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Computer Scientist Career Guide

What is a computer scientist?

A computer scientist is someone who uses their knowledge of computers to make cool stuff and solve tricky problems. They work on things like making computers smarter (that’s artificial intelligence), keeping data safe (like in network security), and helping companies understand big piles of data (that’s data science).

These tech wizards help invent new ways to use technology that can change how we live and work. They are always learning new things to keep up with the fast-changing world of tech. Their skills help them turn big, complicated ideas into real stuff that we use every day.

Duties and responsibilities

Computer scientists do all kinds of jobs to make computers work better. They build new software, make existing software run faster, and come up with new ways to handle huge amounts of information quickly. They know a lot of programming languages, which lets them write code, fix bugs, and test software to make sure it works right.

They also work with other people in their company to plan projects and figure out the best ways to do things. Sometimes, they do research on really advanced stuff like machine learning (which helps computers learn on their own) and then share what they find with other scientists or at big meetings.

Work environment

Computer scientists usually work in cool places like tech companies, colleges, or government offices. Their job is mostly done in front of computers in an office or a lab. They don’t work alone; they team up with other tech pros like software engineers and data analysts.

The vibe is usually creative and collaborative because everyone is working together to come up with new ideas and solve problems. Since technology is key in many fields like finance, healthcare, and education, they can end up working in different kinds of industries. With more companies going digital, a lot of computer scientists now have the option to work from home, which can be pretty flexible.

Typical work hours

Computer scientists typically work the usual 9 to 5, Monday through Friday, which adds up to about 40 hours a week. But sometimes, when there’s a big project deadline or a sudden tech issue that needs fixing, they might need to work extra hours. If they’re involved in research or teaching, especially at universities, they might also spend some extra time on those activities.

How to become a computer scientist

Want to be a computer scientist and work with the latest tech? Here’s how you can get started on this exciting career path:

Step 1: Finish high school

Start your journey in high school by taking as many math and science classes as you can. If your school offers computer science classes, definitely take those too! These classes will teach you how to think critically and solve problems—skills that are super important for computer scientists.

Step 2: Get a bachelor’s degree

Most computer scientists have a bachelor’s degree in computer science or something related like information systems. In college, you’ll learn about algorithms, how to make software, and how to analyze data. This stuff is the bread and butter of solving big tech problems.

Step 3: Do an internship

Internships are a great way to get real-world experience and meet people working in tech. They can help you find a job later and make it easier to understand what working in tech is really like.

Step 4: Consider a master’s degree (optional)

You don’t need a master’s degree to be a computer scientist, but getting one can help you land some of the cooler jobs and might get you a higher salary. It’s also a must if you want to do research or teach at a university.

Step 5: Gain experience

After school, try to get as much experience as you can. Start with entry-level jobs where you can learn from more experienced tech pros. This hands-on experience is what will really make you a skilled computer scientist.

Step 6: Get certified

Getting a professional certification can make your resume stand out. It shows employers you know your stuff and are serious about your tech career.

Step 7: Keep learning

Tech changes fast! To keep up and stay ahead in your career, keep learning. This could mean taking more courses, going to tech conferences, or just keeping up with new tech news.

How much do computer scientists make?

Factors influencing computer scientist salaries include their education, location, industry, size and prestige of the company, years of experience, and area of specialization. Those with advanced degrees or highly specialized knowledge tend to earn more money. Geographic location also matters, as opportunities and demand may vary. More established or larger tech companies usually offer higher compensation. Similarly, specific industries where technology plays a central role often pay more to attract and retain computer science talent.

Highest paying industries

  • Wholesale Electronic Markets: $200,530
  • Securities and Other Financial Investments: $192,810
  • Telecommunications: $150,840
  • Insurance Carriers: $147,300
  • Scientific Research and Development Services: $141,910

Highest paying states

  • California: $144,230
  • Washington: $140,460
  • New York: $121,230
  • Maryland: $119,900
  • Virginia: $119,540

Browse computer scientist salary data by market

Types of computer scientists

Computer science is a huge field with lots of different specialties. Whether you like solving puzzles, building apps, or making sense of massive amounts of data, there’s a place for you. Here are some of the cool types of computer scientists you might become:

Theoretical computer scientist

Do you like thinking about problems that haven’t been solved yet? Theoretical computer scientists work mostly in research, trying to come up with new ideas about how computers can solve problems. They dive deep into theories and might even come up with new ways for computers to process information.

Computer systems analyst

These tech pros act like a bridge between business and technology. They really understand both sides and help companies use technology to get better at what they do. If you’re into finding out how tech can make a business run smoother and more efficiently, this might be the job for you.

Software engineer

Also known as software developers, these folks are the builders of the digital world. They use computer science and math to create everything from video games to business apps. If you like the idea of building programs and apps that people use every day, consider becoming a software engineer.

Data scientist

Data scientists are super important in today’s world because they help companies understand all the data they collect. Using computer science, statistics, and machine learning, they make sense of complex data to help guide decisions. If you’re into data and how it can influence big choices, this could be the path for you.

Information systems manager

If leading a team sounds exciting, think about becoming an information systems manager. They manage all the tech stuff in a company, making sure everything from internet security to new software installations is handled right. They need to know a lot about technology and business to keep everything running smoothly.

Top skills for computer scientists

Becoming a computer scientist isn’t just about knowing a lot about computers—it’s also about having the right skills. Here are some of the top skills you’ll need if you want to succeed in this field:

Strong coding abilities

Coding is like the language of computer science. Knowing how to code means you can create software, solve problems, or even fix bugs that pop up in systems. Learning languages like C++, Python, or Java is super important because they help you do all the cool stuff in tech, like making apps or developing new tools.

Understanding of computer systems and networks

If you want to be good at this job, you need to really get how computers and networks work together. This knowledge helps you make everything from small programs to big systems that companies use every day. It’s all about knowing how to make things work better and fix them when they don’t.

Analytical skills

Computer scientists need to be great at thinking through problems. This means looking at a problem, breaking it down, and finding out the best way to solve it. Whether it’s figuring out why something isn’t working right or making sure a new software runs smoothly, being able to analyze things is key.

Desire to keep learning

Tech changes all the time. New tools, programs, and tech ideas come out almost every day, and keeping up with them is a must. If you love learning and are curious about new things, you’ll fit right in. This field always has something new to explore, so loving to learn is a huge plus.

Problem-solving skills

Being a computer scientist means you often have to find solutions to tricky problems. Good problem-solving skills mean you can look at different ways to fix something, choose the best one, and go for it without making things worse. Sometimes, it’s all about trying different solutions until you find the one that works best.

Computer scientist career path

After you start your journey as a computer scientist, there are lots of fantastic directions you can take your career. Here are some exciting options:

Specialize in cool tech areas

As you get more experience, you might decide to focus on a specific part of computer science, like making algorithms, designing computer systems, or building software. Becoming an expert in one of these areas can make you really valuable in the tech world.

Go into teaching or research

If you love discovering new things and sharing your knowledge, you could become a university professor or a researcher. This path is great if you want to keep learning and help train the next generation of computer scientists. It’s all about exploring new ideas and helping students understand complex tech stuff.

Move up to management

You could also aim for a big-time leadership role in a company, like becoming a chief technology officer (CTO) or chief information officer (CIO). These jobs are about using your tech skills to help guide the company’s strategy and make big decisions that affect how the company uses technology.

Start your own tech company

Feeling entrepreneurial? You could start your own business in the tech industry. Whether it’s a consulting firm or a startup that makes new software, creating your own company is a way to use all your computer science skills to build something from scratch. With technology being so important in almost every part of life, your own tech business could really take off.

  • Growing need for cybersecurity experts: As we use more technology in our everyday lives, keeping our information safe becomes super important. Businesses and governments need these experts to help keep their systems secure, especially as cyber threats keep increasing.
  • Legal and ethical challenges: Computer scientists also have to deal with legal and ethical issues, especially about how data is used and kept private. This makes their job really important because they help make sure technology is used in a safe and fair way.

Employment projections

Looking ahead, things look pretty bright for computer scientists. According to the U.S. Bureau of Labor Statistics, jobs for computer and information research scientists are expected to grow by 21% through 2031. That’s a lot faster than many other jobs. This growth is driven by more data collection, the need for better cybersecurity, and just more technology in general.

Computer scientist career tips

Understand the industry

Stay on top of what’s new and hot in tech, like artificial intelligence, machine learning, and data science. The better you understand these areas, the more awesome stuff you can create and the more valuable you’ll be in any tech team.

Keep learning

Thinking about more school? Degrees like a master’s or a PhD can open up even cooler jobs, especially in research or higher-level positions. More education means you get to dive deeper into the tech you love.

Work on your own projects

Try building your own apps or software in your free time. Not only is it fun, but it also improves your skills and might even get you noticed by companies or other techies who can help you grow your career.

Be flexible

Tech changes fast! Being able to adapt to new tools or ideas is a superpower in the tech world. Show that you can learn and change as new tech comes out, and you’ll be a top pick for any tech company.

Network with others

Get to know people who do what you do. Networking can lead to new opportunities and it’s a great way to learn from others. Attend tech meetups, conferences, or join groups like:

  • Association for Computing Machinery (ACM)
  • Computer Science Teachers Association (CSTA)
  • Computing Research Association (CRA)
  • International Association of Computer Science and Information Technology (IACSIT)

Go for extra certifications

Think about getting certified in specific tech areas. Certifications like the Microsoft Certified: Azure AI Engineer Associate or Google Certified Professional Data Engineer show that you’re serious about your tech skills and keep you competitive.

Embrace lifelong learning

Keep learning new things. Whether it’s through courses, online tutorials, or workshops, staying updated with the latest tech will keep you ahead in the tech game.

Where the computer scientist jobs are

Top employers

  • Google
  • Microsoft
  • Facebook
  • Apple
  • Amazon

Top states

  • California
  • Washington
  • Texas
  • Massachusetts
  • New York

Top job sites

  • zengig
  • Indeed
  • Monster
  • LinkedIn
  • SimplyHired


What are the essential skills for a computer scientist?

A successful computer scientist needs a mix of theoretical knowledge and practical abilities. Technical skills include proficiency in multiple programming languages, a deep understanding of algorithms and data structures, familiarity with computer system architecture, and adeptness in software development and system design. Apart from technical skills, analytical skills, problem-solving abilities, creativity, and excellent communication are essential.

What kind of work environments are typical for computer scientists?

They can be found in varying work environments depending on their specific roles and the industries in which they work. Many are employed in office environments, often part of an IT department or scientific research team. Consulting firms, government agencies, software companies, and higher education institutions all employ computer scientists. Some work in labs or research facilities, while others may have the option to work remotely, depending on their role and employer.

Is a graduate degree required to be a computer scientist?

While not universally required, many employers prefer or require a master’s degree or a Ph.D., particularly in specialized or high-level roles that involve complex problem-solving, research, or system design. On the other hand, a bachelor’s degree can be sufficient for certain roles or companies. Still, continued learning and professional development are expected.

What professional organizations are beneficial for computer scientists?

Joining professional organizations can aid in the development and progression of a career in computer science. The Association for Computing Machinery (ACM) and the Institute of Electrical and Electronics Engineers Computer Society (IEEE-CS) are among the most prominent. These organizations provide opportunities for networking, continuing education, certifications, and staying informed about the latest industry trends.

What are some common misconceptions about being a computer scientist?

Common misconceptions include the notion that computer scientists work in isolation, which is untrue, as teamwork is often essential. Another misconception is that they focus only on programming; in reality, the scope extends to creating algorithms, solving complex problems, developing software, and understanding data structures, among many other tasks.

How much programming is involved in being a computer scientist?

The amount of programming will vary significantly based on the specific job, but generally, programming constitutes a significant part of their work. It’s an essential skill used to create solutions, develop software, and advance research projects. Understanding a variety of programming languages is typically necessary.

How does the work of a computer scientist differ from a computer engineer?

While there is some overlap between the fields, the key difference lies in focus: computer scientists generally focus more on the software side, dealing with algorithms, software development, and high-level computational theory. In contrast, computer engineers tend to focus more on the hardware side of computers, including designing and constructing computer systems and networks.

How does computer science impact everyday life?

Computer science is behind most of our daily technology. It’s driving improvements in healthcare, environmental sustainability, education, entertainment, and much more. From the apps on our phones and the software on our computers to data analysis that informs business decisions, the developments and advancements achieved by these scientists impact nearly every aspect of our daily lives.

Are there specialized fields within computer science?

Yes, there are a variety of specialized fields within computer science. These include but are not limited to artificial intelligence, cybersecurity, bioinformatics, quantum computing, data science, computer graphics, and software engineering. Each of these specialized fields requires a unique set of skills and may involve different job responsibilities within the broader scope of computer science.

What ethical considerations are important for computer scientists?

As creators of technologies that impact every aspect of society, computer scientists face a range of ethical issues. These can include considerations like data privacy and security, the potential for technology misuse, algorithmic bias issues, and the social impacts of automation and artificial intelligence. Many professional organizations provide codes of ethics to guide them in their work.