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Enterprise Architect Career Guide

What is an enterprise architect?

An enterprise architect works at the intersection of IT and business operations, helping to translate business goals into tech solutions. Their job is to make sure the company’s strategy can be carried out effectively with the right tech support. Without them, a company might make plans that their tech can’t handle, which can slow them down and make it tough to keep up with competitors.

Duties and responsibilities

Enterprise architects mainly design and update business processes to make sure they work well with the technology the company uses. They look at how the business operates currently to find what works and what doesn’t. These experts also plan out the entire blueprint of the company’s tech systems, figuring out what new tech can be added and how it all fits together to help the business run smoothly.

Work environment

Enterprise architects work mainly in offices and have a lot of meetings with different department heads to understand all parts of the company. They also spend a lot of time on computers, planning out the tech systems.

They might need to travel for work or go to business meetings, workshops, and seminars depending on their company. They work closely with other IT staff like system architects and software developers.

Typical work hours

Enterprise architects usually work regular full-time hours from Monday to Friday, but sometimes, they have to work extra, especially when there are big projects or urgent system fixes needed. They need to be ready to handle sudden tech issues, which means sometimes working odd hours.

How to become an enterprise architect

Becoming an enterprise architect involves several steps, from education to gaining real-world IT experience. Here’s a step-by-step guide on how to get started:

Step 1: Earn a bachelor’s degree

Start with a bachelor’s degree in something like information technology, computer science, or business. These degrees teach you about how systems work, how to manage databases, how to program, and how networks function.

Step 2: Gain work experience

To understand how business goals and technology work together, you need practical experience. Jobs in software development, network administration, or data analysis are good places to start. You’ll need at least five years of experience in roles that involve designing systems and using technology in practical ways.

Step 3: Maybe go for a master’s degree

Some people decide to get a master’s degree in enterprise architecture, IT management, or business administration. This isn’t required, but it can help you understand more about business strategy and leadership, and might help you get better jobs and pay in the future.

Step 4: Get certified

Certifications like TOGAF (The Open Group Architecture Framework), Certified Information Systems Security Professional (CISSP), or AWS Certified Solutions Architect can prove that you know your stuff and are keeping up with current tech trends. These can make you more attractive to employers.

Step 5: Build your soft skills

Being good at your job isn’t just about knowing tech stuff; you also need to be good at communicating, leading, and solving problems. These skills are crucial because you’ll often need to explain tech ideas to people who aren’t tech experts and lead teams.

Step 6: Start applying for jobs

Once you have the right education, experience, certifications, and skills, start applying for jobs. Make sure your resume shows off how you’ve used tech to help businesses, and highlight any big projects you’ve worked on or led.

How much do enterprise architects make?

Salaries for enterprise architects vary by experience, industry, education, location, and organization size. Specializations in various technological areas and the magnitude of their tasks, such as overseeing the infrastructure of large companies or designing system frameworks for multiple departments, can also impact compensation.

Highest paying industries

  • Computer Systems Design: $165,530
  • Management of Companies and Enterprises: $159,690
  • Software Publishers: $158,640
  • Data Processing and Hosting: $156,580
  • Scientific Research and Development Services: $155,750

Highest paying states

  • California: $169,630
  • New Jersey: $165,890
  • New York: $164,150
  • Virginia: $159,890
  • Massachusetts: $157,220

Browse enterprise architect salary data by market

Types of enterprise architects

Enterprise architects can specialize in different areas, depending on what part of the business they focus on. Here are some common types:

Information systems architect

These architects work on creating digital systems and managing information databases. They design and set up computer systems to meet specific business needs.

Infrastructure architect

These pros focus on the setup for telecommunications and computer hardware. They make sure that a company’s tech infrastructure can handle what the company needs now and what it might need in the future. Their job involves researching and planning the physical tech setup, like networks and storage.

Solutions architect

Solutions architects handle big projects that include many IT tasks. They are responsible for designing, putting into place, and maintaining the systems and software that help the business run smoothly and meet its goals.

Data architect

Data architects focus on how a company’s data is organized. They plan and manage where and how data is stored, used, and handled by different parts of the company and its IT systems.

Cloud architect

These experts are all about cloud technology. They work on projects that move company systems and data to the cloud. This includes everything from figuring out the company’s needs to designing and overseeing the setup of cloud systems.

Business architect

Business architects ensure that a company’s operations and its technology are in sync. They map out the main business processes and make sure the tech setup supports the business goals well and efficiently.

Top skills for enterprise architects

To succeed as an enterprise architect, you need a mix of technical knowledge and personal skills. Here’s what you should work on:

Strategic thinking

It’s crucial to see the big picture. You need to predict what the business will need in the future and plan the tech systems to support those needs. This means understanding how businesses work, what’s happening in different industries, and keeping up with tech trends.

Communication skills

You must be good at explaining tech stuff in a way that people who aren’t tech experts can understand. This involves talking about the company’s tech needs and plans clearly, listening well, and understanding what different parts of the company need.

Balancing goals

As an enterprise architect, you need to juggle the company’s needs right now with plans for the future. This means solving problems today while planning for long-term goals.

Tech knowledge

Stay updated on the latest in technology and understand how it can be integrated into the business. This includes knowing about the current tech, what’s coming next, and how it might affect the company.


The ability to lead is vital. You’ll need to guide and motivate your team, encourage teamwork, and ensure projects are successful.

Enterprise architect career path options

As you gain experience and skills in your job as an enterprise architect, you’ll have opportunities to move up and try new roles:

Senior enterprise architect

After a few years, you might become a senior architect. In this role, you’ll take on more leadership responsibilities, manage multiple projects, and lead teams. You’ll have a big role in deciding the tech direction of your company. It’s a job with a lot of responsibility but also a great chance to make a big impact.

Chief architect or chief technology officer (CTO)

With a deep understanding of the company and lots of experience, you could become a chief architect or even a CTO. These top jobs need you to use both your tech and leadership skills to the fullest. You’ll have more chances to show off what you know about tech and how it can help the company succeed.

Other opportunities

You might also consider moving sideways into other areas like IT project management, IT management, strategic planning, or consulting. These paths can be rewarding if you like variety and learning new things.

Here’s what’s new and what skills you need to succeed in this career:

  • Rise of cloud technology: More companies are using cloud-based systems, so understanding cloud technologies is becoming crucial for enterprise architects. Being skilled in the latest cloud tech can make you very valuable in this field.
  • Emerging technologies: Technologies like artificial intelligence (AI), machine learning (ML), and the Internet of Things (IoT) are becoming big parts of the tech landscape. They need to know how to integrate these new technologies into their companies’ existing systems.
  • Understanding business and regulations: Understanding business processes and strategy is also key. Plus, with new laws about data privacy, these experts need to keep up with regulations to make sure their designs comply with the law.
  • Importance of soft skills: Soft skills like leadership, communication, problem-solving, and negotiation are as important as tech skills. As they often lead projects and make big decisions, these skills are essential for success.

The job outlook is promising because they play a critical role in integrating tech and business goals. As tech evolves, so does the need for skilled architects who can handle these changes and drive success.

Enterprise architect career tips

Understand the bigger picture

It’s important to know how the entire company works, not just the tech part. You should understand the company’s business model, strategies, and how things are done so you can make sure the tech supports the business goals.

Master communication

You’ll need to talk with lots of different people in the company, from the top bosses to the tech team. Good communication means being able to explain complex things in a simple way and also being a great listener. When everyone understands the tech plans, it’s easier to work together effectively.

Tech changes fast. Keeping up with the latest trends lets you design systems that are modern and right for the future. Knowing the benefits and risks of new technologies helps the company stay competitive.

Keep learning

To stay ahead, keep learning new things:

  • Learn about advanced architecture frameworks like TOGAF or Zachman
  • Understand new tech like cloud services and IoT
  • Consider certifications in project management or ITIL to broaden your skills

Strive for strategic alignment

Make sure that the tech solutions you suggest fit with the company’s overall goals. This requires a deep understanding of both the business and tech and strong leadership skills to ensure everyone is on the same page.

Build a professional network

Connecting with other professionals can boost your knowledge and career opportunities. Attend industry events and participate in forums to meet other enterprise architects. Join groups like:

  • The Open Group (TOGAF)
  • Association for Information Systems (AIS)
  • Information Systems Audit and Control Association (ISACA)

Where the enterprise architect jobs are

Top employers

  • VMware, Inc.
  • Dell Inc.
  • IBM Corp.
  • HP, Inc.
  • Accenture

Top states

  • California
  • Texas
  • New York
  • Florida
  • Illinois

Top job sites

  • zengig
  • Indeed
  • LinkedIn
  • CareerBuilder
  • Monster


What does an enterprise architect do on a daily basis?

An enterprise architect will often spend their day diving into various parts of the organization, understanding the systems in place, the business objectives, and the technology infrastructure. They’ll align these areas into a coherent whole. This could involve reviewing current practices, researching new technologies, and developing blueprints for future system implementations. Collaboration with stakeholders across the organization is also a key part of their role.

What qualifications do I need to become an enterprise architect?

Most enterprise architects have a bachelor’s degree in a related field, such as information technology, computer science, or business management. Many earn a master’s degree in business administration or a related field. Relevant work experience in IT or a related field is also crucial, and certifications (such as TOGAF or ArchiMate) can enhance credibility.

What skills are required for an enterprise architect?

Enterprise architects need a broad skill set, including deep knowledge of IT infrastructure, software development, and system architecture. They need strong leadership abilities, analytical skills, and good problem-solving capabilities. Understanding business structures, operations, and strategies is key. Because they work closely with various stakeholders, excellent communication abilities are imperative.

What are the main responsibilities for an enterprise architect?

Main responsibilities include designing and implementing business and IT standards and procedures. They develop plans to integrate business processes with technology, guide the organization in IT investment decisions, and align IT strategies with the business goals. Participating in system and technology evaluations, capacity planning, and disaster recovery procedures are also part of the role.

How can I gain experience to become an enterprise architect?

Most enterprise architects start by gaining experience in lower-level IT roles, such as system analyst or software developer. Earning relevant certifications and staying up-to-date with industry trends and emerging technologies can also aid in advancing your career.

What are the challenges of being an enterprise architect?

Challenges include dealing with complex business structures and rapidly changing technology landscapes. Identifying the right technology solutions that align well with business needs while having long-term benefits can be challenging. They must also balance various stakeholder views and deal with resistance to change while implementing new processes or technologies.

What are the typical working hours for an enterprise architect?

Enterprise architects typically work a standard 40-hour work week from Monday to Friday. However, depending on deadlines or ongoing projects, longer hours may occasionally be required. Due to the strategic nature of their role, they might also need to attend meetings outside of standard working hours.

Which industries employ enterprise architects?

Enterprise architect professionals are needed in virtually all industries as technology continues to play a vital role in companies’ operational efficiency and strategic direction.

What tools do enterprise architects use?

An enterprise architect requires several software tools to manage their work effectively – architectural modeling tools like Sparx Systems Enterprise Architect or Software AG’s Alfabet for planning IT landscapes. They also use project management tools, databases for managing data, and business intelligence tools for analyzing it. Documentation and presentation software are also commonly used.

How does the role of an enterprise architect differ from a solutions architect?

An enterprise architect has a broader scope, focusing on the entire business ecosystem: the interconnection of business processes, information systems, and technologies. They establish a holistic view of the organization’s strategy, processes, information, and IT assets. A solution architect, on the other hand, focuses on a specific domain or technology and designs the technology solutions for that area, considering the enterprise architecture guidelines.