negative, there is a big, big positive.
Holly Corral 32:19
And a lot of our employees comment that their friends say me and you’ve got the best job ever, you know, what a fun job you have. And, and they’re like, Well, I love my job. You know, I love my job. It’s adrenaline. It’s exciting, you know? And I said, Well, what, you know, what they don’t see is that you’re there on-site at four o’clock in the morning.
Holly Corral 32:38
And I mean are, you know, we’ve got to, we got a person going literally on site tomorrow at six o’clock in the morning for one of our restaurant clients. So that’s what they don’t see. That’s not the fun part. But then when they like kids that when they see the final product, they’re like, that’s me. That’s I did that, like, and everybody can see it because it’s very forward. I call it forward facing.
Pete Newsome 32:58
Nice. How do you how we have new people coming in because your right marketing sounds fun, from the outside looking and writing it compared to sales, for example, where that sounds like a grind?
Pete Newsome 33:09
And that sounds like a lot of rejection and frustration. Having done my own share of marketing just for the past few years now, I have an entirely different perspective than what I ever would have had previously. How do you screen for that?
Pete Newsome 33:24
And then how do you? What do you think surprises people coming in? who go to school to get a marketing degree? Whether it’s in the creative space? Or even in PR? Do you think most go into it uninformed or unaware that that’s really what they’re signing up for?
Kit Corral 33:44
I don’t think so. As you know, generally speaking now, I don’t think they’re surprised. I think internships definitely show them. You know what, what’s going on, of course, you get people that have expectations that are out of whack. But for the most part, I think people come through in their internships, kind of depending on where you intern, kind of give them a good picture of what to expect.
Kit Corral 34:04
And I’m sure you know, they’re in their professors in school will tell them what agency life is like, or what, you know, if you’re working for a big client, what that’s like. So I don’t, I don’t think that they’re uninformed. I think it may be the level of, you know, in some places, like the level of time-intensive work, but I don’t think so I think, for the most part, they kind of know.
Holly Corral 34:33
They kind of go after employees that we see have had some kind of past experience, even if it’s just an internship in an agency or in an industry like hospitality is fast-paced, hospitality is you know, 24/7 that we know that I have, understand the hours that you put in and understand the kind of work and how fast-paced it is. So we look for that kind of experience because we know that person’s not going To be disenchanted.
Pete Newsome 35:02
That makes sense. What advice would you give to someone on either side of your business? Who wants to get into the space that you’re in? If you know someone who’s young, who’s gone to school? Do they need to go to school? And that’s a question I think, have been asked a lot more today than I would have. Back when we were in college, where it was a given, it was not such a given for me anymore. I’ll just say that. But what advice do you have?
Kit Corral 35:31
Gosh, that’s a pretty broad question. I think, mostly, I would say, to keep an open mind. And communicate like we were talking about earlier because I think keeping an open mind, like, you’ll see things and learn things, and you’ll figure out if this is a good place for you.
Kit Corral 35:51
But communicate also the fact that you can’t make it better. If it is a difficult situation, you have to at least do some diligence and communicate and you know, it can get better or it cannot but I think keeping an open mind and communicating probably and being flexible. can agree. I think to a certain point, you have to be flexible. And until a certain point, and then you will know.
Holly Corral 36:19
Yeah. And I think it I mean both you and I throughout our entire college summers we enter knew what we thought we wanted to do. So you know, after my freshman year in college, I was already interning for a TV station and ages and an advertising agency because that’s what I thought I wanted to do. So I came out with already even though there were internships, a bunch of experience, and what I thought I wanted to do, which translated very well into ultimately what we are doing right now. But I think the experience, I mean, we just talked to someone today, who is was with even remotely was working with a PR agency in New York City where she had some very impressive clients.
Holly Corral 36:59
And on the side, she’s helping with an entertainment company that’s doing that does wedding planning and wedding logistics. So she hasn’t actually had any full-time job experience. But both of those things ladder up to someone who could be successful at it at an agency like ours.
Pete Newsome 37:15
Holly, when you were interning, did you all did it also help you realize what you didn’t want to do? Through that experience?
Holly Corral 37:21
Yes. So I wanted to be a TV reporter. And I went as far as to put a demo reel together and got it out to bunches of small markets throughout the country and wasn’t getting any bites to be honest with you.
Holly Corral 37:33
And at the same time, I was also interning for an advertising agency that offered me a job for $18,000 a year. So I was like, okay, bird in hand or pie in the sky. I’m going with this advertising agency, right? That’s how I actually got started in advertising. So I hadn’t even done VR until getting I moved to Atlanta. I’ve never done VR.
Pete Newsome 37:54
Interesting. So yeah, it’s always a test. You know, there’s a real test for me that you’ve given that you have a teenage son who you have to give advice and guidance to, in terms of career pursuit and education. What do you tell him in terms of how to find the path that he wants to be on and ultimately end up on?
Pete Newsome 38:18
What do you offer me if he came home, for example, and said, Hey, I don’t think I need to go to school? Right? To go to college, I’m gonna go in a different, would you? Would you support that? If you wanted to join a band, for example, and make that living? I mean, how? How do you guys how do you guide your own? Your own son in this area?
Holly Corral 38:37
You’re really good at this? Oh, my God.
Kit Corral 38:39
That’s such a tough question.
Pete Newsome 38:41
What’s a real test? Right, like I do all the time? I don’t know, this.
Kit Corral 38:44
Yeah, put your money where your mouth is. Exactly. Um, I would definitely. I mean, I would definitely support him, I think, I think, no, I would definitely support them. As you alluded to earlier, Pete I don’t think college is necessarily mandatory anymore.
Kit Corral 39:02
I mean, I know it, if you knew the software, and you know, had some I, I can 1,000% teach you all the creative strategy, analysis, ideation, concepting everything that you’ll need to know and can go forward. And you can build a portfolio and, and go out into the world.
Kit Corral 39:24
I mean, people used to spend, you know, four years and an undergrad and then two and a half, three years at an AB school and be horrendously in debt going into an industry not really known for paying well, you know, and so, I think I would be okay with it, depending, you know, as long as they’re dedicated, as long as they understand the risks, and as long as they are good with work ethic, I think I would definitely support it.
Holly Corral 39:52
I think though, like one of the things you’ve always told Tanner is like, basically, you know, you can’t be good at something without working your butt. Got off at it and like working all the time. And that is he’s taken that seriously to heart as it relates to basketball, which is really his passion right now. So you’ve been, you’ve been the driving train on that, like hard work.
Kit Corral 40:14
It’s funny, all the axioms that your parents used to just throw out there and you’re like, Oh, my God, and you just roll your eyes, you’re like, you gotta love the grind, the grind, won’t love you and all this stuff, and you’re like, Oh, God, Please make it stop screwing up here. I am, like spitting out the same things, you know, and you’re like, oh, boy, what happened to me.
Pete Newsome 40:34
It’s incredibly hard. I think a really set has been for me it to impart those things that you know, to be so true and important on someone who can’t see beyond the next five minutes. And that’s, that’s been my challenge as a parent to have my kids see the long, farther down the path, right?
Kit Corral 41:15
They don’t call it a struggling actor for anything. I mean, they struggle a long time before they get their breaks, you know, people see, you know, Hollywood stars, they’re like, Oh, I could do that.
Kit Corral 41:25
And it’s like, really? I mean, do you understand the level of commitment, and, you know, to the crap and things like that, I mean, they love just like you said, they love doing it, they don’t love the accolades, they don’t love, you know, things like that they’re in it for the process. Right.
Pete Newsome 41:42
And you guys are, you know, it’s the streak is alive, I think this is the 14th of an episode of finding career zen. And without exception, every conversation I’ve had has included a struggle, and a commitment to a realization that sex success doesn’t come easy, and it doesn’t come fast.
Pete Newsome 42:04
And that’s as important a message as anything else I think that young people really need to hear now is it’s, it has to, you have to grind to some level yet, you guys have moved multiple times you switch organizations, you didn’t just leave college, or leave your parents house and say, we’re now starting a business or starting a business that will succeed.
Pete Newsome 42:26
And the world is our oyster. Right? You had to earn it. I mean, you couldn’t just do that by showing up.
Holly Corral 42:32
Yeah, and you have a lot of I mean, I have to say this, a lot of young people have the impression that they’re just going to start something that’s just going to immediately be successful, and they’re gonna make a bunch of money. And it is not a quick fix. It is not a quick fix.
Pete Newsome 42:44
So what are the traits or values or both that you guys have if you have that allowed the press to succeed? Because objectively, you’re part of that you’ve built a successful organization, and you have an amazing client list. You’ve mentioned a couple of you do business without back, you know, who’s a who’s just a top brand.
Pete Newsome 43:06
I mean, you’ve had to earn that. And it’s not a coincidence. So what are those things that in the way you work the way you’ve, you know, the way you go about conducting businesses allowed you to succeed where others you have it?
Holly Corral 43:23
Okay, there are several different things I can do, I’ll just start, one of the things is, there’s nothing we won’t do that we’ve asked our employees to do. I, you know, I’m out, you know, the same way, we’re out, we’re out at the fair, we’re out at events, we’re lifting boxes, we’re, you know, there’s nothing we’re asking them to do that we won’t do ourselves. And they see that, and I think they respect us for that. That’s one thing. And that’s, that remains true right now.
Kit Corral 43:53
I know, I learned so much from my creative directors early in my career. And it was big, you know, they helped me a lot. And I think back to those experiences, and I look at our team now. And I think of them looking at me in that same way. So I really try and help steer them in certain ways. And like, Hey, this is a best practice, hey, try this.
Kit Corral 44:18
And it’s just working with them and thinking of it as I’ve always said from their perspective, and trying to impart that wisdom not that I’m like, you know, Mr. dominance or anything like that, I’m not Gandhi, I’m not you know, I don’t have Confucius, I don’t have all this wisdom, but I do have experience. And it’s really like, that’s kind of what I’m trying to help them with. is like, I’m already ahead of you on your path. So let me help you and show you the pitfalls.
Pete Newsome 44:44
That’s a great way to phrase it. What about on the client side? You know, why does crunch fitness do business with the press instead of someone else? Who is fit life work with you instead of someone else? What do you think those traits are in the way you’ve operated the organization?
Kit Corral 45:00
I think also we like I said, we’ve, we’ve been very fortunate to stand on the shoulders of giants of the people we’ve worked with, for, and with before, and we can bring that experience and knock it out of the park every time, all we need is the opportunity.
Kit Corral 45:17
And so I think, once, you know, we’re very easygoing, we always try our best and do great work. And I think the combination of that clients respond to really well, we’re very responsive, we’re very nimble and quick to return on like work, like ad campaigns, things like that, we can turn it around real quick, you know, we’re, we’ve got great connections, as it pertains to media.
Kit Corral 45:44
So if something happens, we can just hit somebody up on the org and say, hey, you know, what do you think about this, we’re, we’ve got this going on, or XYZ. And they’re quick to jump at it because they know us they like, you know, we, we just have great relationships and a great work ethic. And like I said, strategically, creatively, and everything else we’ve been helped in the past by people that were really great and showed us the way.
Holly Corral 46:12
I think it’s also let’s start to with the likability there’s, there’s a definite rapport almost immediately with our clients when they come on board that they just like us as people, and they enjoy working collaborating with us. And then we also do what we say we’re going to do.
Holly Corral 46:29
And we find a lot of agencies get they get burned by a lot of agencies because they promised the world and don’t deliver on it. And they come to us. And when they were after working with us, they’re like, you actually like, produce results. And you actually did what you said you’re going to do, and you follow through and you, you know, didn’t ghost me, and you did I mean, like the most basic things, but the most basic things are basic. So that’s, that’s, we hear that a lot.
Pete Newsome 46:58
That’s, that’s, I’m gonna quote you on that specifically because it’s so it’s such a great and simple but profound statement, the most basic things that they’re not basic. They should be. I mean, but they’re absolutely not. And I see it and that’s just that’s really meaningful. What you guys just said is that, we’re going to do what we say we do. Write, I mean, what more can you ask for?
Holly Corral 47:27
That sounds simple. And we hear it so many times. And so many times they come to us after going to and three other agencies and they’re burned. I mean, they’re so burned, and we’re trying to talk them into like, it’s okay, like, we’re gonna We promise that if we tell you, we’re gonna do something, we will do it.
Holly Corral 47:43
And, and it takes a long time when I mean, there have been clients, we’ve been courting for six and seven years that finally come on board, and then haven’t left us for another six or seven years. I mean, they’ve been our clients for we have numerous clients who have been with us for an excess of 5, 6, 7, and 8 years. Because of that, we actually do what we say we’re going to do.
Pete Newsome 48:04
So you guys probably don’t talk about these things very often you just in you probably take these things for granted, right that you because that’s who you are and how you operate.
Pete Newsome 48:16
But it’s so rare, in I suspect a lot of clients are enamored on the surface of working for a big age with a big agency, you know, with, you know, in New York or with lots of resources. I suspect, they won’t probably get the same level of service, commitment, and dedication.
Kit Corral 48:35
100% they come back as I said, it’s like one of those flirtations, they go off. And because they want to, you know, oh, we’re, you know, we’ve got a New York agency, or we’ve got an LA agency.
Kit Corral 48:47
And, you know, it’s how we’ve had it happen with a couple of our own clients that have decided they wanted to spread their wings and kind of like, see what you know, else, you know, the world has to offer and they come right back, and they’re like, man, we got better service, better results, better relationships for a third of the price, you know, and it just says a lot about what we do and how we do it.
Holly Corral 49:11
And they’re also getting access to us or is it a large agency, more than likely, they’re working with either an intern in some cases, we’ve heard plenty of that, or an entry-level, you know, but they’re getting, they’re getting us. Yeah, we’re involved in every single one of our clients in one shape, way, shape, or form.
Pete Newsome 49:32
I was listening to an audiobook over the weekend by the guys who created Basecamp. If you’re familiar with that project management software, 37 Knowles is the name of their company, and they were talking about how one of their beliefs and things they’ve come to learn is bigger isn’t necessarily better than in the desire to scale and grow as an organization shouldn’t be a universal thing. It may not be right to write to you.
Pete Newsome 50:00
And what you guys are describing really resonates and is consistent with so much. If you guys haven’t listened to the book yet, I’ll put it in the show notes. I can’t think of what it is off top of my head. But it, I think it’s called rebuild. But it just really resonated with me is that I feel like I’m supposed to grow as we like it was supposed to add.
Pete Newsome 50:20
But with that comes the complexities that we talked about a bit ago, and the inability, potentially, to do business in the way that had you successful in the first place, right, where it starts to almost be too far, of an arm’s length sort of thing.
Pete Newsome 50:43
And, and so what you’re saying really makes a whole lot of sense, really resonates. If you could do anything differently, you go back, right, what would you have done? If you can go back and change any one thing?
Kit Corral 51:01
Oh, man, I don’t even I try not to live like that, because it will make you crazy.
Pete Newsome 51:08
That’s good. That’s healthy kid, I have things I can name off the top of my head.
Kit Corral 51:12
I know. Well, I think you know, at least speaking from an ad perspective, I’ve was sort of like, Tampa, growing up, as, as you probably know, is, is a bit of a bubble.
Kit Corral 51:23
You know, my whole family was here, my whole friends, all my support system was here, all my friends were here. So it’s very comfortable. I think the only thing I would have done was push myself at that age to be more daring and sort of like maybe, you know, go work in New York for three years.
Kit Corral 51:41
And don’t be scared. You know, I think that’s the only real regret. I mean, my career path was amazing. And I’m super fortunate, but I think I definitely would have kicked myself in the ass and made myself go try something, you know, in a big, big market back then. Holly anything, not marry me?
Pete Newsome 52:06
I’m gonna ask about that in a second. Before I let you go, I can’t.
Holly Corral 52:11
I can’t ask about this several times. So it must be a thing. I kind of wish I’d started sooner. And I wish that we had gotten our own thing going sooner than we did. I know that sounds crazy. Because it’s like we were in our mid-30s. But like, what did what were we waiting on? I don’t know what I could have done without that last gig. And just started sooner than we did.
Pete Newsome 52:39
I don’t think the world, at least from me, in my experience encourages that. Right? I mean, the message. And this is, as we’ve already talked about a little bit and the concept of going to college or not or pursuing an alternate career path. The message historically has been to get a job work for someone else and have the security that comes with that.
Pete Newsome 52:57
But the reality is that’s not security. We know that. But I also I mean, don’t you think to some degree, you needed that time and experience? Because I considered starting a staffing company. After I left my first job and staffing which was only a year out of school, I would have failed miserably.
Pete Newsome 53:19
I did not have enough. When I think of his reps to use a sports analogy. I didn’t have enough trials and tribulations and experiences and all the things that I needed in order to feel confident or to be effective when I did start my business in my mid-30s.
Pete Newsome 53:38
Similar to what you guys make because our timeframes are pretty similar there. You do you look back and think gosh, maybe you wouldn’t have been ready.
Holly Corral 53:45
You know after our Atlanta get like a stent, I was already putting the wheels in motion to get this thing going. And we took a job the next job, that’s probably when I personally I can’t speak for Kit, I would have probably started right then and there. And that would have been you know, not too much sooner. But sooner than we did so.
Pete Newsome 54:12
So okay, so other than that, marrying Kit.
Holly Corral 54:16
I never said that. I never said that.
Pete Newsome 54:18
I do want to ask it before we go. That’s unique. And one of the reasons I was excited to have you guys on is because you’ve been successful in life and professionally and in your relationship.
Pete Newsome 54:33
And none of those things individually are easy. For sure. And what do you think? Because if you even know maybe you don’t know anything differently at this point.
Pete Newsome 54:43
But that has allowed you guys to beat the odds of that where you still like each other even though you work together and live together. I mean, that’s a big deal. And I think you know that but it’s worth saying.
Holly Corral 54:55
Yeah, it’s a lot of quality time, and that’s a good way of putting it It’s like we stay in our own lanes. But we also respect the fact that I don’t know as much about branding and building a brand or rebranding or copywriting. I don’t know, I don’t know much about that.
Holly Corral 55:13
I don’t know much about like the advertising and creative and branding side of the business. So we kind of stay in our own lanes. And we respect the fact that you’re an expert at that. But by the way, I’m an expert in traditional PR and that kind of thing.
Holly Corral 55:13
And then we meet in the middle somewhere too we have our moments not to say we don’t have our moments, but it’s kind of a walk away type situation like okay, if we’re not, and we’ve no one’s ever seen us argue in the office, we don’t argue here. Like, we just kind of, well, this separate basically, I mean, I just say this, but we’ll just walk away, just walk away.
Pete Newsome 55:47
Do you have a code? Is there a word that you have?
Kit Corral 55:50
Are you just generally on Holly’s side? I like it, all right.
Holly Corral 55:56
Okay. I’m gonna have lunch by Yeah, so.
Kit Corral 56:03
But I think the other thing is open-mindedness. Like, there’s no pretense to us. You know, with social media being such a big thing. We have people here, I’m like, can you show me how to do this? I’m like, such a social just dummy. So I don’t pretend to know that stuff.
Kit Corral 56:21
So like I said, I stay in my lane, and I can help them with the creative with the concept thing with advertising, anything like that. But there’s a lot that I don’t know that they do. Holly knows everything about PR pitching. And the mechanics of that, as I said, her network is amazing. And her network ability is amazing. So I just kind of lean on that.
Holly Corral 56:42
Yeah, and I think you know, and we go home, I will say I mean, unlike you, we only have one child, I think if we had more than one child, the dynamics could even be more complicated. But we have one child that we focus our personal time on, basically. And I think that makes it a lot easier because we don’t have a job. You know, what we’re trying to get done for the job, our home, you know, three or four children, and we have one child, and we just basically divide and conquer.
Kit Corral 57:10
We get to play zone, we don’t have to play man can use a sports analogy.
Pete Newsome 57:14
Yeah, there are certainly pros and cons. But really, I mean, you guys are, what you’re accomplishing is just, it’s really impressive. It’s really neat to watch from afar because what you’re doing is, is what so many people aspire to.
Pete Newsome 57:23
And in your, as I said earlier beating the odds, so I’m really happy for your success. And you know, if there’s any, is it safe to say? And maybe, maybe not ask everyone this, but have you found your career zen?
Holly Corral 57:49
I love what I do. I absolutely love what I do. I look forward to coming here every day. Now. It also depends. It also is based on our culture, we have a really great culture right now.
Holly Corral 58:01
Our people make it is every or everything, or everything. They’re just fun, they get along, they’re fun to collaborate with, they’re fun to chat with, and they make it a very pleasant place to come to every day. So when I talk to people, I have people there, people, like you’re so passionate about what you do, and I’m like, I love what I do. But I like the challenge. I like the new business side of things.
Holly Corral 58:22
Like I like going and hunting something down and, and like being like, you know, we want this piece of business. That’s my favorite thing to do. I just like the new business hunt. But I really I love what we do. And I also like you know, I this is three scorings 360 here but I do like the flexibility. We can go pick up Tanner at 415 and call it a day. And we can go to a basketball game or a basketball game and not think twice and they understand our people understand that. So I feel like it’s kind of the best of both worlds. At least in my opinion. I love what I do.
Pete Newsome 59:00
That’s great I can’t think of a better answer than that Kit and anything.
Kit Corral 59:05
Yeah, like Holly said I think the juice for me is getting our creative product out there and seeing it and it used to be about me seeing my work but now it’s more about moving the needle for our clients and I know that sounds corny, but I’m competitive like Holly and I want our clients to beat their client their competitors out and when you see them come back and say Holy Cow like this stuff is amazing.
Kit Corral 59:30
You know out backspin had a request for ideas from all their agencies that an all agency and so we submitted our deck of ideas and they came back and said these were by far the most like off like out-of-the-park creative. And that meant a lot to us were like a small agency they used for much bigger agents like sports marketing arm, they have a digital arm. They have, you know, a huge ad agency and it meant a lot for us. to us that they wouldn’t even say that. That’s awesome.
Pete Newsome 1:00:04
You’ve earned it and you’re succeeding the right way. You’ve done it for a long time. And it sounds like you’ve got a lot of work ahead still to do and not gonna slow down anytime soon. And so I think that’s a perfect way to wrap up you guys. Thank you so much for coming on today. I really appreciate it and it’s been great to learn more about your business. Thanks, grats on all your success,
Kit Corral 1:00:27
Thanks for having us, Pete.
Pete Newsome 1:00:30
And everyone who’s been listening thanks so much for making it this far, drive safe, and look forward to speaking again soon.