Why Do You Want to Work Here?

Everyone has their reasons for job hunting—whether it’s for passion, growth, or maybe just the need for a paycheck. But when a hiring manager pops the question, “Why do you want to work here?” they’re looking for something a bit deeper.

Here’s how you can craft an answer that might just get you that job offer:

Why do interviewers ask about why you want to work here?

Hiring is a big deal—it costs time and money, and a company’s success heavily depends on the quality of its team. So, employers want to make sure your reasons for wanting the job align with what they’re looking for in a candidate. This question digs deep to see if your goals and the company’s needs match up well. Plus, it’s a chance for them to see if you vibe with the company’s culture and values.

What hiring managers want to hear

Hiring managers are on the lookout to see if what you expect from the job matches what the job is really about. For instance, if you talk up your people skills but the job doesn’t really involve teamwork, it might not be the right fit. They also want to know you’ve done your homework about what the company does and what your role would entail. Your answer will reveal how much effort you’ve put into learning about the position ahead of time, which is important when weeding out unprepared candidates. 

How to answer “Why do you want to work here?”

Show your enthusiasm

Talk about what you’re excited to contribute to the team. Tie your skills and dreams to the job description to show you’re not just there to fill a seat—you’re there to get stuff done and make a difference.

Connect on values

Highlight a thing or two that the company cares about that you also believe in. Say the company’s big on eco-friendliness and you’ve been all about that green life—perfect match!

Prove that you’ve done your research

Drop a little knowledge that shows you’ve really looked into the company. Maybe reference a recent company milestone or a quote from a leader that inspired you. It shows you care.

How not to answer

  • “I just need any job”: Even if it’s true, saying you’re just there for the money won’t win you any points. Employers want people who are in it for more than just the paycheck.
  • “I heard the perks are great”: It’s cool to acknowledge the company’s good rep, but focus on the job itself, not just the benefits. It’ll reflect poorly on you as a candidate.
  • “It’s just a stepping stone”: Even if this job isn’t your endgame, focus on what you can gain and give in the role right now, rather than just seeing it as a quick stop on your career path.

Sample answers to “Why do want to work here?”

Example #1

“I’m really inspired by the innovative projects your company takes on, like the recent launch of your health app, which I read about in TechCrunch. It’s clear that you’re leaders in tech for wellness, and I’d love to bring my app development experience to a team that’s making such a big impact.”

Example #2

“During my senior year project, I focused on sustainable engineering solutions, which is why I am drawn to your company’s commitment to sustainable construction. I admire how you’ve implemented green technologies in your projects, and I’m eager to contribute to these initiatives with my background in environmental engineering.”

By tackling this question thoughtfully, you show that you’re not just looking for any job—you’re looking for this job, at this company. Make it clear you understand what they do, share their values, and are excited to contribute to their success.