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Admissions Coordinator Career Guide

What is an admissions coordinator?

Admissions coordinators are the go-to people in schools, hospitals, and other places where you sign up for programs or services. They make sure everything runs smoothly when new students or clients come in. Basically, they’re the ones you talk to first, and they help you get everything sorted, from filling out forms to understanding what’s next.

Duties and responsibilities

Their main job is to handle all the steps of the admission process, including checking your application, keeping track of your documents, and setting up any interviews you might need. They’re also the ones answering your questions, keeping you updated, and helping you feel at ease about the process. Plus, they get involved in events like open houses to show you what their organization offers, and they work closely with other departments to make your start as smooth as possible.

Work environment

Admissions coordinators usually work in an office, spending a lot of time on the computer and talking to people face-to-face, on the phone, or through email. They’re pretty busy, especially when deadlines are coming up or a new school term is starting. 

Typical work hours

Most of the time, admissions coordinators work regular office hours, but sometimes they need to stay late or work odd hours during busy times, like when a lot of people are applying. Even though they might have some long days, their job is important because they help people start new chapters in their lives.

How to become an admissions coordinator

Want to be the person who helps students and clients start their journey at schools and programs? Here’s what you need to do:

Step 1: Get a bachelor’s degree

Start with a bachelor’s degree in something like education, psychology, or communications. This gives you the basic knowledge you need to understand the admissions process and work well with everyone involved.

Step 2: Gain experience

Try to get some experience in admissions, student services, or similar areas. You can start with internships, part-time jobs, or even volunteering. It’s all about learning how to deal with different kinds of people and picking up the skills to communicate and help effectively.

Step 3: Get organized

Being an admissions coordinator means handling a lot of tasks at once. Work on your ability to organize, prioritize, and manage your time well. These skills make sure you can keep everything running smoothly without missing a beat.

Step 4: Boost your people skills

You’ll need to talk to a lot of different people, so it’s crucial to have great communication skills. There are courses you can take to get better at things like communicating clearly, managing attention, and understanding body language

Step 5: Know the rules

Learn about the laws and policies that guide the admissions process. Knowing these inside and out helps you make sure everything is done right and keeps problems at bay.

Step 6: Consider getting certified (optional)

While it’s not required, getting a certification in admissions or related fields can help boost your resume and show you’re serious about your career.

Step 7: Apply for jobs

Now, you’re ready to look for jobs as an admissions coordinator. Make your resume and cover letter shine by focusing on your relevant skills and experiences. Be ready to talk about how you’ve worked with people, handled tasks, and kept organized in past jobs during your interviews.

Step 8: Keep learning (optional)

Stay sharp by attending workshops or joining groups like the National Association for College Admission Counseling. It’s a great way to keep learning and meet other people who do what you do.

How much do admissions coordinators make?

The salary of an admissions coordinator can vary depending on the type of institution, geographical location, and the organization’s size. For example, coordinators working for prominent universities or private institutions may earn more than those working for smaller colleges or public institutions. 

Highest paying industries

  • Colleges, Universities, and Professional Schools: $54,000
  • Junior Colleges: $52,000
  • Business, Technical, and Trade Schools: $50,000
  • Healthcare and Social Assistance: $48,000
  • Administrative and Support Services: $46,000

Highest paying states

  • Massachusetts: $55,000
  • New York: $53,000
  • California: $52,000
  • New Jersey: $50,000
  • Connecticut: $48,000

Browse admissions coordinator salary data by market

Types of admissions coordinators

  • Educational admissions coordinator: These coordinators work at schools and universities. They check out your application, might chat with you in an interview, and decide if you get in, making sure everything matches up with the school’s rules.
  • Healthcare admissions coordinator: In hospitals, these folks make sure patients get checked in smoothly. They handle all the paperwork, ensure your insurance info is correct, and coordinate with doctors to get you started on your healthcare journey without a hitch.
  • Rehabilitation admissions coordinator: These coordinators help people get into rehab centers. They figure out what kind of help each person needs, talk to health pros to set things up, and guide individuals through the process of starting their recovery.
  • Assisted living admissions coordinator: Working in places like senior living communities, these coordinators ensure that new residents have a smooth move. They’re all about providing kind and careful help, dealing with the paperwork, and working with families and care staff to welcome new members.
  • International admissions coordinator: These coordinators are key at schools with students from around the world. They manage applications, make sure everything’s right with visa stuff, and help international students figure out how to thrive while studying abroad.

Top skills for admissions coordinators

  • Be organized and manage your time: You’ll be juggling lots of tasks like looking at applications, setting up meetings, and keeping track of all the paperwork. Being good at organizing and managing your time means you can handle everything without missing a beat.
  • Communication: You need to be clear when you talk or write to people. Whether it’s applicants, their families, or your coworkers, being able to share information clearly helps everyone stay on the same page and cuts down on confusion.
  • Empathy: People you’ll be helping might be stressed out—like students nervous about college or families worried about medical care. Being empathetic means you understand their feelings and can help them through the process gently and kindly.
  • Attention to detail: A big part of your job will involve forms and data. It’s super important to get every detail right because even small mistakes can cause big problems. 
  • Know your tech: You’ll use a lot of different software to manage records and process applications. Being good with technology makes your job easier and helps make sure everything is accurate.

Admissions coordinator career path

Start in admin or customer service 

Most admissions coordinators start off in roles where they get to learn the ropes. This might be a job where you’re helping out with office tasks or dealing with customers directly. It’s a great way to pick up the essential skills you need, like how to talk to people effectively, stay organized, and manage lots of information.

Move up to admissions counselor or officer 

Once you’ve got a handle on things and know how the admissions process works, you could step up to become an admissions counselor or officer. Now, you’re right in the action, reviewing applications and helping people figure out their enrollment. It’s more responsibility, but you’re really making a difference in applicants’ lives.

Become an admissions coordinator 

After you’ve proven your skills, you might get to oversee the whole admissions process. This means making sure everything is coordinated properly between applicants and different departments within your organization. At this level, being good at leading others and solving any problems that come up is vital.

Aim for top roles 

If you keep up the good work, there’s room to grow into top positions like admissions manager or director of admissions. These big roles mean you’re in charge of the entire admissions department, making the big decisions and setting strategies to shape the institution’s future.

Here’s what’s new in the field and what the future looks like:

  • Going digital: More and more, coordinators are using tech tools to do their jobs; think customer relationship management (CRM) software and online platforms for chats and meetings. Schools and hospitals are now doing things like virtual tours and online interviews, so being tech-savvy is a must.
  • Data is king: There’s a big push to use data to make better decisions about who gets admitted. That means part of the job is looking at the numbers—like application rates and student success stats—to help shape future strategies.
  • Diversity matters: There’s also a stronger focus on making sure students or patients from all kinds of backgrounds feel welcome. These coordinators need to understand different cultures and needs to help create a diverse and inclusive atmosphere.

Employment projections

The future looks pretty bright for admissions coordinators. The U.S. Bureau of Labor Statistics says jobs for these pros are growing. For those in schools (like colleges), jobs are expected to increase by 9% through 2031—not too shabby. But, for those in healthcare, like hospitals, the growth is even more impressive at 32%, mainly because more healthcare services are needed as the population gets older.

Admissions coordinator career tips

Stay sharp and organized

You’ll handle lots of info and paperwork. Keeping everything organized and paying close attention to the details will keep you from making mistakes and help you stay on top of your game.

Know the rules

It’s super important to understand all the rules and laws related to your job. Whether it’s school or healthcare admissions, knowing what’s allowed will help you guide applicants correctly.

Network, network, network

Making connections in your field can open doors and give you great insights. Join groups like the American Association of Collegiate Registrars and Admissions Officers (AACRAO) or the National Association for College Admission Counseling (NACAC) to meet others in the industry and learn from them.

Celebrate diversity

You’ll meet people from all over with different backgrounds. Being open to cultural diversity will help you serve everyone better and create a welcoming environment.

Keep learning

Things in admissions keep changing, so staying updated is critical. You can watch webinars, take online courses, or read up on the latest in your field to keep your skills sharp.

Be ethical

You’ll often handle private information and make big decisions. Always choose to be fair and keep things confidential. Doing the right thing is a big part of the job.

Manage stress smartly

Admissions can get really busy, especially during application seasons. Finding ways to handle stress—like managing your time well, practicing mindfulness, or taking enough breaks—will keep you calm and capable no matter how busy it gets.

Where the admissions coordinator jobs are

Top companies

  • Kindred Healthcare
  • HCA Healthcare
  • Brookdale Senior Living
  • Genesis HealthCare
  • Encompass Health

Top states

  • California
  • Texas
  • Florida
  • New York
  • Pennsylvania

Top job sites

  • zengig
  • Indeed
  • LinkedIn
  • Glassdoor
  • Simply Hired


What is the difference between an admissions coordinator and an admissions counselor?

Admissions coordinators are responsible for department, business, or facility admissions. They are the first point of contact for students, patients, parents, or caregivers. An admissions counselor reviews prospective applications and directs individuals to the appropriate places for guidance on financial aid, career planning, or other information. 

Is certification required for admissions coordinators?

There are no mandatory certifications, but they may make you a more competitive applicant. Consider the following certifications:

● Certified Medical Office Manager (CMOM)
● Certified Medical Interpreter – Spanish (CMI)
● Project Management Professional (PMP)
● Certificate for Admission and Enrollment Professionals (CAEP)

How do I create a resume for an admissions coordinator?

Your resume should showcase transferable skills such as communication, teamwork, attention to detail, and social skills. Including relevant work experience, internships, shadowing experience, and relevant degrees or certifications is essential. 

What is the career growth potential for an admissions coordinator?

With experience and additional education, they can advance to positions such as director of admissions, enrollment manager, or registrar. They may also transition to other roles within the higher education sector, such as academic advising, student affairs, or institutional research.

Do admissions coordinators need to travel for their job?

Some may travel, especially during recruitment seasons. For example, travel for educational institutions may include attending college fairs, high school visits, or off-campus events to promote the institution and engage with prospective students or their families.

What is the work-life balance like for admissions coordinators?

The work-life balance can vary depending on the organization and time of year. During peak admissions seasons, they may need to work longer hours, on weekends, or travel extensively. However, the workload may be more manageable during slower periods, allowing for a better work-life balance.

How can I gain experience as an aspiring admissions coordinator?

To gain experience, consider internships, temporary positions, or part-time work related to the industry of interest. Networking with field professionals can provide valuable insights and connections. Volunteering for related tasks at other organizations or community events can also help develop relevant skills and build a resume.

Can an admissions coordinator role be performed remotely?

Many tasks may be performed remotely as technology and employers change. While some aspects of the role are a natural fit, such as answering queries via email or phone, other elements may require a physical presence. For example, admissions coordinators may need to conduct in-person interviews or tours.

What is the role of an admissions coordinator in healthcare versus an educational setting?

In a healthcare setting, they are often the first point of contact for patients entering the facility, managing the administrative process, coordinating with medical staff, and providing information to patients and their families. In an educational setting, they oversee the student application process, partner with faculty, and inform prospective students about the institution and its programs.

What role does an admissions coordinator play in marketing or promoting their organization?

They are typically the first point of contact for prospective students or patients, and this interaction can leave a lasting impression. They may attend open houses, informational sessions, or community events to represent their organization and attract potential applicants.