If You Could Have Dinner With Any Person, Dead or Alive, Who Would You Choose?

Curious about who you’d pick for a fantasy dinner date? Hiring managers sometimes toss this question into the mix to get a deeper sense of who you are beyond your resume. Whether you’re a fan of historical heroes, musical legends, or visionary leaders, your choice can speak volumes about your values and interests.

Why do interviewers ask this question?

This question isn’t just for fun—it’s a clever way for interviewers to peek into your personal interests and values. By asking whom you’d like to have dinner with, they can get insights into what drives you and what qualities you admire in others. It’s also a test of your ability to handle unexpected questions with poise and creativity.

What interviewers are looking for

  • Quick thinking: Can you answer thoughtfully on the spot?
  • Values and interests: The figures you admire can reflect your own aspirations and values.
  • Communication skills: Can you articulate why you admire this person and what you would hope to gain from the encounter?

Interviewers are not just interested in who you choose but why you choose them, which provides a window into how you see yourself and how you relate to others.

How to answer, “If you could have dinner with any person, dead or alive, who would you choose?”

Choose a known figure

While it might be tempting to choose someone obscure or personal, like a lesser-known historical figure or a family member, remember that familiar names can make your answer more relatable and impactful. If you do choose someone not widely recognized, be sure to explain who they are.

Explain your choice

Don’t just name-drop—share why you chose this person. What about their character or achievements inspires you? How do their qualities reflect the attributes you strive for in your own life and career?

Be genuine

Pick someone you genuinely admire. Authenticity in your answer will come through and make the conversation more engaging and memorable. One of the reasons interviewers ask unusual questions is to get a glimpse of your personality outside of the traditional interview topics.

How not to answer

  • Avoid controversial figures: Choosing a divisive personality might be risky, as it could inadvertently offend or alienate the interviewer.
  • Don’t be too casual: While it’s great to be genuine, remember this is still a professional setting. Keep your tone respectful and your choice appropriate.

Sample answer to “If you could have dinner with any person, dead or alive, who would you choose?”

Example #1

“I would pick Steve Jobs because his impact on technology and innovation is monumental. His vision for what technology could accomplish and how it could enhance our daily lives would make for a fascinating dinner conversation. I admire his creativity and entrepreneurial spirit, which are qualities I strive to bring into my own work.”

Example #2

“My great-grandmother was a pioneer in the women’s suffrage movement, but I never got to meet her. I think it’s admirable that she stood up for what she believed in, even at the risk of negative consequences, which is a quality that’s valuable even 100 years later. I would love the chance to gain some words of wisdom from her.”

While there’s no “right” or “wrong” answer to this creative interview question, it’s still important to prepare for. Your answer is an opportunity to make a positive, memorable impression on your interviewer and cement your chances of moving forward in the selection process.