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Backend Developer Career Guide

What is a backend developer?

A backend developer works on the behind-the-scenes parts of apps and websites, ensuring they run smoothly and securely. Unlike those who make websites look good, these developers make sure everything works properly on the server side, from managing data to optimizing performance.

Duties and responsibilities

Backend developers build and improve the parts of an app or website that you don’t see. They create the systems that let websites handle information and talk to databases, and they write the rules that help protect data. They work on everything from keeping user information safe to verifying that the site loads fast.

Work environment

Backend developers can work in all kinds of places—from cool tech startups with a casual office to big companies with more formal settings. They might work together in an office or by themselves from anywhere in the world. Workplaces can vary a lot depending on the company’s vibe and size.

Typical work hours

Most backend developers work a regular 40-hour week, but sometimes, they might have to work more to meet deadlines or fix unexpected problems. Some choose to freelance, which offers more flexible hours but less job security.

How to become a backend developer

Want to become the wizard behind the curtain for apps and websites? Here’s how you can start your journey to becoming a backend developer:

Step 1: Get a degree

Most developers start with a college degree in computer science, software engineering, or something related. You’ll learn about the building blocks of programming and get to grips with how data and algorithms work.

Step 2: Learn the languages

Next up, you need to learn some key coding languages for backend work. Popular ones include Java, Python, Ruby, and PHP. You can find tons of courses online that will help you master these languages. Whether starting from zero or looking to polish your skills, there’s a course out there for you.

Here are some of the courses we recommend:

  • Core Java teaches the skills for mastering the Java programming language, including syntax, functions, object-oriented techniques, and core libraries. 
  • Work toward Python certification with Coursera’s Python Basics, the first of five courses in the Python 3 programming specialization. 
  • Start from scratch and move to advanced coding techniques with Udemy’s Comprehensive Ruby Programming course. 
  • Develop the fundamentals for Object-Oriented Programming in PHP that will wow customers and employers. 

Step 3: Dive into databases

Backend devs must be good with databases because that’s where all your app’s data lives. Learn SQL and how to use database systems like MySQL or MongoDB. Understanding how servers work will also come in handy.

Step 4: Practice makes perfect

You’ve got to code to learn coding! Try internships, coding bootcamps, or even volunteer in open-source projects. The more real-world practice you get, the better.

Step 5: Learn about DevOps and clouds

Nowadays, knowing how to use cloud services (like AWS or Google Cloud) and understanding DevOps—which helps teams deliver apps faster and with fewer bugs—is super valuable. Tools like Docker and Kubernetes are part of this step.

Step 6: Get good with Git

Version control is non-negotiable in coding jobs. Git is a system that helps you manage updates and collaborate with others without losing your mind.

Step 7: Build your portfolio

Put together a portfolio that shows off your projects. This could include class projects, internships, or anything you’ve built on your own. Make sure your resume shouts about your coding skills, your database expertise, and your knack for solving problems.

Step 8: Apply for jobs

Armed with skills, experience, and a killer portfolio, you’re ready to apply for jobs. Customize your applications to show you’ve got what it takes for each specific job.

How much do backend developers make?

The salary for backend developers can fluctuate based on various factors, including their location, years of experience, level of education, and specific programming languages or technologies. Those with expertise in high-demand languages and technologies often command higher pay. The industry and size of the company can also significantly impact their compensation.

Highest paying industries

  • Finance: $130,000
  • Technology: $125,000
  • Healthcare: $120,000
  • Retail: $115,000
  • Media and Entertainment: $110,000

Highest paying states

  • California: $128,410
  • Washington: $126,920
  • New York: $116,830
  • Massachusetts: $113,830
  • District of Columbia: $105,548

Browse backend developer salary data by market

Types of backend developers

Backend developers can specialize in many different areas, depending on what kind of technology they like to work with and the type of apps they want to build. Let’s check out some of the cool specialties:

  • Java backend developer: These developers are all about Java, a popular programming language. They use tools called frameworks, like Spring and Hibernate, to make apps that are safe, fast, and can handle a lot of users.
  • .NET backend developer: Using Microsoft’s .NET framework, these developers build strong and secure apps with a language called C# (pronounced ‘C-sharp’).
  • Node.js backend developer: Node.js lets developers use JavaScript (which is usually used to create websites) on the server side, too. This is great for apps that need to work in real-time, like chat apps.
  • Python backend developer: Python is super easy to read and learn, which is why lots of new developers like it. Python backend developers might use frameworks like Django or Flask to make awesome web apps.
  • PHP backend developer: PHP is used to make websites interactive. If you’ve ever signed up on a website, it probably used PHP. PHP developers often work with tools like Laravel or Symfony.
  • Ruby backend developer: Ruby developers use Ruby on Rails, a framework that helps them build apps quickly and with less code. It’s all about making the developer’s job easier.
  • Database developer: These developers are database whizzes, working with SQL (for structured data) or NoSQL (for less structured data) to manage all the data that apps need to store.
  • API developer: APIs let different apps talk to each other. API developers build these communication bridges, making sure they’re secure and efficient.
  • Backend developer with DevOps skills: Some backend developers also know DevOps, which means they handle not just coding but also the setup and maintenance of systems that keep apps running smoothly.

Top skills for backend developers

Being a backend developer is like being the brains behind an app. Here are some of the top skills you’ll need to rock this job:

  • Master coding languages: You’ve got to know your way around coding languages. Whether it’s Java, Python, PHP, or Ruby, these are the tools you’ll use to build the part of the app that users don’t see but totally rely on.
  • Be a database pro: Apps need to store and manage heaps of data, from user info to game scores. Whether it’s SQL databases (structured) or NoSQL (less structured), knowing how to handle these is a must.
  • Know your way around the cloud: These days, many apps live on the cloud (like AWS, Azure, or Google Cloud), which lets them work faster and scale up easily. Understanding how to use these platforms is super important for launching and managing apps.
  • Solve problems like a boss: When things go wrong (and they will), you need to figure out what’s broken and how to fix it. This might mean figuring out why an app is slow, why data isn’t showing up right, or how to make two parts of an app work together better.
  • Talk the talk: Even though a lot of your work is doing your own thing, you’ll need to work with others, like front-end developers (who make the app look good) and project managers (who keep everything on track). 

Backend developer career path

Starting out

Most backend developers kick off their careers with some solid computer science expertise, usually from a university degree or a coding bootcamp. You’ll want to be good at using backend languages like Java, Python, Ruby, Node.js, or PHP and know your way around databases, both the regular kind (like MySQL) and the more flexible, modern kind (like MongoDB).

Early career

When you’re just starting, you might land a job as a junior developer or programmer. Here, you’ll get hands-on experience building parts of websites or apps, working with data, and making sure your code plays nicely with what the front-end developers are doing. You’ll usually have more experienced developers guiding you along the way.

Moving up

After you’ve got some experience and projects under your belt, you could step up to a mid-level developer role. Now you’re taking on bigger projects, maybe even leading parts of them and helping out the newbies.

Becoming a senior

Stick with it and do well, and you can become a senior developer. At this level, you’re making big decisions about how apps should be built, solving complex problems, and often leading your own team of developers.

Top tiers

From there, you might become a lead developer or a software architect, where you get to shape the whole project and coordinate teams to make sure everything goes according to plan. Or, you could go into project management, become a tech company leader, or even offer your deep expertise as a consultant.

As more of our world goes digital, backend developers are super important. Here’s what’s hot in the backend world:

  • Cloud services: More companies are using cloud services, which means they need developers who know how to build and manage applications that run on these platforms.
  • Data-driven decisions: Companies rely more on data to make decisions, so they need developers who can handle databases and keep them secure.

Employment projections

According to the U.S. Bureau of Labor Statistics, the need for backend developers (they lump them together with software developers, QA analysts, and testers) is expected to jump by 25% through 2031. That’s a lot faster than most other jobs! This growth is driven by businesses moving more of their operations online and the rise of services that deliver software over the Internet (like Netflix or Google Docs).

Backend developer career tips

Keep up with tech

The tech world never stands still, especially in backend development. Always be on the lookout to learn new programming languages, frameworks, and tools. Staying updated makes you a go-to person in the job market.

Know your databases

Since databases hold all the important stuff for apps, understanding how different types like MySQL (relational) and MongoDB (NoSQL) work can make you really good at building efficient apps.

Make things fast

In backend development, faster is always better because it makes apps nicer to use. Learn to write code that runs quickly and smoothly.

Write good code

Good coding habits, like keeping your code clean and easy to read, and handling errors smartly, are super important. It not only helps you but also anyone else who might work with your code later.

Master version control

Tools like Git are crucial because they help you manage changes in your code, work with others without mixing up your work, and go back to older versions if something goes wrong.

Never stop learning

Tech changes fast, so keep learning:

  • Join coding contests or hackathons for fun and challenge
  • Work on open-source projects to get real-world experience
  • Attend webinars and workshops to learn from experts

Understand deployment

Knowing how to get your applications up and running smoothly on servers using tools like Docker and mastering CI/CD practices (that help you update applications without downtime) are skills that make you a full-package developer.

Network, network, network

Building connections can open doors and teach you loads. Get involved in communities like GitHub or Stack Overflow, and check out meetups that focus on tech topics you’re interested in.

Security is key

Keeping apps safe from hackers is huge. Learn about common security issues and how to prevent them to keep your applications safe.

Don’t forget your soft skills

Being great at coding isn’t enough—you must also be good at working with others, solving problems, and communicating your ideas clearly.

Where the backend developer jobs are

Top companies

  • Amazon
  • Google
  • Microsoft
  • Facebook
  • Apple

Top states

  • California
  • Washington
  • New York
  • Texas
  • Massachusetts

Top job sites

  • zengig
  • Indeed
  • Glassdoor
  • Stack Overflow
  • GitHub Jobs


What qualifications are needed to become a backend developer?

Qualifications often include a bachelor’s degree in computer science, software engineering, or a related field. A strong understanding of backend languages such as Java, Python, Ruby, or .NET and experience with databases like MySQL or MongoDB is often required. Awareness of frameworks and libraries, experience with server-side processes, and familiarity with APIs are also beneficial.

What kind of training does a backend developer typically undergo?

These developers typically undergo a combination of formal education and self-guided learning. This includes learning various programming languages, understanding server architecture, and gaining knowledge of databases. They often spend time building personal projects or contributing to open-source projects to apply learned skills and gain practical experience. Training also includes understanding software development methodologies and working with version control systems like Git.

What are the essential skills for a backend developer?

Essential skills include a deep understanding of at least one server-side programming language, knowledge of databases, and familiarity with server architecture. Developers should also understand how to work with APIs and microservices and have good problem-solving and debugging skills. Communication is also essential, as these professionals often work as part of a team and must collaborate with front end developers and other team members.

What does a typical day look like for a backend developer?

A typical day might include writing code, debugging issues, and collaborating with front end developers to integrate work with the server side. They might participate in meetings to discuss new features or requirements and work with databases to store and retrieve data. Continuous learning also occurs to stay updated with the latest technologies and advancements.

What are the main responsibilities of a backend developer?

Primary responsibilities include writing clean and efficient code for server-side operations, developing and managing databases, implementing security measures, and working with front end developers to integrate user-facing elements with server-side logic. They are also responsible for troubleshooting and fixing backend-related issues.

What industries employ backend developers?

They are employed across many industries, including tech companies, financial institutions, healthcare organizations, and e-commerce businesses. Any industry that relies on a software application could use these professionals.

What is the role of a backend developer in software development?

A crucial role in software development is ensuring that the server, database, and application communicate. Backend developers create, maintain, and test components, ensure data is appropriately stored and retrieved, and implement security measures. This work enables the functionality of a software application.

How does a backend developer collaborate with other software development professionals?

These developers work closely with front end developers to ensure that the server side of a website or application integrates smoothly with the user interface. They also collaborate with project managers to understand requirements and deliver on objectives. Collaboration with database administrators, UX designers, and other team members often occurs in the development.

What challenges do backend developers often encounter?

Challenges can include dealing with complex programming problems, ensuring high performance and responsiveness of the server side, maintaining data integrity and security, and integrating with various other services and APIs. Keeping up with new programming languages, tools, and techniques is another ongoing challenge.

How does a backend developer stay updated with new methods and technologies in software development?

Backend developers stay updated through formal training, self-guided learning, and networking. They might attend workshops, conferences, or webinars, take online courses, read industry blogs or publications, and participate in developer forums or online communities. Following industry leaders on social media and participating in local meetups or coding boot camps can also be beneficial.