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Logistics Coordinator Career Guide

What is a logistics coordinator?

A logistics coordinator makes sure stuff gets from one place to another in a company. They take care of moving goods, equipment, people, and information. They don’t just track packages; they also figure out the cheapest and fastest ways to send things. They play a big part in making customers happy by ensuring deliveries are on time, the right amount is sent, and everything arrives without damage.

Duties and responsibilities

Logistics coordinators have a lot of jobs to do. They track shipments from the start to when they’re delivered, which means they’re always talking to shipping companies and other people involved in the shipping process. They handle important papers like shipping documents and customs forms.

They also keep an eye on stock levels, recording what comes in and goes out, and watch out for any missing items or potential shortages. They always look for ways to make things run more efficiently and cheaply. They need to stay up-to-date with new tech and trends in shipping and managing goods.

Work environment

Logistics coordinators mostly work in offices, but they might also be in warehouses or manufacturing plants. They sometimes need to visit these places, especially if the company deals with a lot of physical goods. The job can be stressful, especially when there are delays or problems with the shipments.

Typical work hours

Logistics coordinators usually work from 9 a.m. to 5 p.m., Monday through Friday. Sometimes, they might need to work extra hours or at different times, especially if they have to deal with suppliers or customers in different time zones or sort out urgent issues. Some jobs might require them to work in shifts if the company needs people 24/7, like in healthcare or manufacturing that doesn’t stop.

How to become a logistics coordinator

Becoming a logistics coordinator means you need to follow some steps, from school to getting the right experience and skills. Here’s a simple guide:

Step 1: Finish high school

First, you need at least a high school diploma. High school teaches you the basics like math and how to organize stuff, which are important for this job.

Step 2: Consider more school

You don’t always need more school, but it helps. Some people get an associate’s or bachelor’s degree in things like business or logistics management. This can give you a head start and teach you more about how businesses work and how things get from one place to another.

Step 3: Gain some experience

Before you can be in charge, you usually have to start with jobs that get you familiar with how warehouses or shipping companies work. Jobs like these help you learn the ropes and understand what logistics coordinators do every day.

Step 4: Learn the tools of the trade

It’s important to know how to use the software that logistics teams use. These programs help you keep track of stuff, manage inventory, and plan how to ship things. Being good with software like SAP or Oracle can make you stand out when you’re looking for a job.

Step 5: Get certified

There are special courses and exams you can take to get certificates like the Certified Supply Chain Professional (CSCP) or Certified Professional in Supply Management (CPSM). These show you know your stuff and are serious about your career in logistics.

Step 6: Start applying

Once you’ve got your diploma, some experience, and maybe a certification, you’re ready to apply for logistics coordinator jobs. Look for jobs in industries like manufacturing, retail, or transportation. Make sure your resume talks about your specific skills and what you’ve learned so far.

How much do logistics coordinators make?

Logistics coordinator salaries vary by experience, industry, education, location, and organization size. Additional certifications or relevant degrees in supply chain management and logistics can also boost their compensation potential.

Highest paying industries

  • Oil and Gas Extraction: $78,000
  • Federal Executive Branch: $73,000
  • Postsecondary Education: $70,000
  • Couriers and Express Delivery Services: $69,000
  • Scientific Research and Development Services: $67,000

Highest paying states

  • Massachusetts: $70,220
  • Washington: $68,320
  • Alaska: $65,970
  • Connecticut: $63,880
  • California: $63,540

Browse logistics coordinator salary data by market

Types of logistics coordinators

Logistics coordinators can work in different kinds of jobs depending on what they’re interested in. Here’s a look at some common types:

Transport logistics coordinator

If you like figuring out the best routes and keeping things on time, this job involves managing how goods are transported. You need to make sure deliveries are safe and on time, pick the best ways to move stuff, and sometimes even work out prices with the people who help move your goods. You’ll need to be quick on your feet when things don’t go as planned.

Warehouse logistics coordinator

This job is all about keeping things organized in a warehouse. You’ll make sure everything is stored properly, keep track of what’s in stock, and help manage shipments coming in and going out. Good organization skills and being detail-oriented are super important here.

Supply chain logistics coordinator

This is a big-picture job. You look after the whole process of getting products from the start to the end. That means dealing with suppliers, working out contracts, and making sure everything gets where it needs to go smoothly. You need to be good at analyzing how things work and talking to lots of different people to make everything run well.

International logistics coordinator

This job is for those interested in a global role, dealing with products that need to be moved across countries. You’ll need to understand international trade rules and handle things like customs when goods enter or leave a country. It’s important to be good at working with people from different cultures and solving problems that can pop up when dealing with international shipments.

Production logistics coordinator

If you’re into manufacturing, this role focuses on making sure production lines don’t stop because they ran out of materials. You need to plan ahead to make sure there are always enough materials and equipment available, and be able to spot problems before they cause delays.

Event logistics coordinator

This job is perfect if you like organizing events. You’ll handle everything from getting vendors set up, managing transportation for people coming to the event, and making sure everything goes smoothly from start to finish. It’s a job that needs someone who’s organized, good under pressure, and great with people.

Top skills for logistics coordinators

If you’re thinking about becoming a logistics coordinator, here are some of the key skills you’ll need to be good at the job:


Logistics is all about keeping things in order when everything is moving fast. You need to be really good at organizing, handling several tasks at once, sticking to deadlines, and keeping records straight. Since you’ll work with different teams, suppliers, and customers, being organized isn’t just nice to have—it’s a must.

Analytical skills

Figuring things out quickly and making smart decisions is key in logistics. You need to be good at understanding complicated systems, spotting trends, and making choices based on data. You’ll often need to look at how things are going, spot any problems, and think of ways to fix them.


You’ll talk a lot in this job—not just chatting, but really getting points across clearly and listening well. Whether it’s with your team, suppliers, or customers, you need to be sharp in both writing and speaking.

Tech expertise

Logistics today means knowing your way around computers. You should be comfortable using different types of software for managing supply chains, keeping inventory, and handling databases. Being good with Microsoft Office, especially Excel, is also really important.

Attention to detail

In logistics, the little things really matter. You need to keep an eye on everything, catch any mistakes, and be precise in your work. People who do well in logistics are usually those who don’t miss the small stuff.

Logistics coordinator career path options

Starting as a logistics coordinators opens up a lot of doors for your future career. Here’s how you can grow and move up:

Become a logistics manager

One of the most obvious next steps is to become a logistics manager. In this role, you handle bigger tasks like managing the entire logistics process, leading a team, handling money matters, and making deals with suppliers. It’s a step up with more responsibility and usually more challenging.

Specialize as an analyst

You can also dive deeper into a specific part of logistics, like inventory control or supply chain management, and become an analyst. Analysts are super important because they look at data to figure out how to make things work better and more efficiently. They really help companies save money and improve how they do things.

Move into operations management

Coordinators can also work their way up to really high positions in a company, like becoming an operations manager or even a chief operations officer (COO). These roles are about big-picture management and require a lot of experience, but each step in your logistics career gets you closer to these top jobs.

Explore cross-functional roles

The skills you learn in logistics, such as managing projects and analyzing efficiency, are really useful in other areas of a business too. You might find opportunities in marketing, customer service, or other departments. If you’re interested in exploring different paths, you can look for jobs in other areas or study more about a field that catches your interest.

  • Growing role of tech: Coordinators now need to be good with modern software that helps manage supply chains and keep track of deliveries. Knowing how to use these tools is essential because they help make everything run smoother and faster.
  • Increasing job opportunities: Logistics coordinators are needed in lots of different industries and there are new jobs popping up in areas like healthcare and tech. This means there are many different places where you can work, giving you lots of options to choose from as you start your career.

Employment projections

The need for logistics coordinators is expected to grow a lot. The U.S. Bureau of Labor Statistics says jobs for logisticians will increase by 28% through 2031. That’s a lot faster than most other jobs. This means becoming a coordinator could be a great choice if you’re looking for a job with good future prospects.

Logistics coordinator career tips

Understand the industry

To be good at this job, you need to really understand the industry you’re in. Learn about the usual ways things are done and keep up with new methods and tech that could help you do better. The more you know about how your industry works, the better you can do your job.

Stay organized

Being organized is super important in logistics. Create a good system to keep track of everything—goods, delivery schedules, etc. Use tools like spreadsheets, project management software, or special programs made for logistics to help you stay on top of things.

Communicate well

Good communication is crucial. You need to be clear and effective when talking with everyone involved, like suppliers, transport companies, customers, and your coworkers. The better you communicate, the smoother things will go.

Keep learning

Always be learning. Things change fast, and staying updated with the latest trends, technologies, and methods is key. Look into workshops, seminars, or online courses related to supply chain management and project management. Here are some ideas:

  • Online supply chain management courses
  • Project management seminars
  • Certification in logistics management

Build your network

It’s not just what you know, but also who you know. Making connections in your field can open up new job opportunities, give you access to advice and mentorship, and lead to partnerships. Consider joining groups like:

  • American Society of Transportation and Logistics
  • Council of Supply Chain Management Professionals
  • International Warehouse Logistics Association

Where the logistics coordinator jobs are

Top employers

  • DHL International
  • J.B. Hunt
  • UPS
  • FedEx Corporation
  • C.H. Robinson Worldwide, Inc.

Top states

  • California
  • Illinois
  • Ohio
  • Texas
  • Florida

Top job sites

  • zengig
  • Indeed
  • LinkedIn
  • Monster
  • ZipRecruiter


What are the primary qualities needed to excel as a logistics coordinator?

Problem-solving, organization, and communication are three vital qualities for a successful career in this field. A logistics coordinator must be adept at managing multiple tasks, have an analytical mindset to make the best decisions swiftly, and be able to communicate effectively with multiple stakeholders.

What kind of academic background is best for logistics coordinators?

An academic background in supply chain management, business, or logistics can be beneficial. These areas of study typically cover the principles of warehousing, transport, procurement, and supply chain operations that underpin the logistics coordinator role. Other relevant degrees can include economics, finance, or engineering with a focus on operations.

What kind of technologies do logistics coordinators typically use?

Logistics coordinators should be comfortable with supply chain and warehouse management systems, transportation management systems, and enterprise resource planning software. Knowledge of databases and spreadsheet software is also important, as they routinely process and analyze large data sets.

Is industry experience required for logistics coordinators?

Not always, but possessing relevant industry experience is beneficial. Those who previously worked in a warehouse, in procurement, or in any other supply chain role will often better understand operational needs and potential obstacles within a given industry.

What would be the day-to-day tasks for a logistics coordinator?

Daily tasks depend on the employer, the job, and the sector. However, common activities include maintaining contact with suppliers, transporters, and clients, monitoring inventory levels, addressing delivery issues, generating reports, and continuously optimizing logistics operations to increase efficiency.

How does the role of a logistics coordinator fit into the larger logistics team?

In a larger logistics team, the coordinator acts as a vital link between different pieces of the operation. They typically work with procurement specialists to ensure the timely arrival of supplies and liaise with warehouse staff to manage inventory. They may also interact with customer service reps to rectify delivery issues and maintain client satisfaction.

What opportunities for advancement exist for a logistics coordinator?

Advancement opportunities in logistics are often hierarchical, starting with supervisory and managerial roles. After gaining sufficient experience and proving their ability, a logistics coordinator may advance to roles such as logistics manager, supply chain manager, or director of logistics, depending on the structure and size of the organization.

What is the role of a logistics coordinator in crisis management?

During a crisis, they ensure continuity of operations. They may be tasked with identifying new suppliers, coordinating alternative shipping routes, or managing inventory levels to prevent shortages. Their problem-solving skills are vital in crafting contingency plans to minimize the impact of the crisis on the supply chain.

What type of companies hire logistics coordinators?

Any company needing supply chain management may require a logistics coordinator, which includes manufacturers, distributors, logistics companies, and retail chains. Additionally, government agencies, nonprofits, and military organizations often employ coordinators to manage their varied supply needs.