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Enterprise Software Sales Representative Career Guide

What is an enterprise software sales representative?

An enterprise software sales representative is someone who sells software solutions and services to big companies. They talk to important people in these companies, like managers and executives, to find out what kind of software these companies need and help them get it.

These sales reps are really knowledgeable about the software they sell and know a lot about the industries of their clients. They give advice, help with setting up the software, and make sure it works well for the company.

Duties and responsibilities

The main job of an enterprise software sales rep is to sell their company’s software by finding and following up on business chances with big companies. They come up with sales plans, reach out to potential clients, show them how the products work, and offer software that fits what the client needs.

They also need to keep good relationships with the clients they already have. This means they often talk to them, handle any problems, and keep them updated on new products or improvements. They also have to predict sales, watch sales trends, and report their findings to the people who run their company.

Work environment

Enterprise software sales reps usually work in offices but often travel for meetings with clients or to go to events like expos or trade shows. They also use online meetings and digital ways to make sales. They usually work as part of a bigger sales team and often work with other teams like customer service, product development, and marketing.

Typical work hours

Sales reps often work more than the usual 9-to-5 hours. They need to be available when their clients are free, which might be in different time zones. Many companies try to make sure their workers have a good balance between work and personal life, often letting reps work from home. The job might have some unpredictable hours, but earning money through commissions can be a big bonus for many.

How to become an enterprise software sales representative

Want to sell software to big companies? Here’s a step-by-step guide to get you started on becoming an enterprise software sales rep.

Step 1: Earn a bachelor’s degree

Start by getting a bachelor’s degree. You can study business, marketing, information technology, or anything related to these areas. This will teach you the basics you need for the job.

Step 2: Learn about the software industry

Next, get to know the software industry. Learn about different types of software, what they do, and what’s new in the industry. You can read articles, go to events, or watch webinars to keep learning.

Step 3: Develop sales skills

You need to be good at selling. Learn how to talk to people, convince them, and close deals. You can learn these skills in sales training programs or by starting in a basic sales job.

Step 4: Start small

Before you jump into selling software to big companies, try selling on a smaller scale. This could be in a job where you sell to individual customers or smaller businesses. This experience will help you understand how to sell better and what customers want.

Step 5: Get advanced certifications

Getting extra certifications can help you stand out. Look for programs from professional groups or big companies like IBM or Microsoft. These show you’re serious about your career.

Step 6: Network

Start making connections in your industry. Meet people who work in software sales and keep up with the latest news and trends. Networking can open up job opportunities and teach you more about the field.

Step 7: Apply for jobs

Finally, start applying for jobs as an enterprise software sales rep. Make your resume and cover letter specific to each job, showing your sales experience and software knowledge. In interviews, show that you know your stuff and are excited about the job.

How much do enterprise software sales representatives make?

Salaries for enterprise software sales reps vary by experience, industry, education, location, and organization size. The complexity of the software, the size of the client base, and the level of expertise required can greatly influence their total compensation.

Highest paying industries

  • Computer Systems Design: $132,230
  • Management of Companies: $128,890
  • Telecommunications: $126,850
  • Insurance Carriers: $124,200
  • Data Processing and Hosting: $120,750

Highest paying states

  • California: $125,340
  • New York: $121,200
  • Massachusetts: $120,450
  • Washington: $119,430
  • Virginia: $118,930

Browse enterprise software sales rep salary data by market

Types of enterprise software sales representatives

There are different types of sales jobs you can do, depending on what you’re good at and what you like. Here are some options:

Enterprise software account executive

This job is all about working with specific customers for a long time. You help them figure out their problems and meet their goals with the software you’re selling. You need to really understand the software and how to make it work for each customer’s needs. It’s a mix of being good at talking to people and knowing your stuff about the product.

Sales engineer

If you’re good with tech stuff, you might like being a sales engineer. This job involves understanding the technical parts of the software. You’ll need to explain how the software works to potential customers and help them see how it can work for them. You work with the sales team but you also need to know a lot about the tech.

Product specialist

As a product specialist, you keep an eye on what’s new in the market and what customers want. You help make materials and plans to sell more and stand out from competitors. Sometimes, you might also need to show potential customers how the product works.

Top skills for enterprise software sales representatives

Here are the key skills you need to be good at this job:

Understanding of software services and products

You need to know a lot about the software you’re selling. Understand what it does, how it works, and why it’s useful for your customers. You should always be learning about new features and updates because tech changes fast.

Sales skills

Being good at sales is crucial. You need to know how to negotiate, close deals, and handle what customers expect from you. It’s also important to be great at talking and writing clearly because you have to explain why your software is worth buying.

Relationship building and customer service

It’s super important to make strong connections with your customers. Listen to their needs, give them useful advice, and help them even after they’ve bought your software. Happy customers come back and bring their friends.

Understanding the market and competition

Know who else is selling similar software and what they’re good at. Use this knowledge to show how your product is different and better.

Technical proficiency

You don’t need to be a tech expert, but you should understand the basics of how software works. This helps you explain things in a simple way to customers. Also, be comfy using tech tools like CRM software to keep track of your sales and customer info.

Enterprise software sales representative career path options

If you’re working as an enterprise software sales rep and thinking about the next steps in your career, you have several exciting options:

Software sales engineer

If you really know your stuff about software, you might consider becoming a software sales engineer. This job mixes technical expertise with sales skills. You’ll use your deep understanding of software to help explain and sell products.

Business development roles

Your experience in finding and keeping clients can help you move into business development. In these roles, you focus on growing the business by finding new opportunities and building relationships that benefit the company long-term.

Supervisory or managerial positions

If you’re ambitious, you might aim for a job like regional sales manager or director of sales. These roles come with better pay and a chance to shape the company’s strategy. You’ll be in charge of a team of sales reps, making sure they meet or beat their sales targets and help the company grow.

Product manager

With a good understanding of the company’s products and what customers want, you could become a product manager. This job uses the insights you’ve gained from sales to help decide how to develop products so they meet customer needs. It’s a great way to use your sales experience in a new and impactful way.

Here’s what’s happening in the industry and what it means for people in this job:

  • Shift to new technologies: Lately, there’s been a big move toward cloud-based solutions, AI, machine learning, and advanced data analytics. To succeed, sales reps need to understand these technologies and be able to explain them to customers.
  • Increased focus on remote work solutions: With more companies working remotely, there’s a bigger demand for software that helps with collaboration and communication. Sales reps who can show how these tools help manage remote teams are becoming more valuable.
  • Virtual communication skills: Since remote work is more common, being good at virtual meetings and building relationships online is now a must-have skill for sales reps.

Employment projections

The U.S. Bureau of Labor Statistics expects jobs for sales reps, including those selling services and tech products, to grow by 6% through 2031. This is a bit faster than average, driven by the need for new tech solutions like AI and machine learning in many industries.

Enterprise software sales representative career tips

Deeply understand the software you sell

Know your software inside and out. Understand not just what it does but how it can help different types of businesses. Being able to explain how your software solves specific problems for various industries makes you invaluable. Also, be ready to tackle any concerns or questions potential clients might have.

Improve your consultative selling skills

Since enterprise software sales often involve long-term relationships, it’s crucial to understand your clients’ challenges and offer solutions, not just products. This approach builds trust and keeps clients coming back.

Keep up with the latest developments in the software world. Regularly read industry publications, attend webinars and conferences, and join discussions. Being knowledgeable about the latest trends means you can offer the best advice and solutions to your clients.

Build a professional network

Connect with others in your field. Networking can lead to new opportunities, insights into market changes, and new sales strategies. Join relevant organizations and participate in industry events to expand your circle:

  • American Association of Inside Sales Professionals (AA-ISP)
  • National Association of Sales Professionals (NASP)
  • Sales Management Association (SMA)

Engage in continuous learning

The tech field is always evolving, so should your skills. Keep learning, whether through advanced sales training, earning new certifications, or even studying fields related to business or marketing.

Focus on customer service

Good customer service is crucial. Remember, you’re selling a solution, not just a product. Excellent service makes clients feel valued and more likely to stick with you, recommend you to others, and expand their business with you.

Where the enterprise software sales rep jobs are

Top employers

  • Microsoft
  • Oracle
  • SAP
  • Salesforce
  • Adobe Systems

Top states

  • California
  • New York
  • Texas
  • Maryland
  • Virginia

Top job sites

  • zengig
  • Indeed
  • LinkedIn
  • Monster
  • CareerBuilder


What key skills should an enterprise software sales representative possess?

A successful rep in enterprise software sales should have excellent communication and interpersonal skills. They also need to be able to explain complex software products to potential customers, which means they must have a working understanding of the software and general technical aptitude. They must also be disciplined self-starters who can manage their time and prioritize tasks effectively.

What educational background is ideal for an enterprise software sales representative?

Many reps have bachelor’s degrees in business, marketing, or computer science, but other fields are acceptable to most employers. Some employers may prefer MBA candidates, but a strong understanding of technology, specifically software, is most important.

What are the primary responsibilities of an enterprise software sales representative?

The main responsibilities include identifying potential clients, presenting and demoing software solutions to those potential clients, and negotiating contracts. Maintaining relationships with existing clients to ensure their satisfaction and repeat business is also a key part of the role.

What level of technical skills do I need to succeed in enterprise software sales?

While a deep level of technical expertise isn’t always necessary, having a solid understanding of technology and software can be extremely beneficial. You’ll need to be comfortable discussing the details of the software you’re selling and understanding how it can best be utilized to fulfill your client’s needs. Most companies will provide the necessary training if you’re not already well-versed in the software’s operation.

How should I prepare to become an enterprise software sales representative?

Internships or entry-level jobs in sales can provide valuable experience and opportunities to build skills and networking contacts. Additionally, understanding software products and how they benefit different business sectors can set you apart from the competition. Professional sales certifications also can be beneficial for career advancement.

Do I need to be an extrovert to succeed in enterprise software sales?

Not necessarily. While being extroverted helps, qualities such as listening to and understanding client needs, being patient and adaptable, and building trusting relationships are arguably more important than being outgoing. A wide variety of personality types can succeed in enterprise software sales if they’re willing to work hard, learn continuously, and have a good sense of empathy toward the client’s needs.

Is the market for enterprise software sales competitive?

Like any other sales field, the enterprise software market is competitive. Success can yield lucrative rewards, which draws a large pool of talented individuals to this profession. However, great reps stand out by combining a deep understanding of the product with excellent people skills to build effective client relationships.

Do enterprise software sales positions often come with a base salary, or is compensation primarily commission-based?

Most sales positions come with a base salary and the potential for commission or bonuses based on sales performance. However, the specifics depend on the company, the complexity of the software being sold, and the representative’s level of experience. Before accepting a job offer, make sure you understand the compensation structure clearly.

How does the future look for enterprise software sales jobs?

The future appears promising. As digital transformation continues to be a priority for companies of all sizes and across industries, the demand for enterprise software solutions will likely remain strong. The ongoing shift to cloud-based software and tools also opens up new opportunities for sales reps in this field.

Is it beneficial for an enterprise software sales representative to specialize in selling a specific kind of software?

Specialization can certainly be beneficial. By focusing on specific software types, like CRM or ERP software, you can become an expert within that niche – it can make you more attractive to certain employers and lead to larger sales or higher-level clients.